Cant get atty clean

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Vaping Master
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Verified Member
Sep 10, 2011
Im having a problem getting the flavor out of my atty . Any tips . I dripped some spearmint juice and want to change flavors but cant get the spearmint taste out . Iv tried blowing it out and wiping it all down ,then boiled it .Still there . I then tried soaking in iso alcohol for 20min and blew and dried it out . Still smell like spearmint strongly . I then did a dry burn and blew it out .Still there .Next i tried dripping cherry then blowing it out ,repeated chery again . Still smells and tastes like spearmint . WHat else can i do to get it out ? Its my only dripping atty til my order comes in . :( damn spearmint.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
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Sep 10, 2011
Thanks guys . I got it as clean as possible and dripped some cappachino and eventually the menthol went away . Now to get the cappachino taste out lol .

I have one other question . What do you guys do when you get a order of multiple juices and want to try them all out right away . Do you keep cleaning and dry burning after trying each flavor ? Seems like it would be a hassle to sample a bunch of flavors one after another .


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 19, 2011
Beyond The Sea
Thanks guys . I got it as clean as possible and dripped some cappachino and eventually the menthol went away . Now to get the cappachino taste out lol .

I have one other question . What do you guys do when you get a order of multiple juices and want to try them all out right away . Do you keep cleaning and dry burning after trying each flavor ? Seems like it would be a hassle to sample a bunch of flavors one after another .

It depends on the juice you're trying. Less viscous, sweet and colorful juices clean out easier. It can be a simple "blow out", a rinse under hot water (will need to burn dry) could do. Only if that doesn't work do you fully dry burn. You can also have more attys handy. I have 6 in rotation.

Or, you could try 1 carto for each flavor, but you'll have to clean those out too eventually. It's the only way to judge a new flavor fairly.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 10, 2011
Thanks thats what i been doing to the T ,well somtimes instead of hot water i use vodka or iso alcohol . I guess there no special tricks to fast switch ups of flavors . I did hear of that bottle kit which may help but i leave that for later on down the road . Waiting for my 15 boges and 5 attys i ordered a few days ago . BTW nhaler HV strawberries and cream is insanely omg good .I think this juice will make anyone fall in love with it . Tastes like those baskin robbins strawberries and cream ice cream suck on candies . I feel like drinking the juice lol
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