Anyone vape around children?

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May 7, 2013
Riverside, CA
I'm asking this here because I'm doing some research (and I will explain why) about vape being expelled out of the mouth. Everyone says that there are no harmful chemicals being exhaled but it has been proven that a very small amount of nicotine does.

Now I have been vaping since April of this year. i don't vape all over my house but I do vape in my home office. My 4 year old daughter runs into the office all the time and I'm starting to think maybe I shouldn't vape indoors at all.

I'm a little worried for her because about two months after i started vaping; my daughter started getting this cough. Its mostly at night but it comes and goes throughout the day as well. We've taken her to the Dr's 4 times now (again today making it 5) and they (so far) can't seem to explain it. This may be a coincidence but could it be a direct result of her being around my vaping?

I am looking all over the web for any info about this but its like pulling teeth.

I'm a faithful vaper user but I hope I'm not in part causing this issue. She never had this coughing before and now it seems to never go away. Its over three months of this cough. Sounds like she has congestion. Sounds kinda nasty but other than that she doesn't act or show signs of being sick. Her breathing is good. The Doctors keep telling us her lungs sound fine and that its post nasal and maybe alergies. We have had her tested for alergies that can be tested for via blood sample and everything came back negative.

I guess I'm grasping and wondering if anyone has any 'like' experiences?

I'm going to stop vaping in my home and see if that helps. If it does I will stop vaping all together but I don't want to give up vaping if this is just a over-thinking - reaching dad's worries.


Vaping Master
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Mar 31, 2013
United States
I vape around my grandbabies and haven't seen any ill effects from it. They are normally already sick and coughing when they come to my house ready to give it to me. I've found I don't get as sick. I'd like to hear what happens with you because my case isn't as pristine as yours. My g'babies already have a cough, your child does not and now does.....please post the results! Thanks!!


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Oct 21, 2012
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Even having had her tested for allergies and having negative results does not mean she doesn't have them. My twin sons (8.5 now) were tested to the upteenth power (the full spectrum tests seemed worse than the actual allergy..) and all came back negative. Yet they are on Zyrtec anyway.
They have been on it for almost 5 years. While the wife and I did smoke up until a year ago, our smoking was outside, away from them. Since vaping, we have moved inside, to our room. The boys normally stay out, but do venture in now and then. Their "allergies" are no better, no worse, for the exposure.


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May 7, 2013
Riverside, CA
Thanks SupplyDaddy. (Why does typing your name make me feel dirty?) Anyway....

I know all about alergy testing. I was born into and raised in a family of chain smokers and due to it I suffered from really bad asthma as a child and young teen. And on top of it all some pretty bad alergies.

I went through all the testing for alergies at the age of 12 which included cases and cases of needles that they would puncture and twist into the layers of my skin before injecting. Thats one of the ways they tested for different allergies. Then of course they also use the pricking bricks (my name for them) where they press this rectangle shaped plate with 30+ points all over into my arm it to test for all sorts of allergies.

I hear that the medical field has improved greatly since I last dealt with them. But I really don't want to put my kid through all of that...but as a Dad i will if needed.

I was hoping my daughter wouldn't get my crazy alergy or asthma problems and tbh this is the first she has shown signs of anything...2 months after i started vaping in my home.

The Dr seems to think because I have a past with these issues that my kid most likely will too. My asthma was caused by second hand smoke though. No one in my family ever suffered from it. My sister didn't either but my parents quit smoking before she was born.

I don't know...I guess I'm just trying to make sure its not me causing this issue. I wont do to her what my parents did to me.
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