Apple reject all of vape apps online since Dec 2016

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Ca Ike

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Jan 20, 2014
The FDA has included "vape related software" in the regs.
Wonder if Apple thinks their product could be a tobacco product?....
Seems ironic they wouldn't release info to the FBI regarding the San Bernardino attack, due to invasion of privacy, but feel the need to protect the public by banning a vape app.

This is more than likely the reason. The regs state ALL software used for vaping is deemed a component and my inquiries to them have pretty much confirmed that even coil calculators fall under that.

It's stupid, but as a distributor of that software Apple would have to register as a vape company and that opens up all their other products to scrutiny.
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Mojo Cho Cho

Full Member
Jan 7, 2017
I've only owned Android devices, but I can see why some people get the idea that they aren't as good as iOS. There really are a lot of crapware apps that will suck up all your resources if you don't know any better, and these days Android seems to be very memory and CPU hungry. I went to a Nexus 5X from a Samsung Galaxy S4 (out-of-the box support for Project Fi), and I can definitely feel the limitations of 2GB of RAM with the newer Android releases versus the 2GB that the Galaxy S4 had with older Android releases. Same amount of memory -- way more sluggish performance (the fact that the 5X uses encryption by default doesn't help). Despite this, the 5X is amazing for a <$300 phone. A new iPhone would probably cost you over double that.
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Nov 17, 2009
Tallinn, Estonia
Not to worry. Apps and app store will be irrelevant pretty soon.

"Google announced last week an upcoming change to its Android mobile phone operating system that threatens the future of its own mobile app store, Google Play. And the resulting shift is likely to threaten Apple’s App Store, too. It is likely that in 2018 or 2019, we will no longer perceive a difference between a website and a mobile app.

The new feature on Android lets users “install” web pages from the Chrome web browser so that, for all practical purposes, they look just like apps downloaded from the Google Play store."

Why mobile app stores are on their way out


Super Member
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Mar 5, 2015
I've only owned Android devices, but I can see why some people get the idea that they aren't as good as iOS. There really are a lot of crapware apps that will suck up all your resources if you don't know any better, and these days Android seems to be very memory and CPU hungry. I went to a Nexus 5X from a Samsung Galaxy S4 (out-of-the box support for Project Fi), and I can definitely feel the limitations of 2GB of RAM with the newer Android releases versus the 2GB that the Galaxy S4 had with older Android releases. Same amount of memory -- way more sluggish performance (the fact that the 5X uses encryption by default doesn't help). Despite this, the 5X is amazing for a <$300 phone. A new iPhone would probably cost you over double that.

The thing about Android is it runs on many different hardware setups whereas iOS is only made for a few different hardware setups. That's the same reason why gaming consoles can have good graphics with low end hardware.

Just Want To Quit

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Nov 26, 2015
San Fernando Valley, So-Cal
sounds more like your hate for MS clouds your judgement. not sure what they did to you, but apple is a way worse company with worse hardware and a worse OS. and I have an ipad (personal) iphone (company) mac pro (company, been using macs at my job for 10 years or so) several apple Tvs, my wife has an iphone, my daughter an iphone, and some other apple products and I can say they are pretty much trash. Personally I have a windows 10 laptop and an android phone (galaxy S7 edge) But i do use surface tablets at work. Windows 10 is miles ahead of MAC OS. hell you can't even use an newer AMD GPU in a mac without having to alter the OS and even then the ability to do so was just added about 8 months ago. Gaming on mac is a joke as well. Also as a PS4 and XB1 owner, I don't see what you mean by the XB brand being a PoS? it's a great gaming and the new hardware revision scorpio will pair very nicely with my 4k TVs
Oh and we also have a chromebook in the house. it's crap lol unless all you want to do is surf the internet.

Sorry pal... I think the Microsoft cult has pulled the wool over the majority of the world's eyes already. Apple isn't anywhere near as bad as that scandalous company ran by 2 bit criminals with no moral judgement.

You don't know what I mean when I say the Xbox brand is a POS? It's because it is.. The entire brand is based around you turns and lies pal.. Sacrificed power for media functionality and never keep their promisies with anything.

Sony has their problems too but it's the superior console platform now. I refuse to settle for sub par standards and ....ty two bit ran through the gutter and back again sub par multiplatform titles. It's like PS3 all over again this gen.. Yes I think it's safe to assume MS ....ed up big time with their launch.. But you really need to review what they did at E3.

I don't game anymore... It's a complete waste of time at 42 so I can really care less. But if you need me to elaborate on how bad the Xbox brand is... perhaps I should refresh your memory at what happened at E3 13...

Let me know if you want to discuss this further in a PM sometime... I can talk about these crooks and their i'll fated console brand all day long! :)

I was there... and they spit in the faces of gamers and consumers with everything they did with their ill fated launch with their jack of all trades master at none weak sauce console.

Chromebook is crap? I don't know about you pal.. but there is nothing I can't do with my chromebook.. besides downloading ....ty Microsoft software and having to use a cloud print. My chromebook is literally the best computer I've ever owned.. No frills, no bull......

In the end, all I care about is simplicity and EASE OF USE. And Windows as an OS just isn't it. It's a POS just like Zune, Bing, Bing Rewards, and their POS Xbox Console.

You couldn't pay me enough to use a windows PC again. Good riddance to virus, error messages and Microsoft scam artists! :)

Get worse with age? Stop buying cheap windows laptops and desktops and that won't happen. My gaming rig has a cpu from 2010 (AMD FX-6300) still runs very well with Windows 10. Now I do agree with you that Windows is bloated and those $300 best buy specials will have problems after a couple of years. My old Inspiron from around 2011 has issues running 10, my other inspiron 5 series has zero issues running 10 in fact it's faster.

Tldr; Windows computers don't age well with old low end hardware. Just my :2c: now back to our scheduled program.

All windows pc's are designed to get worse with age according to my IT guy.. it's the flawed designed that windows is. My previous laptop was a $500 acer with great specs back in 2010... It got slow like the rest of them...

I'll will never buy a windows PC again.. I'm completely done! It's a matter of prinicple as of this point... and well... not ever wanting to support Microsofts underhanded business practices ever again..

Regardless stick with what you know.. but to me they have lost my respect..

Back to the scheduled program! :)
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