After Provari....

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 2, 2012
Hey all,

So my provari has recently started having issues with the led screen. I could send it in to be fixed, but think I just want to buy a new mod instead (have had the provari for almost 3 years.)

Question is, what to "upgrade" to? I know provari is still one of, if not THE best when it comes to build quality, etc but is showing its age a little when it comes to features (VW for instance).

So I'm looking for a telescopic mod, would like to be able to switch between 18650, 18490 and 18350s if possible. Durable (i'm clumsy), and able to use 510 and ego style attachments. Would prefer a tube, but am open to a box if it has all these features.

Thanks for any input I really appreciate it.:toast:


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Aug 24, 2010
Coral Springs FL
After 3 years of ProVari ownership the Sigelei may disappoint.

Unless you are willing to take some of the reworking measures described in this thread you will be lucky to get 12 months out of the Sigelei.

If you DO go with the Sigelei pay attention to the battery adjustment part mentioned in the above thread so that you do not cause your control board to become unseated by an over tightened tube.

However, even when you do adjust the battery correctly, understand the button on these things is not rated for the number of presses of the ProVari. These things begin misfiring after about a year of regular use. Some people have reworked the button and put higher quality fire buttons in them.

Out of the Box, the Sigelei will not outlast your ProVari, but if you are willing to put some time and effort into upgrading the device yourself, you can get it to last quite awhile...
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Super Member
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Jan 22, 2014
Oklahoma, United States
I would look into the DNA mods. In the next 6 months, I think we're going to see some drastic improvements in APV's, especially with the Chinese adopting better, more powerful designs. It's a really bad time to invest in another Provari, IMO.

Since I just ordered a Provari Mini I am sure you are correct.


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Jan 13, 2014
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Aug 30, 2013
Since I just ordered a Provari Mini I am sure you are correct.

It'll last you forever and the resale value is great. It really depends on what you're looking for in an APV. I like to vape hot rods. It's more satisfying to me. It's actually far more satisfying than smoking a cigarette ever was. The Provari isn't capable of delivering the type of vape I've grown to love. For most people, it is.


Vaping Master
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Oct 11, 2010
East Coast, USA
Whichever way you decide to go on a mod I'd HIGHLY recommend sending your Provari in for a screen fix. They will fix at a minimal cost and vw or not it's one of if not the most durable best mods out.

I agree 100%.. I had the Hana v2, and currently have the v3... My ProVari's aren't going anywhere. ;) Easily the most durable, dependable, and consistent electronic mods I've owned in over 3 years. :) The DNA 20 / 30 is nice for raw power, but around 80% of the time I either have a ProVari, or Kicked (Evolv Kick 2) mech in my hand while vaping. :vapor:

If it were me, I would have contacted ProVape, and sent the mod back to be repaired already. ;)


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Aug 24, 2010
Coral Springs FL
Rather than stick with the weaker Provari I'd upgrade to a Hana Modz DNA 20. That said, I'm very happy vaping my 11 month old Sigelei Zmax V3. I'm a 6.5 watt carto tank vaper.

There you go with that "weaker Provari" thing again. When your 11 month old unmodified Sigelei turns 3 years old, we'll talk..... :D


Unregistered Supplier
Mar 30, 2012
I recently sold my third Provari. Everytime i sell them, i end up regretting letting it go.

This time i sold it and bought a Mechanical mod instead with a kick chip to boot. A Nemisis. I was however quite dissapointed in the huge amounts of battery that it eats through and on that account i thoroughly miss my Provari, however with a 0.8 Ohm setup on this Mechanical device vaping has gotten a whole new life for me. It is like kicking it into another gear entirely and i can highly recommend you trying it, if you haven´t already.

But battery being battery it is still hugely annoying having to carry around 5-6 of them to last a day, so i just recently ordered a Hana mod V3 with the DNA30 Chip. I haven´t got it yet, so i cannot speak of the experience. But it should be able to last longer and give me the same great experience i get with the low Ohm setup on the mechanical mod. So that is what i would recommend, Hana mod V3.


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Dec 7, 2009
Washington D.C.
I have been a zmax v3 user for over a year now and my original just started REALLY giving me problems. Just picked up a new one(v5) only because it has proved itself in terms of a longevity/cost ratio and i LOVE power. It would seem that what you spent vs time of ownership vs mine is about the same.

If I had the money, and wasnt an "early adopter" ....., I'd pick up a DNA30 mod but the "new" features just are not enough for me to justify the current cost. Hoping a a durable DNA mod that I am not afraid of braking due to cost comes out soon so I can use it as an every every day mod.


Vaping Master
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Jan 20, 2013
Concoction Creating Cave
Go with the sigelei zmax v3. It is built like a tank and will last as long as one I have had mine for over a year now and have beaten the hell out off it and haven't had any problems yet. The threads are smooth as silk and the button is great. I upgraded from a provari to the v2 and have loved it ever since. Sold my provari to a friend of mine and it has since broken so he also upgraded to the zmax. He went with the v3 and loves it. As far as the different chip I wouldn't worry about it because you won't even notice. I think when people comment on this they haven't tried both and just regurgitate things they've read.
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