21 days

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Full Member
Apr 14, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
they say it takes 21 days to break or start new habits, so today is the day of 21 analog free days. ive never even attempted to quit since i started smoking over 18 years ago at 1.5 to 2 p.a.d. i instantly cut to about half a pack a day when i picked up my volt starter kit, then i got an ego type set up and was down to only the first cigarette a day. did that for a few weeks, then said .... it ad havent bought a pack since.
vaping is awesome and i cant believe how fast my veiw of smoking has changed, that .... stinks man.

im just trying to get my 5 posts to get verified, so dont mind my rambling.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 7, 2013
United States
they say it takes 21 days to break or start new habits, so today is the day of 21 analog free days. ive never even attempted to quit since i started smoking over 18 years ago at 1.5 to 2 p.a.d. i instantly cut to about half a pack a day when i picked up my volt starter kit, then i got an ego type set up and was down to only the first cigarette a day. did that for a few weeks, then said .... it ad havent bought a pack since.
vaping is awesome and i cant believe how fast my veiw of smoking has changed, that .... stinks man.

im just trying to get my 5 posts to get verified, so dont mind my rambling.

Same here. I had tried to quit many times over the years and eventually gave up the notion and resigned myself as someone who simply enjoyed smoking too much to stop. I had switched to American Spirit and truly believe they are a much better alternative to pretty much any other brand of cigarette and worth the additional price. I even tried to switch to vapor with a terrible NJoy kit several years ago that unfortunately ended up turning me off of vaping until I gave an eGo setup a try just a couple months ago.

I was amazed at how effortless the transition was. I didn't even try to quit, I just tried to remember to take a few puffs of vapor before every cigarette and before I knew it I found smoking analogs absolutely DISGUSTING!! I was amazed and amused by the whole experience. I didn't even try to resist the urge to smoke. The last cig I smoked I got 3 puffs in and literally laughed out loud at how unbelievably disgusting it was and put it out.

Grats on defeating tobacco and welcome to ecf :D
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