Month 2 of monitoring my usage...guidance please!

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Nov 9, 2011
Kent, UK
In my second month, I've cheated a little. In the first two week, I used 11mg religiously. By the second two weeks I was using 10mg, thinking I could cut down still further. Using 10mg didn't stick around for long though as I thought about using a lower nicotine strength closer to bedtime and DIYd some 4mg coconut flavoured juice for such a moment.

Around the same time as making my 4mg juice, my ecab arrived...

I was very much enjoying my 4mg juice in my ecab on an evening, so much so that I started using it during the day. I knew I would chain-vape when driving, for example, so rather than vaping anything higher, I would use the 4mg in the ecab. At the same time, I realised that if I was happy at 4mg, perhaps I could start using the 8mg Virginia I bought at Christmas which was too low for me.

So, in short, this month I have reduced from 11 to 10 to 8/4. This is quite a jump but not one I'm entirely happy with. For a start, I'm vaping more. Where my mean usage was 1.43ml at 12mg, my mean usage at this new lower mark has shot up to 1.51. While this doesn't sound like a massive problem, it's not going in the right direction. The R squared of this usage is 0.012 which really makes me sound like a drama queen*! A steady, mean or better yet a decreasing one would be ideal. Yesterday, I stuck largely with 4mg and saw my usage shoot up to 3.5ml! I don't think I've EVER used that much in a day! Admittedly, I also managed to get 600 words written and I always smoked more when writing but I do not like this jump.

My nicotine consumption, conversely, has seen a drop overall but an increase during March (although very slight with a R squared of 0.0018). This is in no small part to my using more 4mg, and definitely the 8mg. The R squared for this is 0.1438 overall which is a fantastic number. As I said last month, I'm not expecting a dramatic number here, as long as it's in a downward direction which it is. The reason I don't expect a dramatic number is because it could, and should take a long time to cut down on one's nicotine consumption if it is to be successful. As ever, I thank the big pharma representative at the FDA conference for that little gem!

Another consideration is my use of hardware. My standard set up until the ecab arrived was my 510 batteries and SR cartomisers. With these, I could vape between 0.5 and 2ml a day. With the ecab, I'm wondering if that number is shooting up? Furthermore, when I used an Ego-T, I vaped more but that could have been because I was just trying out ecigs (18 months ago!) and using a nic too low for me to start out on.

As a result, I am left in quite a quandary .. where do I go from here? I'm feeling sticking with the 8mg is a good idea, in no small part because I LOVE the flavour. If only I could DIY it that well! Given I am trying to induce a healthier sleeping pattern, using 4mg in the two hours before bed may also be a good idea. But where does this leave me when I know I vape more when writing?

For those who don't know, I'm a PhD student in the Social Sciences. If I'm not writing, I'm reading. Right now, I'm writing. I have about 10,000 words due by the end of April and a presentation in early May. These aren't just any words. These have to be good words! 10,000 spectacular words, outlining the current literature in my field. I know that when I'm out and about (the exception being alcohol consumption!) or unconscious (again, excepting alcohol!), I use less. Right now, I'm chained to my desk! I could just vape a lot more 4mg when I'm writing but this will push up my consumption which seems counterproductive.

Does anyone have any guidance for this? - Yes, I know I'm over thinking this!x

* R2 greater that 0.5 = strong correlation
R2 greater than 0.3 = medium correlation
R2 greater than 0.1 = weak correlation


Super Member
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Dec 15, 2011
Monterrey, MX / McAllen, TX
I started with 24mg/ml on december 2011, then went to 18, then 9 and then, gradually decreasing nic without measuring (putin no nic juice on bottles)... Right now I make 2mg/ml and 0 nic and there is no need for nicotine for me anymore, but I do miss the TH.

In volume, I started with and ego and used 1ml a day and right now, with Reos and rebuildables I can easily use 6 ml in one normal day... Am I worried? nah, PG and VG are cheap!

I´m still on a quest for a TH enhancer, though... If I find one, I´ll stop using nic.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2009
Overthinking it? You probably are. Maybe just step back and look at a larger perspective.

Vaping more when you cut back on nic is a normal thing. We all dose ourselves by feel, and most of us use more nic (smoked or vaped) when doing certain activities.

