18mg Hitting Like Mike Tyson

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Full Member
Mar 22, 2014
Powell, TN, USA
Okay guys, let's see if you can help me out. I've been vaping on a bubblegum flavor by Viper Vape at 24mg nicotine. The throat hit was harsh at first but I've grown to love it as it has mellowed out. Last week, unfortunately, I ran out of ejuice, so I went to a local B&M. The owner said he mixed his own flavors and I tried and purchased a cherry and vanilla flavor at 18mg nicotine. For some reason the throat hit has been much more harsh than my 24mg juice, and I get this strange feeling in my lungs when I exhale. It doesn't hurt, my lungs just feel tight and uncomfortable, sort of like hunger pangs. At times it even causes me to start wheezing. The only other difference I can think of besides the nic content is the change from 50/50 pg/vg to 30/70 pg/vg. If any of you could help me out, I would appreciate it. Sorry for the long post.


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ECF Veteran
Nov 16, 2013
Colorado, USA
With that ratio I would think it would be less harsh than your usual 50/50. I think if it was because of there actually being more nicotine than what it says it has then you would be able to notice that difference as well.
My first guess would be the flavoring. I can vape the same nicotine mg in several different flavors and I have noticed that some flavors do have a stronger TH. I am almost always able to adjust it with the vv option though.
Or it could be that the shop owner does not really know what he is doing and he mixed it differently than what he thinks he did.
Or it could be a gunked up burnteded coil that needs a good cleaning and or dry burn. I know that dirty coils have caused my vape to be harsh many times.


Full Member
Mar 22, 2014
Powell, TN, USA
Thanks for the replies guys. I think the problem may be an ignorant shop owner, like fisheeboy said. I noticed a very campfire-ish feel and taste on all of his flavors I tried. Kind of like the english tobaccos I smoked before switching to vaping. I hoped the chest feel would subside when using my own tank. I just did a dry burn but it didn't seem to help. I'm gonna go ahead and stay away from his juices, as all of my homemades and viper juices are much more pleasant. Thanks for the reply guys.


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Mar 10, 2014
Syracuse, NY

Normally I vape 60/40 with no issues. Ordered from a popular online vendor with 65/35. The flavors were really good but my chest got very tight and hurt. I don't believe it's the % or nic for me. Whatever pg/vg or flavor brands this company uses, doesn't agree with me.

I also can't vape 100 vg. My face gets really oily and breaks out, if I do.

Stick with what works for you and stay away from that juice! Hope your chest is feeling better!
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