3 months of usage monitoring

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 9, 2011
Kent, UK
Month three started out with an optimistic attempt to use 8mg during the day and 4mg at night or while chain vaping. This did not work out as well as I'd hoped. In certain circumstances, I think it's quite sensible for me to use 4mg - like when I drive, because I know no matter what the strength, I'll chain vape. The rest of the time, I'm better off sticking to something a little stronger. On 15th April, for example, my nicotine was as high as when started measuring my usage and my actual use in ml was 3.5! 3.5! It has NEVER been that high! That said, back in March there was a crazy dip in usage but that can be attributed to lots of sleeping!

Once I defected back to a straight up 8mg all the time set-up, things got a lot easier and I think the graph is very telling of that fact. One of the key difficulties though, has been my cartomisers. Seriously, what am I doing to them?! Even bought juice is wrecking them within about 4 days where I'm used to pushing them until about 7. This is really falsely pushing up my usage as I find they're getting flooded much more easily and I'm having to get a brand new carto out more often; both of which put a spike in my graph! I've tried everything! My current blend is an 80/20 Virginia-Honey. I'm using about 7.5% flavour of Virginia, 7.5% Honey, 10% water and I'm using a 54mg base. One thing I have noticed is how dark this juice gets. It gets even darker than the original undiluted FlavourArt flavouring and I've no idea why. I wondered if this could be part of the reason for my cartos failing so readily but, like I say, even bought juice is doing this. I reckon I've finally fallen prey to the dodgy cartos I've been hearing about.

As it stands, I think I'm safer sticking to 8mg for the time being- certainly another month. As 8mg was the level at which I felt I became unstuck in January, before the measuring started and when I discovered that a leap from 12mg to 8mg was bigger than it sounded, there's something of a psychological barrier there. If nothing else, this is a marathon and not a sprint so pacing myself is important. My favourite statistic remains that 95% of people fail within 20 months of nicotine/tobacco cessation when using traditional NRTs because the program isn't long enough. My program needs to fit my needs, and right now I think a little pause and a lot of stability are where it's at. I think looking at the longterm R squared would look fairly disappointing to a statistician but the slope is -2.83 which is encouraging...x
April usage.jpg Usage Feb-Apr.jpg

DJ RyckRak

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 12, 2013
Somewhere in New England
Rachy B.....
You are so funny, it makes me smile:D everytime I see your postings !
That scientific-terrific mind of yours !!!

Anyways...(stop smiling Rick....ok,ok), you know you are doing great !
I smoked "Marlboro reds" for forty years...and quit when I started Vaping.
DIY my own juice, and I make some at 8,10,12 and 18mg/ml...and still using up vendors juices too.
I don't even look at the nic level anymore, just whatever flavor strikes my fancy, in the moment !
Vaping butterscotch right now, can't say at what level....but it is good.
Only just started using cartos yesterday with a new VMod...so can't say much about longevity.
Tank and RDA/RBA user before....
As I said...you doing marvelous my dear !


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 9, 2011
Kent, UK
I'm a social scientist, man! It's what we do...sort of...I think I've taken this one a bit far tbh! I told one of my lecturers the other day that I'd worked out my R squared and he gave me a funny look...lol!

Anway, I love the idea of dropping down to 6mg but I still think sticking at 8mg for a little while longer is a good idea. Dropping too much too soon is a bad idea for me!x
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