Advice on a clogged 510 atomizer

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Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 21, 2009
Australia, Melbourne
Thought I'd put this in where the newies are because I just tried this and worked great for me.

I got 2 atty's with my 510 kit (1 worked like a charm and the other didn't so well)
I bought a spare atomizer and it worked just the same as the crippled one that came in my kit.
They gave me a semi throat hit with hardly any vapor so I kept using my other atty (the one from the kit).
Wasn't really sure if they were almost stuffed or just clogged up, they became a little better after some use but still nothing like the one I kept using from my kit.

Anyway, after reading some threads here I thought I'd give one proper cleaning and hoped that it didn't kill it for good.
I didn't trust water as it's not as thick as some of the other products used, and I had a crap load of Vodka left over from New Years so I thought I'd bath one in a small shot glass.
Before I did this blew out the excess juice and dry cleaned it as best I could.

I left it soaking in the Vodka (40% alcohol) for about 15 minutes until pulling it out and blowing out the alcohol.
Left it to dry for another 15 minutes and added 2 drops of e-juice inside the atty (on the metal wick) and worked better than anything! I get so much vapor from this thing now it makes me cough nearly each time.
I just dropped in my other 2 atty's in a glass of vodka and hope this will do the same.

Now if you buy an atty and think it might be faulty, try this method before contacting your supplier, because I think it just could be the primer fluid that is shipped with the atty that's clogged the atomizer and just needs to be cleaned.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 15, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
100 proof vodka works really good for me as well. I keep a little cup of it nearby and when vapor slows down or I'm not hearing that light sizzle, I drop em in the cup , let em soak then blow them out. I haven't lost one yet been using the same ones for about 6 weeks so far. I've read keeping them clean may extent life versus waiting for them to clog. Never had any problems with new ones. Simple blow out and a couple drips, vaping away!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 12, 2009
Germany NRW
hey MrDismal, seems we both made similar experiences, i already helped some people getting weak new atomizers working, even jsut with a hot water rinse instead of vodka most of the time.

it really seems that sometimes the factory primer gets blocking the metal wick. i think the longer they lay around, at the shops or at home, the weaker the performance.

what works best for me ist, after cleaning them, i nearly fill them with 5 drops with pure pg, let them rest overnight, blow them out and put a new filled cart on them.

Richie G

Ultra Member
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May 15, 2009
Lawn Guyland, NY
what works best for me ist, after cleaning them, i nearly fill them with 5 drops with pure pg, let them rest overnight, blow them out and put a new filled cart on them.

That's funny. I do something very similar...

I vape some of the primer off with a few drops of PG. Then rinse. Then the same procedure as you list above. I set the battery side down for the overnight soak on top of a piece of duct tape -- this way the mesh gets a good soak without the PG leaking out too quickly.

I'm still not sure of the purpose of the primer. I tend to think that it is specific for a break-in period (like oil in a new car engine) so I don't flush it out completely before the first few drags. Sometimes I don't do the overnight soak at all -- just fresh PG and vape 'til it's gone, drip new e-liquid and go. *shrug* It seems every vaper has their own ideas for break-in and cleaning or non-cleaning. LOL
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