Analogues are soo dry and tasteless....

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 15, 2011
New here and to e-cigs. I started several weeks ago, buying an overpriced N-Joy kit at a 7-11, while on a work trip.I had actually quit cigs for a few days, and was at that 7-11 breaking down - ready to buy a pack.The first days were never that hard for me, but the craving would inevitably catch me, after a week or so. I told myself I was done with analogues, after my 1st puff, though I've been a smoker for 25+ years.

Anyhow, fast-forward a week or two, and I broke down. My N-Joy cartos were spent, and I had no way to refill. I did buy juice at a "head shop", but the N-Joy cartos sucked after a refill or two. I had ordered a bunch of great e-cig stuff online (ego & 510 kits), but the post man was really slooow. And, though I drove all around Austin, I couldn't find any e-cigs I wanted, or cartos for my crappy N-Joys. Long story short, I finally broke down and bought a pack.

I smoked a few analogues, but my new craving wasn't fulfilled. They just seemed so dry. And my precious 'American Spirits" really didn't have any taste. The heck with aversion, my new habit trumps my old one. And, though part of me know that something this "good" has to be bad for me, my lungs & general health tell me otherwise.

Postman came the next day with full Ego and 510 kits. Then, the following day, they brought me an Ego-T, and a bunch of juice (including screaming deals on several 120ml bottles) & about 50 cartos. I now have enough stuff to go 6+ months... LOL.

I can honestly say that I haven't craved an analogue, since my 1st puff. And my little experiment with them has made me realize how much they suck. Anyhow, out with the old and in with the new.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 15, 2011
Thanks for that, Y'all.

Honestly, about the only pause I now have, is the hit on my bank account.... LOL. Just as one should not go grocery shopping, while hungry, online e-cig shopping in dangerous, while having nic-fits. I spent considerable time shopping, while my overdue initial kits were in transit. When the dust settles, I suspect the hit was $400-$500! I have now dedicated two tackle boxes to miscellaneous parts, juices, and cartos - yet I have more on the way.

Then again, at 1-1.5 packs a day, I can spend that in two months. Now, I'm pretty sure I've got 6+ months of "expendables" (attys, cartos, juice, etc.), along with a sunk investment in batts & chargers that should stretch beyond that. So, I won't get caught "dry" any time soon. And it's tough to put a price tag on how much better I feel.

I'm happy with the Ego kits (I bought at least 3 of them... LOL), and all the 510 stuff I bought. I love the Egos, but having the 510 option is great for portability. And swapping parts across platforms is nice.
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I am still amazed everyday at how much better vaping is than analogs... taste, throat hit, everything. It just rocks! I cant believe I was hooked on those nasty little death sticks for so long! And gotta say.... Im wayyyy more hooked on vaping than I ever was on cigs! Way to go on kicking the habit! It only gets better!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 3, 2011
Modesto Ca
Wow... you did get a little wild... but that stuff will pay for itself.

I got 1 eGo-T kit ( 2 full units ), 2 spare atomizers, 10 spare tanks, and one extra large battery 1000mah

and juice... found one juice I just love.

( although I do have a LR mega atomizer and meta cartridge coming in the mail as I wanted to try the eGo in the other way than the tank )

I am trying really really hard not to buy an Ali'i a bottom feeding box mod that I love the looks of... I have held off so far... but I dont know how long I will last
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