Apple reject all of vape apps online since Dec 2016

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ECF Guru
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May 6, 2016
To give the devil its due, I believe iOS is probably the most user-friendly device for people who aren't tech-savvy or those who don't give any attention to the 'technical' side of smart phones, and my parents are an example of that since they find iOS much easier to use than Android. On another note, the Macintosh operating system is superior to Windows from my opinion and experience, and I haven't looked back since I bought my first MacBook Pro back in early 2008.

Well remember, OSX on MacBooks is just Unix with a shell. And Unix is nice and reliable. Personally, I'm somewhat the opposite. It's not impossible to get to a command prompt in OSX, but it's not all that pleasant. Despite all the issues with Windows I still prefer it and remember my dos line commands a lot better than my Unix. OTOH, for just a plain phone that does what I need, call, text, handle email, let me easily communicate with my daughter who already has a iPhone, it's just more convenient to go with it over Android.

I had an S3 I loved. Then I got an S5 and felt really let down by Samsung. If I were to go with Android again, it would probably be with a Pixel or another "pure" Android device. Between the carrier and the phone manufacturer I don't like the multiple layers required to maintain the phone and certainly not sit and wait on a security update.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 26, 2016
@Eskie You're right, it is a pretty and easy version of Unix. I had an S3 when it first came out and I loved it to pieces as well, and I too got the S5 when it came out and was extremely disappointed with the performance and stability of the device. I had the Exynos version which did not even have any custom ROMs or anything available for a long, long time, so yeah, that phone was a waste of money until it ended up on asphalt and I just threw it in the drawer and never looked back.

I am highly interested in the Pixel phone but we didn't receive it locally, mostly because stock Android devices aren't popular here, and also because of the foreign currency issues my country has been going through for the past couple of months, so the phone will cost more than double its retail price if it comes.

I am a fan of the stock Android experience as well, in fact I used AOSP and Google Edition ROMs on my Android devices for a long, long time because I find them the fastest and most reliable editions without all the useless bloatware. The only interface I liked and still appreciate is HTC Sense, which is just a gorgeous version of stock Android with some minor tweaks and a sick keyboard to go with it. I had the One X, One M7, and One M8, and they're all still working, but I decided to go the Samsung route for a change.
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ECF Guru
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May 6, 2016
HTC was always a solid manufacturer. I believe their the one who makes the Pixel. I do think the S7 was a big step forward for Samsung to remain the premier builder of Androids. However the Note 7 was a big beating to take and it will take them time to recover the damage to their reputation.

The fact, is really doesn't matter what you have these days. As long as whatever you have works for you and makes you happy you're good to go.


Full Member
Jun 13, 2016

Yes, Apple just banned vaping, but no, Apple is not making a vape!

As reported widely last week, Apple has told a British vaping website, Planet of the Vapes, that no more apps or app updates relating to vape will be allowed on the App Store.

Apple is known for its opacity when it comes to its business decisions, so don’t expect any explanation or justification for this.

Around the same time, news broke that Apple has patented a “vaporizer”. You can look at this patent elsewhere. This led many people to put two and two together and impugn a highly anti-competitive motive: Apple bans vape apps then moves in with its own iVape to corner the market. After all, is this the kind of thing Apple would do?

Well, maybe but of course, this isn’t what’s happening at all. Firstly, as Macobserver sleuth, Jeff Gamet, has shown that the application most likely relates to manufacturing processes. This is the type of thing the named inventor does (google patents is good for finding this out). So, it’s business as usual. Apple’s not releasing a vape device.

It’s anyone’s guess why Apple have chosen to ban vape from the app store. Most likely it’s down to the still-poisonous politics of vaping in the US, along with horrible offerings such as “Vape Master”. It wouldn’t have taken much from someone anti-vaping to nudge Apple, perhaps pointing out that vaping is now considered to be a tobacco product by the FDA (not very fair on Europeans, of course, for whom vaping is not considered a tobacco product by their regulators).

One thing’s for sure through this: Apple doesn’t care about the health of its consumers. For all the talk about connected health devices, the fact that they won’t support alternative nicotine products speaks volumes about the ethics of this deeply cynical company.

This is madness. Smokers moving onto non-smoked nicotine products will create far more societal health improvements than a bunch connected heart rate monitors ever will.

News Reference From: Yes, Apple just banned vaping, but no, Apple is not making a vape! - - Your One Stop Vapor Shop


Vaping Master
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Jan 14, 2010
Fla Panhandle, USA
This morning, Apple App Review Team called us for the review issue of our app "Vapeam".
They claimed that they will rejected all of vape apps, including but not limited to cigarettes, pipes, hookahs, and/or e-cigarettes.
iT's aPple ... hOw cOuld aNyone bE sUrprised?

Just Want To Quit

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 26, 2015
San Fernando Valley, So-Cal
Doesn't matter to me.. I'm against EVERYTHING MICROSOFT and that includes
Windows PC's. I could care less about using a vape app even if I did own an IPhone.

I sure as hell will never be buying a Windows PC ever again. Those machines are designed to get worse with age, aren't user friendly at all and require BS that I rufuse to deal with.. Part of the reason why I've never liked PC gaming. My Mac and Chromebook... not at all. Sorry Microsoft, but I don't like the way you treat your consumers and your products have been banned from my household on priniple alone. Microsoft just goes against the grain with EVERYTHING they design and do.

