Back into vaping today - couple questions on e-power, cartos, etc.

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Feb 27, 2012
Little background - I'm not totally new to vaping, had a KR808 kit a while back and for various reasons ended up back on "analogs" (still feels kinda weird to call them that, haha). Anyway, I wanted to get back into vaping and off cigs so did quite a bit of research around here and saw that for my purposes, the kGO and e-power seemed to be the most recommended. Just got my order from joogler juice today, including the e-power 14650 kit, some juices, drip tip, and LR dual coil cartos. It seems that I got the first generation switch, the blue one that will work with LR cartos, but doesn't have the 5-click on/off feature.

Anyway, I was really hoping the cutoff time would be better than the ~5 seconds I was used to on my old KR808 kit, but it seems like the e-power cuts off at right about 5 seconds :/ I was wondering if anyone else has run into this with the e-powers, and if it's something that might be able to be fixed with a new switch. I'd really like to have the on/off feature and (hopefully) a more generous cutoff. I noticed that hoosier has the new switches in stock and thought that might be the way to go, but wasn't sure if the cutoff would be any different with the new switch?

Also had a question about cartos too, the kit came with a couple atomizers and pre-filled cartridges, but I pretty much immediately set them to the side as the taste didn't really impress me and I wanted to try the juices I bought. Filled the LR dual coils and have been using those, but have been feeling a little lukewarm about the experience so far. It seems like there's a sort of rubbery/plastic aftertaste with either of the juices I have. Nothing terrible, but not really ideal either. Vapor production and TH seem to be about right, although I don't have much to compare it to.

Trying to figure out what to order next to improve my experience and keep me off analogs. As far as cartos go, I've seen a lot of good feedback on the boge 2.0ohm cartos, and the smoktech LR 1.7ohm. With the voltage I'm getting from the e-power, would these be a good bet or should I look into getting standard resistance cartos? Also, if anyone knows about the cutoff time with the new e-power switches that would be great as well! Thanks in advance for any guidance.

H Niemand

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Feb 14, 2011
Philly PA
I use both standard and LRs on my e-power. Taste may be because your juice needs steeping. Regardless of where I get my juice from, I let it sit in a dark, cool place for about a week before using.
I also have the first generation switch and it does cut off at about 5 seconds. One work around is to double press. I hold the switch down and draw for a bout 4 seconds, let go and do it again. I get a nice plume of warm vapor that way. Just make sure that your carto is always topped off. Use a lot of juice this way.
that bad taste you mention might just be the filler in the carto, alot of people don't like it

you might like to try a carto with no filler, also you might want to try something other the those dual coils, those you need to keep wet, really wet or you will burn the filler and get a nasty taste from that also. (burnt plastic to me)

to me the flavor with an atty is much better then any carto's i've tried, but the carto's are nice for when out and about

i personally started with a 808 kit like you, went back to smoking and just now trying to get back into vaping, its hard to find what works for you, at the moment i'm still smoking but have been cutting back alot while trying to find what equipment works best for me.

hopefully you will get this figured out.


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Feb 27, 2012
Thanks so much for the input guys, it definitely helps. I have noticed the taste start to mellow out and improve a bit with time, and yes, the dual coils certainly do seem to eat juice quicker than what I was used to with the KR808. I'm gonna experiment with dripping onto the atomizer (the ones that came in the kit) and different carto-filling methods to see what works the best.

H Niemand - Thanks for confirming the 5-second cutoff, I was wondering if it was just my unit or what, since I saw videos like this one where the cutoff is much longer. And it looks like he's using the same kit I have (first? gen - blue LED, no on/off) in the video, so I was a little confused.

Does anyone know if the new switches for the 14650 (blue LED, on/off, works with LR cartos) also have the 5-second cutoff? It's just a little disappointing since the short cutoff was one of my gripes with the old KR808..


ECF Guru
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Oct 31, 2010
I don't own an e-power but if you still use your KR8 too, the V4L single logo batteries have a custom 10+ second cutoff as stated in their description. I use the manuals. I don't need 10 seconds but I often need 6 (if I pressed the button in 2-3 seconds early)

I'm surprised E-power has a short cutoff. I do own some 5-second cutoff slim batteries and what I try to do is only press 1 second early with those, leaving me 4 seconds to drag.

Re dual-coils - a dual coil has 2 standard resistance coils. So a 1.5 ohm dual coil has you vaping two 3 ohm coils - more vapor but fairly cool. If you prefer heat, use single coil cartos. Boge 510 2 ohm are most popular and use a plastic or delrin drip tip in place of the end cap - easier to pull out to add juice.
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Ultra Member
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Oct 7, 2011
PH-Illadelph-IA, PA
All the ePower switches have an 8-sec cut-off.

Hoosier has the newest switch in stock now and CCV will have them on the site either sat or mon. CCV has them alittle cheaper plus free shipping.
Personally I think dual coils suck at lower voltages. I recommend trying the Smoktech 1.7 ohmXL cartos (also called the Ressurectors). They are awesome and are all I use on my Epower. CCV and Hoosier both sell them, and I get all mine from CCV bc they have free shipping and if you buy a 15-pack you get a free drip tip.
They both sell pre-punched Ressurectors too for the Smoktch tanks. I use the 3.5ml tanks with the Ressurectors and it's a really nice set-up for the Epower that gives a great vape along with a maintanace free vape

Warren D. Lockaby

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 19, 2011
South Carolina, USA
All the ePower switches have an 8-sec cut-off.

