Can I bum a vape?

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ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Feb 21, 2016
Boston Massachusetts
I was just taking an inventory of the most positive changes in my day to day life since quitting smoking. Financial savings, that's a plus. Better health, sure, that's all well and good if you're into that sort of thing. Not being constantly accosted for the free ciggy while out and about...


In my neighborhood, lighting up and taking the 1/4 mile walk to the convenience store could easily result in 2-3 cigs being handed away if I accommodated every request, and I often did. Nowadays I can make the trek, mod in hand, and not hear so much as a peep. That hassle has now been replaced with odd looks suggesting the thought, "Is that guy carrying a taser?"

I'll take it.

It is a bit strange though. With all the people transitioning to vaping while still weening off the smokes I figured I'd get a request here and there, but it hasn't happened once as of yet.

I wonder if there will come a time when I'm approached by a stranger only to hear, "Hey man, could I bum a few drops?"

I don't think that would bug me nearly as much. Yeah it would.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 14, 2013
St. Louis, MO
Way to kill the curmudgeonly vibe with kindhearted sentimentality...

Just kidding. I know what you mean.

HAHA, I get what you mean, there are times when you feel like "oh really, seriously!!! can't you tell I'm busy". Though honestly 9 times out of 10, the introduction alone was worth a cig.


ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Feb 21, 2016
Boston Massachusetts
I hear ya, it was one thing when socializing at a bar or a party, or even at work while vanquished to the "smoker's oasis." I enjoyed the ritual to that.
But just hitting the store to drop $9.00 for a pack and it's already loose and rattling by the time ya get home...I'm happy those days are gone. Heh...


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 14, 2013
St. Louis, MO
I hear ya, it was one thing when socializing at a bar or a party, or even at work while vanquished to the "smoker's oasis." I enjoyed the ritual to that.
But just hitting the store to drop $9.00 for a pack and it's already loose and rattling by the time ya get home...I'm happy those days are gone. Heh...

Them smokers corners, I swear more delicate information changes there than the NSA picks up on all its devices.
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ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Feb 21, 2016
Boston Massachusetts
Them smokers corners, I swear more delicate information changes there than the NSA picks up on all its devices.

:lol: It's the truth.

I work in the theatre industry. To know what's "really" going on behind the scenes of a show, like what might break and crush an actor, or why someone "seems" a bit tipsy, you must pay a visit to the plume of smoke wafting from the stagehands taking a break in the back alley. Funny stuff.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 14, 2013
St. Louis, MO
:lol: It's the truth.

I work in the theatre industry. To know what's "really" going on behind the scenes of a show, like what might break and crush an actor, or why someone "seems" a bit tipsy, you must pay a visit to the plume of smoke wafting from the stagehands taking a break in the back alley. Funny stuff.

Oh I have stories of morally upright Senators with affair issues and not being allowed to be left alone with female staffers, various bribes accepted by congressmen/women, interesting business decisions at Apple, a few coming out of the closets, and much more.

I'm am honestly attempted to get those herb cigs to fake my way through those gatherings still.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 14, 2013
St. Louis, MO
Holy hell. Clearly you've kept far more interesting company than me.
I'd be tempted to fake it for some of that intel as well.

Oh I've managed to find myself among interesting company often, sometimes it amazes me that I was in those situations. Usually drinks or cigs though, well the loosen lips better than Polish torture.
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