Anxiety + Higher Blood Pressure

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Oct 20, 2011
South Dakota
Hey guys.

The past 3 days I've been feeling rather anxious and feel as if my blood pressure is higher than normal (heart isn't necessarly beating faster, just seems stronger). I've even had a few panic attacks. I'm 28, in great shape, and have been vaping for about 2.5 weeks now.

Could this be a sign of getting too much nicotine? I vape maybe 1ml of juice per day. I was about a 1/2 pack per day smoker.

What do you guys think?
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 20, 2011
South Dakota
Could be withdrawal from tobacco - Common Withdrawal Symptoms After You Quit Smoking -
We aren't just addicted to the nicotine in cigarettes, but also all those chemicals and tars too, and you have now quit those..

I considered that a possibility as well. However I just dont think that is the case.

About three years ago I started having panic attacks pretty much out of nowhere. I was very anxious at all times and my blood pressure was elevated. It lasted for about a year and just slowly started to fade away. Just three days ago I had a panic attack that was triggered by vaping too much and feeling the effects of too much nicotine. ever since then I've been an anxious wreck (panic attacks, elevated blood pressure, etc. even when I'm hardly vaping at all. Is it possible that I'm still getting too much nicotine? I was desperate for answers and thought "hey maybe an analog will calm me down" within two drags I felt my chest start to tighten and my breathing became labored (classic panic attack symptoms) I just dont know what to do...I'm pretty miserable and the thought of having to go through all of this again is killing me.


Vaping Master
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Jun 20, 2011
Schaumburg, IL
it's more likely that the panic attacks are triggered by your anxiety just before them rather than your vaping habits. You said that you were feeling desperate for answers just before you had the panic attack. You've had panic attacks before you even started vaping. If you are very anxious and upset and then a few minutes later you start having a panic attack, it makes more sense it is from being upset than from your vaping...


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 20, 2011
South Dakota
it's more likely that the panic attacks are triggered by your anxiety just before them rather than your vaping habits. You said that you were feeling desperate for answers just before you had the panic attack. You've had panic attacks before you even started vaping. If you are very anxious and upset and then a few minutes later you start having a panic attack, it makes more sense it is from being upset than from your vaping...

I agree with this 100%

Should I continue vaping while knowing its not the cause of the problem, but is a mental trigger for my anxiety? Ugh I hate my brain. I just dont know what to do. I was the one who "cured" my anxiety before, using cognative exercises and distraction methods, but I'm wondering if its going to be impossible to do it again while still vaping (my new panic trigger). I'm a headcase.

thank you for your help.


Vaping Master
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Jun 20, 2011
Schaumburg, IL
I can't answer that for you. You have to make that choice and do what you feel is best for you at this moment. You didn't mention if you go to any groups or see anyone, you seem to know some techniques so I am thinking you have learned those somewhere in the past, if you aren't currently having some kind of therapy you may want to go. It sounds like you are pretty distressed right now. Maybe you need that extra support.


Senior Member
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Oct 20, 2011
South Dakota
I can't answer that for you. You have to make that choice and do what you feel is best for you at this moment. You didn't mention if you go to any groups or see anyone, you seem to know some techniques so I am thinking you have learned those somewhere in the past, if you aren't currently having some kind of therapy you may want to go. It sounds like you are pretty distressed right now. Maybe you need that extra support.

I know, it was silly for me to ask you because I know that this is all up to me. A few years ago when I first started having the attacks I was put on Paxil and Xanax which I hated both of and stopped taking after a few weeks I learned about a book of cognative therapy exercises and read it and put it into practice. That is what worked for me. the books teaches you that talking about your anxiety an thinking about it is what manifests the symptoms in the first place (which means I'm breaking the rules right now just talking about it). I learned to distract myself an it went away within weeks. The more I think about this the more I realize it has nothing to do with vaping, so I ,apologoze
apologize. I do truly appreciate the help. I just need to put in practice what worked for me in the past and stop over analyzing it all. thank you for listening.


Vaping Master
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Jun 20, 2011
Schaumburg, IL
No prob. Bring that book out again. I think that cognitive therapy or therapies that help you change your way of thinking are way more effective than any drug, at least for me. I have not had good experiences trying to take meds for my depression or anxiety either but effective therapy does help. Groups that teach coping skills are very helpful.


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Jan 26, 2010
I'll put in my 2 cents.