Hoosier has the newest switch in stock now and CCV will have them on the site either sat or mon. CCV has them alittle cheaper plus free shipping.
Personally I think dual coils suck at lower voltages. I recommend trying the Smoktech 1.7 ohmXL cartos (also called the Ressurectors). They are awesome and are all I use on my Epower. CCV and Hoosier both sell them, and I get all mine from CCV bc they have free shipping and if you buy a 15-pack you get a free drip tip.
They both sell pre-punched Ressurectors too for the Smoktch tanks. I use the 3.5ml tanks with the Ressurectors and it's a really nice set-up for the Epower that gives a great vape along with a maintanace free vape

Just timed my E-Power 14650 switch (old-style blue button) and yep, 8-second cut-off. I've never tried tanks but ditto the Smoktech XL 1.7 Ohm ( or Resurrector, which I presume are the same). Also like the Boge 2.0 Ohm cartos. For pure vaping pleasure I love dripping on an Ikenvape io6 1.5 Ohm atomizer, but must say I haven't tried other quality brands. I've also found dripping to be the best way for me to test new flavors. Oh, and ditto your take on the DC cartos, at least the ones I've tried on my E-Power... I was underwhelmed.

Happy Vaping! :vapor:


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Feb 27, 2012
You know I feel kinda like an idiot now that I actually timed it, it is in fact an 8 second cutoff, just feels shorter when your vaping I suppose :p I think 10 seconds would be just about perfect, but I have a feeling that once I get some good performing single coil LR cartos, the 8 seconds should be plenty.

Based on the recommendations I've seen I'm thinking I'll probably get a pack of the Boge 2.0 Ohm and Smoktech 1.7 Ohm (resurrector) cartos, along with some more juices to sample (looking to find a good RY4, I need to spend a little more time in the juice section). I do have a feeling that these LR dual coils aren't really being done justice by the 3.7 volts from the e-power.

All in all, I've been pretty satisfied with the e-power for my purposes, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't already eyeing a VV mod. Gotta say though, there is something sort of fun about researching all these different things all in the pursuit of the perfect vape!
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Warren D. Lockaby

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 19, 2011
South Carolina, USA
You know I feel kinda like an idiot now that I actually timed it, it is in fact an 8 second cutoff, just feels shorter when your vaping I suppose :p I think 10 seconds would be just about perfect, but I have a feeling that once I get some good performing single coil LR cartos, the 8 seconds should be plenty.

Based on the recommendations I've seen I'm thinking I'll probably get a pack of the Boge 2.0 Ohm and Smoktech 1.7 Ohm (resurrector) cartos, along with some more juices to sample (looking to find a good RY4, I need to spend a little more time in the juice section). I do have a feeling that these LR dual coils aren't really being done justice by the 3.7 volts from the e-power.

All in all, I've been pretty satisfied with the e-power for my purposes, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't already eyeing a VV mod. Gotta say though, there is something sort of fun about researching all these different things all in the pursuit of the perfect vape!

I agree entirely here. I think you'll have a lot of fun exploring the capabilities of your E-Power, and if you haven't already I'd highly recommend getting a good-quality, LR dripping atty & drip tip for testing flavors before loading them into cartos. Get good ones, don't dry-burn them and they can last for months (I'm itching to try the Cisco 306LRs; they've got a real hotrod for about twice the price, I think, that I may break down and try instead).

I'm also eyeballing the VV mods... and then eyeballing my bank account. So far my thinking is, when I'm ready for a VV I'll build it myself. I have the electronic experience to do this with no trouble, it'll just be a matter of choosing what I want & getting a design for it or designing it myself. Then, getting past the "inertia factor" of being an object at rest & tending to stay that way. (Seems that's always the hardest part.)

Happy Vaping! :toast: :vapor:

H Niemand

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ECF Veteran
Feb 14, 2011
Philly PA
You know I feel kinda like an idiot now that I actually timed it, it is in fact an 8 second cutoff, just feels shorter when your vaping I suppose :p I think 10 seconds would be just about perfect, but I have a feeling that once I get some good performing single coil LR cartos, the 8 seconds should be plenty.

Based on the recommendations I've seen I'm thinking I'll probably get a pack of the Boge 2.0 Ohm and Smoktech 1.7 Ohm (resurrector) cartos, along with some more juices to sample (looking to find a good RY4, I need to spend a little more time in the juice section). I do have a feeling that these LR dual coils aren't really being done justice by the 3.7 volts from the e-power.

All in all, I've been pretty satisfied with the e-power for my purposes, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't already eyeing a VV mod. Gotta say though, there is something sort of fun about researching all these different things all in the pursuit of the perfect vape!

Guess my count timing isn't all that accurate. I'll use a watch next time. The double press works best for me anyway. I'm using an LR right now and can barely see the screen through the vapor! BTW, I also use a 20%PG and 80% VG juice.
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