The important piece is that regardless, you are off cigarettes and if you are able to stay off of them that is the big picture to focus on. Second personally I would not rush so much to cut down, but take it a bit more slowly, think year not month.

Expect to vape more when you do go down a notch in nic level, and not be concerned about it, give it time to adjust then get back down to vaping less, then stay at that level for a good while and give months more to adjust to that before dropping down a notch on nic again.

DJ RyckRak

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 12, 2013
Somewhere in New England
Hi Rachy !
Stop that !:p

Up-Down, More-Less, 'Mean'-Nice....really.
I started with 18mg vendor juice...then bought a bunch more in 18,12,8 and 6mg.
Then I started DYI and made some 12 and some 8mg....
using 3 to 6 ml a day...depends on the day.
Some I vape in a tank (3ml), a RDA (12 drops), cartridges (1.5ml), a Clearo (2ml) whatever suits the mood and what I'm doing.
I don't even look at the nic levels on the bottles anymore...I just vape what sounds good to the taste buds.

Last week I bought a eRoll...a tiny JoyeTech cig-a-like that uses cartridges that you refill.
It is very small-great for taking a few stealth vapes when I'm out and about, and I can hang it in my teeth if I need to use both hands.
So this weekend I made a couple of 10ml. bottles of 36mg/ml for it !!! YUP- a huge jump in nic ratio !!!
Why- because the little eRoll cartridges only hold .4ml of juice and I'm only taking 4-5 vapes from it and putting it away.
This way, the total nic concentration in my system can stay level....with fewer vapes, when I'm working.

So- you see there are just so many variables that can't be accounted for individually and's really not as simple as a mathematical equation. It's emotional. It's you, and I being happy Vaping and not smoking.

All of this in light hearted fun...
Your thread made me smile...thank you !
Now, I will return to my DYI Maple Butterscotch 'whatever' nic....:vapor:

DJ RyckRak

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 12, 2013
Somewhere in New England
I started with 24mg/ml on december 2011, then went to 18, then 9 and then, gradually decreasing nic without measuring (putin no nic juice on bottles)... Right now I make 2mg/ml and 0 nic and there is no need for nicotine for me anymore, but I do miss the TH.

In volume, I started with and ego and used 1ml a day and right now, with Reos and rebuildables I can easily use 6 ml in one normal day... Am I worried? nah, PG and VG are cheap!

I´m still on a quest for a TH enhancer, though... If I find one, I´ll stop using nic.

Two suggestions-
1. What they call 'koolata': ...I think it's a The Flavor Apprentice flavoring.
Kinda like a...'mint'...not a menthol flavor, just makes the exhale 'cool'.

2. Hickory Smoke, also a The Flavor Apprentice flavoring.....
But this stuff is STRONG...I mean STRONG !!!!!
I keep this bottle by its self, in the basement.
One (small) drop in 15 ml is plenty.
Very will taste it.

Just a thought.


Vaping Master
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Sep 30, 2010
You are sooooo over thinking this :glare:

First step was to stop smoking. It didnt matter how much you vaped or at what level mg, the ONLY thing that mattered should have been to NOT smoke. ;) Of coarse there was the qualifier that you listened to your body and didnt OD on your nic and that qualifier will always apply :) Next step, if its your desire, which it sounds like it is, will be to reduce your nic level. Again, doesn't matter how many mls just that your body becomes content with lessor mg level. Once you body is perfectly fine with a lesser nic level, whatever level you chose THEN again, if its your desire, you can THEN work on less mls per day.

Some people are successful in jumping ahead in steps and that FINE but most people here need the steps program to be successful in the long run. Patience girl, patience :)


ECF Guru
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Mar 31, 2012
Ontario, Canada
I agree with grandmato. Also, if I had been as scientific about reducing nic as you are being I would have worked with nicotine consumed over time, not nic level or ml's as independent metrics. In my experience I did vape a bit more after each nic reduction and reduced that before moving to another nic reduction. I suspect my nic consumption over time might have been a much straighter line than my juice nic level or juice volume consumption.

In any case, you are doing just great! Give yourself a break when you need one.
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