And don't even get me started on what they did to their ill fated POS Xbox Brand... yet so many sheep still support them...

Back to topic! :) And to each their own..


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 5, 2015
It probably has to do with people who lack the proper knowledge and end up screwing up their devices then complaining and asking for replacements. I'm sure Apple received hundreds if not thousands of similar complaints when jailbreaks were initially introduced so they had to take necessary precautions. To give the devil its due, I believe iOS is probably the most user-friendly device for people who aren't tech-savvy or those who don't give any attention to the 'technical' side of smart phones, and my parents are an example of that since they find iOS much easier to use than Android. On another note, the Macintosh operating system is superior to Windows from my opinion and experience, and I haven't looked back since I bought my first MacBook Pro back in early 2008.

I have an iPod touch 3rd generation (running greyd00r). Imo Apple makes the best audio players and this is coming from someone who is an audiophile. Apple's audio quality is better than CD, has a flat frequency response, decent power output and has a very easy to use interface that keeps everything nice and organised.

Another thing Apple products tend to stay fast and usable. My 3rd gen ipod is snappy and I have zero issues running Spotify and Pandora. Pretty impressive for a device that's close to ten years old! Sure my battery is pretty much useless but that can be fixed for around $5 if I really wanted to repair it. The macbook series was very good until Apple decided to go with usb-c and stopped using mag safe.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 5, 2015
Doesn't matter to me.. I'm against EVERYTHING MICROSOFT and that includes
Windows PC's. I could care less about using a vape app even if I did own an IPhone.

I sure as hell will never be buying a Windows PC ever again. Those machines are designed to get worse with age, aren't user friendly at all and require BS that I rufuse to deal with.. Part of the reason why I've never liked PC gaming. My Mac and Chromebook... not at all. Sorry Microsoft, but I don't like the way you treat your consumers and your products have been banned from my household on priniple alone. Microsoft just goes against the grain with EVERYTHING they design and do.

And don't even get me started on what they did to their ill fated POS Xbox Brand... yet so many sheep still support them...

Back to topic! :) And to each their own..

Get worse with age? Stop buying cheap windows laptops and desktops and that won't happen. My gaming rig has a cpu from 2010 (AMD FX-6300) still runs very well with Windows 10. Now I do agree with you that Windows is bloated and those $300 best buy specials will have problems after a couple of years. My old Inspiron from around 2011 has issues running 10, my other inspiron 5 series has zero issues running 10 in fact it's faster.

Tldr; Windows computers don't age well with old low end hardware. Just my :2c: now back to our scheduled program.


Ultra Member
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Jan 23, 2017
Doesn't matter to me.. I'm against EVERYTHING MICROSOFT and that includes
Windows PC's. I could care less about using a vape app even if I did own an IPhone.

I sure as hell will never be buying a Windows PC ever again. Those machines are designed to get worse with age, aren't user friendly at all and require BS that I rufuse to deal with.. Part of the reason why I've never liked PC gaming. My Mac and Chromebook... not at all. Sorry Microsoft, but I don't like the way you treat your consumers and your products have been banned from my household on priniple alone. Microsoft just goes against the grain with EVERYTHING they design and do.

And don't even get me started on what they did to their ill fated POS Xbox Brand... yet so many sheep still support them...

Back to topic! :) And to each their own..
sounds more like your hate for MS clouds your judgement. not sure what they did to you, but apple is a way worse company with worse hardware and a worse OS. and I have an ipad (personal) iphone (company) mac pro (company, been using macs at my job for 10 years or so) several apple Tvs, my wife has an iphone, my daughter an iphone, and some other apple products and I can say they are pretty much trash. Personally I have a windows 10 laptop and an android phone (galaxy S7 edge) But i do use surface tablets at work. Windows 10 is miles ahead of MAC OS. hell you can't even use an newer AMD GPU in a mac without having to alter the OS and even then the ability to do so was just added about 8 months ago. Gaming on mac is a joke as well. Also as a PS4 and XB1 owner, I don't see what you mean by the XB brand being a PoS? it's a great gaming and the new hardware revision scorpio will pair very nicely with my 4k TVs
Oh and we also have a chromebook in the house. it's crap lol unless all you want to do is surf the internet.


Full Member
Dec 26, 2016
As a Linux user I would choose Windows machines over Mac because while Windows is still a pile of crap but at least Microsoft allows you to customize your PC unlike Apple.

Anyway back on topic, this is a bit strange for them to ban Vape apps. What kind of reasoning would they have to ban applications that simply calculate Ohms law, TCRs or Nic level?


Vaping Master
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  • Sep 18, 2014
    The FDA has included "vape related software" in the regs.
    Wonder if Apple thinks their product could be a tobacco product?....
    Seems ironic they wouldn't release info to the FBI regarding the San Bernardino attack, due to invasion of privacy, but feel the need to protect the public by banning a vape app.


    E-Cig Afficionado
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    Mar 19, 2013
    New York
    Trying to talk reason to Apple's submission team is like talking to a brick wall sometimes, worse yet trying to get them to cave and change policy that's even harder to get across.

    My only advice to the OP is to re-build if possible and make everything browser based in HTML5, you won't have the same level of exposure but at least your work will be safe from Apple's walled garden and their crazy policy changes.
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