Apologies from a new member.

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Full Member
Aug 1, 2012
I am a new addition to the ECF and mistakenly enrolled in the live chat segment of the forum without first submitting the requisite 5 posts in this segment before graduating to bigger and better things. This was totally inadvertent and please accept my sincerest apologies. I apologize to Gary, Manda, Joemag, Darth, Zombienerd, and whomever else I may I conversed with in the chat forum. Apparently this is about spammers and although I think I know what spam is I don't have a clue as to how one might propagate the stuff. Sadly, I think I am too old to even learn it.

Anyway, thanks for the great advise and ideas you all have dispensed. I have ordered quite a bit of stuff in the past day or so based on the sage suggestions of some of the members as well as getting some good ideas from some of the ads on this site. Membership in the forum has given me access to many seemingly good suppliers that I was previously unaware of.

I am deeply grateful for e cigarettes as it has proven to be a great thing in helping get me off paper wrapped burning plants. I think all who are new to the technology should have access to the superb resources of ECF from the very beginning. It is BY FAR the best place to begin the journey of transition from analog to e cigarettes. Thanks Again ECF and all of its members.


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Apr 25, 2010
North Carolina, US
There is absolutely nothing to apologize about! I looked over the logs from earlier and can see where the confusion came in. You joined right after another new member asked a question regarding how to post outside of the new members forum. Someone had stated that in order to do that, one must make 5 posts in new members. This was NOT directed towards you and I apologize if you thought it was. With that said, you are more than welcome to come back and chat with us! =)
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