CHUCK Tips & Maintainence guide: How to get the best performance, and other how to's

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Please list any tips you have about taking good care of your Chuck

Any how-to's you can share? Got any good, trouble-shooting tips?

What do you do, to get the best performance?

If your Chuck/Little chuck isn't producing vapor, because the threads are dirty,...

What do you use to clean the threads? Does electronic cleaner work better/last longer in between cleanings than say rubbing alcohol?.

Is there anything you know that might help someone else extend the life, or improve the performance of the CHuck/Little CHuck?

Any do's or don't you can share?

---------------------------------------------------------------------------*One thing I learned, is it is NOT good to use fingernail polish remover, to clean threads with, as it can soften O rings

*Another thing, I learned, (might seem simple to some, but wish I would have known before ruining atomizer's),.
Simply unscrew your atomizer part way, when you're not using it, so it doesn't fry your atomizer if the button is accidentally depressed in your pocket or laying down, and burn up your atomizer.:rolleyes: ooops!

(Turns out, the atty has to screwed completely on all the way, to complete the circuit, so even if the button is depressed, it won't do anything)
Any other tips or tidbits you can share would be great, and may save others, like myself, from bothering Jeff with more questions, so he can work in peace,=)

:)I'm hoping by starting this thread, it will give users a place to look first, lol,.
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About all I do is once a day take a plain q-tip to the atty connector. No alcohol or anything else. So far so good, never had a problem or misfire.

Edit; good idea MickiO.

Thanks Skrymr! That's a great tip.

I was wondering if there was something I could do to maybe prevent built-up without using harsh chemicals' or alcohol on it everyday.

This will help! thanks again!
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