Im a general anxiety sufferer. I quit smoking 2 years ago. Discovered vaping 2 months or so in, but didn't want to vape any Nic so went with 0mg. Had some panic attacks during this time, but not sure if vaping had any direct connection with it as I had 0mg. (although I felt like crap every time I did PG based juices) Plus at the time it seemed like a pain to find anything with Nic in Canada, plus wanting it all VG. I really didn't vape much at all and gave it up....until recently. I switched jobs and low and behold there are about 4 vapers here lol :) Anyway I started getting some more panic attacks as of late, and I attribute those to the new changes in my life. Plus I have hypochondria, so any little weird thing with my body can set me into a panic...I would pick up and Ecig now and then, (but would be months in between) until recently, seeing that there are some fellow vapers at the office I started to get into the vaping mood. :)

So I decided to get some low nic VG juice from a co worker (5mg) here and i must say, since I have started to use it, I feel more "calm". Quitting smoking does a number on you, even way after the fact. I've also read doing some google searching, that Nicotine can have effects on moods/depression/concentration etc. Its surprising!

That being said I often wonder about these super "mods" and chain vaping like its a pacifier. To much Nic can certainly trigger anxiety. I try not to use my e-cig all that much, mainly at work and try to treat it like a cigarette, having to stop what Im doing to use it, and for like 5-6 mins at a time. I was kind of disappointed in myself for vaping with NIC since I've gone all this time without it, but in the same regard, I think I would have caved and had a real smoke with the recent string of panic attacks. I'd would totally vape with NIC over a real cigarette any day. All that other S$%t in smokes Im sure does a number on your noggin.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 9, 2009
Hi Raveen,
From what I understand when some people feel anxious they start to worry that an attack is coming on, which makes them more anxious thus causing an attack. Obviously this creates a bad cycle. Cognitive behavioural therapy is very useful in combatting panic attacks, you need to destroy that loop that is happening in your mind. You seem to have been able to successfully use these techniques in the past, but it's unclear to me by your posts if it is still working for you now?
Also I'd suggest deep breathing exercises and maybe some light yoga. It's amazing what even 5-10 minutes of breathing/meditation can do for your mind. It's very calming and may help you to better control your anxiety.
Best of luck to you, and if all else fails watch some trailer park boys ;)



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Jun 26, 2009
Should I continue vaping while knowing its not the cause of the problem, but is a mental trigger for my anxiety? Ugh I hate my brain. I just dont know what to do. I was the one who "cured" my anxiety before, using cognative exercises and distraction methods, but I'm wondering if its going to be impossible to do it again while still vaping (my new panic trigger). I'm a headcase.

Your body (and brain chemistry) are going through a very trying time right now. If you're prone to anxiety, it's going to rear it's head more than usual for a while. I went through quite an anxiety/depression roller coaster for a few months after I quit smoking and started vaping. Fortunately, vaping never became an anxiety trigger for me, but you might be able to shake that if you drop your nicotine level a bit. If you're vaping something stronger than your body truly needs, it can raise your blood pressure a bit, raise your heart rate a bit, make you feel nervous — all the things that can lead you to anxiety. Try a lower strength liquid (or if you're already using a low strength, get a zero). I bet it'll reduce the anxiety enough that you can at least break the association.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Some good people are almost too good. Libe and let live is a good motto if in balance; one must do the live part sometimes not always be over concerned with how it might affect others. This the best for everyone in the end, it frees the others to feel that they didnt stop you from being you and doing your thing sometimes.

Anxiety is a lot about being unable to make a decision. Decisions are not a final thing, but a step; no steps no progress. You can step back later if you want but if can't move how else can you feel but anxious? Give and take.

It's your life - occupy it.

Theres few perfect decisions it's just about making a best move and balanceing the moves over time. It's normal to care, to be anxious; only psychpaths have no anxiety. But dont let fear of imperfecton prevent a best shot.

After all, remember that every mistake is a chance to learn, to improve - so you can't lose, so long as you do something.

Let go of 'could bes or should bes; just see what is and dance like noone is watching; because they rarelt are really, and if they really are, more fool them ;)

Just a thought.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 30, 2010
I know, it was silly for me to ask you because I know that this is all up to me. A few years ago when I first started having the attacks I was put on Paxil and Xanax which I hated both of and stopped taking after a few weeks I learned about a book of cognative therapy exercises and read it and put it into practice. That is what worked for me. the books teaches you that talking about your anxiety an thinking about it is what manifests the symptoms in the first place (which means I'm breaking the rules right now just talking about it). I learned to distract myself an it went away within weeks. The more I think about this the more I realize it has nothing to do with vaping, so I ,apologoze
apologize. I do truly appreciate the help. I just need to put in practice what worked for me in the past and stop over analyzing it all. thank you for listening.
I know exactly what you're going thru. I have suffered with Panic Disorder for 12 years. I've been on various meds (currently Paxil and Xanax as needed) but I've also learned to control some of the symptoms myself thru knowledge of my condition. I would be interested in the book you mentioned though. Could you link me to the one you have?
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