Basically a total newb

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New Member
Jan 2, 2015
Hi everybody, this is my first post on ECF. You guys seem to know your vape!

Like the title says, I'm basically a total newb when it comes to vaping. And ive got a couple quetions.

I've owned a few Evod tanks and cheap crappy batteries and I'm looking to upgrade. I'm considering the kanger aero tank V1 and an EMOW 1300ohm battery

My question is, with the dual coil tank and upgraded battery will the difference truly be noticeable when compared with a standard 600ohm battery and EVOD tank? Money is, ehh kinda tight, and I'd prefer to spend as little as possible, but if its worth it, and that I'd recieve a much better flavor and cloud all around, spending the few extra bucks won't be a problem. Has anyone tryed either this tank or battery?

Also, I've read that dual coils really aren't that great unless paired with a high voltage battery, is this true? If so I'll just pickup the Aspire batt and EVOD2 tank a local dealer has in my town.

I also see there is a whole community of modders based around Vape pens. Any tips on getting the longest life out of my coils and battery? Or just tips period every vaper should know?

I have +\- 50$ to spend towards a new setup

Thanks a lot guys!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 8, 2009
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Instead of a new setup, first upgrade your battery. The eleaf iStick is a great little battery that can be had for around 35 bucks.

As for a tank, new setups are 30 bucks +, so you're over your budget.

I'd say forget about dual coils, don't work well.

For me the Vapeonly BCC has been the ideal vape. Vapeonly BCC 3.5ml Tank :, E-cigarette Supplies - Atomizers Cartomizers Mods Juice and more Plastic, not pyrex, they're cheaper and far proven. I've been vaping mine for almost two years and it's the Energizer bunny, going and going.

If you're fond of flavor, I'd go with a Nautilus mini. This much more expensive because you've got SS and pyrex, it's in the 30 buck range.

Vaping isn't cheap, you can vape cheap but it takes a lot of research. Experiment, take chances. Plastic tanks are almost disposable, vape on them before you settle for something more expensive.

Steam Turbine

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 3, 2013
Montreal Quebec Canada
I would highly recommend you getting a variable power or voltage mod. But for your budget it might be a though call.

If you can afford something like an eLeaf iStick and a either the kanger thank that you want or the aspire nautilus mini with bvc coils... That would up your game big time from the evod.

by the way... The aspire battery does not push more voltage than your current setup. You have to get a variable mod for that.....

Even an eGo twist or vision spinner would be a step up for you.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 24, 2014
Welcome to ECF zef!

I owned a v1 aerotank with the same battery and it was a good step up from the normal evod style starter kits..(batts/tanks)

My aerotank now sits in a junk draw as it fell apart on me and I just moved on to bigger and better(subjective) things.

Personally, I would try to save a couple more bucks and get a istick(small box mod can fire up to 20 watts), or a mvp20watt(battery mod) paired with a nautilus mini(tank). I'm not sure exactly on cost but at my shop I could get both those setups for under 60 bucks or so give or take.

If you ask ten people you will get ten diffrent answers just keep on researching man you will be happy you did. :2c:

Welcome once again and good luck!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 29, 2014
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
I wouldn't get an istick. Not if you're using it with a standard single coil from an evod or protank. Unless you like the taste of molten lava. If you're sticking with the single I'd recomend something like an mvp 2.0 or even a Vision Spinner II if money is tight. If you're gonna go to a dual coil, and I find Kanger ones work really well actually, then the istick would work. Myself I went with the mvp because I use single and dual coils and I don't want a battery that I can't use on both types. With the singles, and the isticks wonky readings making it so you never really know how much power is going into the coil, makes it so there isn't much wiggle room to find your sweet spot. For me, even at it's absolute lowest settings, the coils made more noise than on the highest settings on my mvp and bascially just trashed my coils. It did work okay with the duals though.

But then I'm a low power vaper. I get decent clouds and a satisfying experience without needing more than the 11W in the mvp2. But there are guys that run 150W batteries on their setups. I have no idea how they don't literally die while doing it, but the best part about vaping is there's options for every taste.

Good luck!

The Ocelot

ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
Hi and welcome

Personally, I wouldn't recommend the Istick. It's quite popular now, but you said money was tight and it's kind of overkill coming from the set-up you are currently using. However, I do suggest you get a variable power device. It will give you more options of what you can run on top.

What is your budget? Do you prefer a tube or box shaped device? Where will you be vaping? As in: mostly at home or out in the evening? Do you have a job where you only have a quick break or does it matter? How much do you currently vape? All of this info can help us give you better suggestions.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 6, 2013
Florida, SW
Hi everybody, this is my first post on ECF. You guys seem to know your vape!

