Another one of those battery safety threads..

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Dec 11, 2014
South GA, USA
So just recently I was going about my business scrolling through my Facebook news feed(my first mistake) when I came across an album someone had shared to a close friend of mine's page. The photos consisted of a mech mod, several shots of a man with a severely burnt tongue/palate, and a status that read, "Our good friend Travis N-------- has asked us to help spread the word. A vapor smoker or, e-cig, exploded while he was using it.". How many more of these cases are we going to have before certain individuals realize we can't just sling out unregulated devices to every joe shmoe that walks into a shop? I'm tired of seeing posts generalizing e-cigarettes as inevitable pipe bombs because said individuals are too lazy to inform someone on the device they are investing in. Here's an idea, how about instead of trying to make 50 measly dollars you sit down with your customer and explain the dangers of unregulated devices and how they can be avoided? Oh god forbid you actually having to work a little for your money while at the same time preventing a potential disaster... I hope this post doesn't seem like I am accusing this forum of anything, but if I can reach at least one ignorant person then that is one less potential explosion I have to see/hear about. Pictures will be uploaded to a third party image hosting site to conceal the identities of those involved.

toucandan229's uploaded images - Imgur

NOVA jon

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Aug 28, 2014
Northern virginia
It would be great if we lived in a perfect world. When do we as individules take responsibility for our own actions tho?? Granted I don't have the entire story but before I decided to try to enhance my vape experience, I'm made damn well sure I knew what I was getting into!!

A little hand holding and questions along the way has made me more aware and better prepared for what I wanted to achieve. Silly to think somebody just placed a device in your friends hand and said "go at it!" I'm sure in this day and age of a very litigious world we live in that this even remotely happened.

Just sayin'
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  • Jan 22, 2012
    Vape Hartwell, GA
    I saw the post on FB. His name is out there and he wants to show vapers what can happen.

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    Robert Cromwell

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    ECF Veteran
    Feb 16, 2015
    Was the device failure caused by the device failing in proper use or during improper use due to the ignorance of the user?

    New users now are starting out vaping with mega watt rigs without learning any proper vaping safety at high watts.
    I think we can expect more of these types of issues. Vapers used to start out on Ego's and T3's or Evods, CE$, etc. Now they just jump in the "ferrari" without knowing how to "Drive" and roar away.

    I cringe every time I see someone recommending a sub ohm setup for a brand new vaper.
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    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    Apr 9, 2014
    USA. State: Inebriated.
    According to the above story, featuring the quote from the unfortunate vaper:

    I was using a 4nine mech. Mod authentic RDA royal hunters. I was pulling .54 ohms what happen was the pin dropped shorting the battery. It welded itself open and when i released the button the battery exploded. It was a mechanical error“.

    I don't understand how a pin can just "drop" -- I assume he means the pin that makes connection to the battery (because the 4nine is a hybrid mech mod). Perhaps he had loosened it to make connection to the battery, and the battery eventually made contact with the mod casing?

    Also, I recently saw a post on Facebook very similar. Fortunately nobody got injured, but the battery discharged, and I believe it's because the person was sub-ohming well beyond the capabilities of their battery.


    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    Apr 28, 2012
    they talked about this on plumes of hazard, im not sure if information was out yet but on the talk show, they said there is no evidence or story or firsthand stuff about it, and in the picture you can obviously see he is injured, but the mod is pictured by itself and looks just like some random mod picture off the internet. I dont know im just saying keep your minds open and dont believe everything on the internet unless theres an actual report of it and this guy actually makes a statement himself.

    when you looked at the cropped picture it just looks like an injured guy, and a random picture of a mod thats not blown up


    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    Apr 9, 2014
    USA. State: Inebriated.
    Regulated mods are somewhat safer because of lo resistance shutdown, etc. However any unregulated mod with more power than an Ego battery is a potential bomb right next to your face.

    I agree with this. I don't know why vape shops aren't selling people regulated mods -- especially newcomers who want to sub-ohm. Get a Sig150 and call it a day if you don't want to worry about something like this happening.

    Add to this: I've never been a fan of hybrid mech mods. "Pure" hybrids (like, where it comes with an atomizer that fits properly) is a different story. Oddly enough, in this case, less parts = more things can potentially go wrong.


    Ultra Member
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    Oct 6, 2013
    Phoenix, AZ
    Was the device failure caused by the device failing in proper use or during improper use due to the ignorance of the user?

    New users now are starting out vaping with mega watt rigs without learing any prop[er vaping safety at high watts.
    I think we can expect more of these types of issues. Vapers used to start out on Ego's and T3's or Evods, CE$, etc. Now they just jump in the "ferrari" without knowing how to "Drive" and roar away.

    I cringe every time I see someone recommending a sub ohm setup for a brand new vaper.

    Well put Robert.
    See these threads to often and when someone makes suggestions to read about battery safety and maybe start with the basics, they don't want to hear it. Lot of people jumping in here for reccomendations and to lazy to do the research they should be doing. Unfortunately, you're probably right and we'll be seeing a lot more of this.


    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    Apr 28, 2012
    well I found his twitter, he hasnt posted himself since november. so it may be true possibly?

    if it is, this is going to be some ugly ammunition for the FDA.

    Im finally getting myself a sig150 :eek:

    although im curious as to what type of battery he was using, because many times ive searched videos on youtube and the internet of people venting/shorting batteries on purpose and filming it, and ive yet to see one really 'explode', the closest I've seen was an MNKE 'pop' and release its inner 'juices'.
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    ECF Veteran
    Oct 14, 2014
    I don't blame the shops for this one bit. If you want a mech one or two days worth of Googling and reading will be a good start to do so safely. They are there to sell the customer what they want. The customer if they don't even know what it is, nor how it works should take it upon themselves to do the research and be safe.

    When I first saw a mech mod I asked the guy using it a few questions, decided I wanted one I left the shop that day without one and went home and started googling. What is a mech mod? How does a mech mod work? What batteries to use in a mech mod? Which lead me here and after a few days of reading all the blogs about batteries, RDA's, and rebuilding I could then I ordered one.

    There's nothing stopping any vaper out there from doing the same other than themselves and if they choose not to, they better make sure their health insurance premiums are paid up. Having said that as someone who vapes mechs exclusively I am not immune to freak accidents, or equipment failure. But I feel just as comfortable putting a mech "by my face" as I would an ego/nautilus.
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