Like the title says, I'm basically a total newb when it comes to vaping. And ive got a couple quetions.

I've owned a few Evod tanks and cheap crappy batteries and I'm looking to upgrade. I'm considering the kanger aero tank V1 and an EMOW 1300ohm battery

My question is, with the dual coil tank and upgraded battery will the difference truly be noticeable when compared with a standard 600ohm battery and EVOD tank? Money is, ehh kinda tight, and I'd prefer to spend as little as possible, but if its worth it, and that I'd recieve a much better flavor and cloud all around, spending the few extra bucks won't be a problem. Has anyone tryed either this tank or battery?

Also, I've read that dual coils really aren't that great unless paired with a high voltage battery, is this true? If so I'll just pickup the Aspire batt and EVOD2 tank a local dealer has in my town.

I also see there is a whole community of modders based around Vape pens. Any tips on getting the longest life out of my coils and battery? Or just tips period every vaper should know?

I have +\- 50$ to spend towards a new setup

Thanks a lot guys!

hello Zef333, welcome to the ECF club

so I'll chime in also

kinda staying with what you're saying, maybe this
will catch your eye (and cheap)
- Kanger IPOW 2 1300mah - Kangertech - eGo Batteries
- Smoktech Glossy RBC (10% Off) - Smoktech Clearomizers - Smoktech - Clearomizers Tanks

- Smoktech Aro, Tumbler, RBC Coils - Smoktech Coils - Smoktech - Clearomizers Tanks
- Kanger Single Coils - Kanger Coils - Kangertech - Clearomizers Tanks

I like the 'mid-powered' single coil, myself

good luck, keep asking, and keep us informed


Steam Turbine

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 3, 2013
Montreal Quebec Canada
Hi and welcome

Personally, I wouldn't recommend the Istick. It's quite popular now, but you said money was tight and it's kind of overkill

Maiar said:
I wouldn't get an istick. Not if you're using it with a standard single coil from an evod or protank. Unless you like the taste of molten lava.​

I don't understand why you guys say that it is overkill. you don't have to vape it at 20w.

My girlfriend runs hers with an nautilus mini (which is a single coil) and it runs flawlessly.... Sure, it feels overpower because of the mean PWM, but it's really not an issue, even if it doesn't regulate down, a 1.8 ohm coil runs nicely at 4 volts anyways.

I just don't get where the molten lava vape comes from.

The Ocelot

ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
I don't understand why you guys say that it is overkill. you don't have to vape it at 20w.

My girlfriend runs hers with an nautilus mini (which is a single coil) and it runs flawlessly.... Sure, it feels overpower because of the mean PWM, but it's really not an issue, even if it doesn't regulate down, a 1.8 ohm coil runs nicely at 4 volts anyways.

I just don't get where the molten lava vape comes from.

My comment wasn't based on the potential of firing at 20 watts. It was, as you said, based on the mean PWM and the lack of buck (ability to regulate down). "Overkill" wasn't the right word for me to use, but I couldn't think of one word to say, "There are other devices in the same price range on the market that don't require you to immediately understand PWM and boost/buck circuits."

It's great that your girlfriend likes hers, but I'll bet she has more experience than the OP.

For those watching at home who may not know what we are talking about, check out PBusardo's video:
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 26, 2014
It's windy, USA
If you end up going with a good glass single-coil tank, the iClick can be a bit of an issue as it doesn't truly go below 4v, meaning you'll get a lot of burnt hits with a lot perfectly-good-and-in-some-ways-better last-gen tanks. If you're interested, you can always go with an aerotank/protank 2 base & single coils. But you'll get lots of burnt hits with an istick if you like decently-long draws.

Steam Turbine

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 3, 2013
Montreal Quebec Canada
My comment wasn't based on the potential of firing at 20 watts. It was, as you said, based on the mean PWM and the lack of buck (ability to regulate down). "Overkill" wasn't the right word for me to use, but I couldn't think of one word to say, "There are other devices in the same price range on the market that don't require you to immediately understand PWM and boost/buck circuits."

It's great that your girlfriend likes hers, but I'll bet she has more experience than the OP.

For those watching at home who may not know what we are talking about, check out PBusardo's video:

I get what you are saying. And yes, you are right.... there are other affordable mods out there with RMS or flat but.... At 1.8 ohms and 4 volts, you get +- 8 watts. The bvc coils can easily handle 8 watts....

But I hear you.

I guess that I should of said that if you are going to use a iStick + aspire setup.... run it at it's lowest setting and start from there.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
You've gotten some great suggestions but I just wanted to
you to ecf. So glad you are here. Lots of information and it can get a bit overwhelming at times. But it is just so nice to have a place to get help when you need it. Have fun and happy vaping to you.
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