Cleaning and drying attys (again... sigh)

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 19, 2009
Just want to make sure I know exactly what "primed" means. I have tried to clean at least a dozen attys by soaking in soda, or boiling them in water, or just soaking in hot water. Last step is to blow out and let dry. All 12 went cold. Priming is just adding a few drops to the bridge/wick right? I ask because some have suggested a reservoir has to be filled up too? Am I not using enough liquid to prime? Thanks much in advance. Oh, I am primarily speaking of 801 and 901 attys. For some reason, my 510 attys work perfectly--day in day out--no maintenance. Strange.


Jim Davis

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 16, 2009
Retired in Houston, Texas / USA
Just want to make sure I know exactly what "primed" means. I have tried to clean at least a dozen attys by soaking in soda, or boiling them in water, or just soaking in hot water. Last step is to blow out and let dry. All 12 went cold. Priming is just adding a few drops to the bridge/wick right? I ask because some have suggested a reservoir has to be filled up too? Am I not using enough liquid to prime? Thanks much in advance. Oh, I am primarily speaking of 801 and 901 attys. For some reason, my 510 attys work perfectly--day in day out--no maintenance. Strange.


I'll bet those 12 attys are good yet. It takes a while to get a cleaned atty puffing vapor again. 12 bad? Not impossible, but highly improbable.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 28, 2009
A fool on the hill in Deposit, NY
Well, to get back to my atty saga: I finished the grand cleaning op. Two hours in alcohol (some crud did come out, though not much), vigorous rinse, half an hour in hot water, another vigorous rinse, wipe, blow out, 20 min in oven on 150 degrees. Cool.

Just loaded one up with MVS butterscotch... Being PG, it will likely make my mouth burn in short order, but I couldn't wait to see what happened.

Well, no burnt taste anymore. The vapor production is a bit low, but it's supposed to come back in a bit, right?



Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
Many people talk about taking a little time for atomizers to come back to life after cleaning.

Using a bit of logic, the only possible reason I can see is that they are still wet and need more time to dry. Other people talk about how it shouldn't matter if it still has water in it, because juice has some water in it anyways, but yeah, water doesn't vaporize well and there you go.

Atomizers need to dry out a lot longer than people think after cleaning.
Or I'm just a ......

But then again, you can always blow them out.
That seems to work really well, maybe even better than drying.

But drying them longer, yeah, that is NEVER gonna hurt.

And yeah, every atomizer I have ever cleaned I thought was toast when I first started trying to use it again. It always comes back though. The ONLY time this didn't happen to me was when I put it in the oven for 20 minutes at 150 degrees. That atomizer worked right away once I put some juice on it.

Your mileage might vary, but I hope you can explain why it would.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 10, 2009
W. Valley/Phoenix Arizona USA
Note; Use the canned air for computers & electronics. Do not use Fart in a can.8-o

I am sooo glad you mentioned that because I just ran out of Fart in a can and I was on my way out to go get more......Ive been blowing out my atty the old fashioned way, with my mouth...sometimes I get dizzy : ) I never thought about canned air. I have 2 cans right here (duh). Im such a noob..


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 9, 2009
Do you mean just keep turning on the heat without juice and keep sucking on it?

Or just heat it up?


If all else fails...I push the button to activate the coil for several seconds to burn the gunk off...I don't suck on it during the burn...after the burn I flush out the black carbon from the atty...I don't like to do that bacause it can shorten atty life.


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 5, 2009
Jersey Shore
I was trying to vape Vermont Vapor Maple juice. (I turned up sensitive to PG, and VV is VG based, and it does taste really good). I was having problems with it wicking. When I could get a puff out of it, it tasted fantastic. But at best it was a puff every half an hour, and I constantly got dry atty symptoms.

(sorry to hijack but I am still too new to start my own post)

Got a similar problem right now. I got some tobacco flavor 35mg from Vermont Vapor the other day and since then both my attys seem to be messed up... or maybe I am just used to the way that JC juice behaves?

FYI: The taste of the VV tobacco was a bit strong for me, so I mixed it about 50/50 with JC Original 18mg reduced PG, this gave me 24mg in the end, which is what I usually vape. BTW, I have been vaping 24mg and 18mg JC Original for the last 3 weeks without any major problems.

Using a 901, I am getting weak vapor production and not much throught hit since starting on the VV liquid. At first it seemed the attys were not wicking right since I am used to the carts looking a bit dry after a few puffs with the JC stuff. After pulling on it many times trying to get some more vapor, I check the cart and it is still very full. Then when I blow out the atty, I get tons of liquid spilling out. I dry it out, and it then vapes ok for a couple puffs before it goes back to not much vapor again. I am rotating through the only 2 batteries that I have, along with a manual USB passthough and having same result. I hope I am explaining this correctly...


Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
(sorry to hijack but I am still too new to start my own post)
Interesting situation you got there.

So, I think Vermont Vapor is all VG juice.
And the Johnson Creek juice is known for being a bit thin.

So with that in mind, see if this helps you figure out what is going on...

PG versus VG juices
PG is propylene glycol and VG is vegetable glycerin.
As far as differences go, this is what I have gathered from reading things here and there.

1) VG is thicker (more viscous)
2) VG vaporizes at a lower temperature
3) VG produces better vapor
4) VG is somewhat sweeter

Because of the above...

1) VG does not wick quite as well
2) VG may gunk up your atomizer more quickly
3) VG produces a somewhat cooler vapor which may reduce throat hit

And maybe this will help too...

Dry atomizers, flooded atomizers, and wicking
Basically, you want to keep your atomizer happy with plenty of juice, but not too much as to flood it.

A good sign that it's flooded is that it gets a little harder to draw on and you get little or no vapor.
Flooding it, however, won't hurt it at all, and you can just blow out the extra juice.

Letting it get too dry, on the other hand, is not good for the atomizer supposedly.
But regardless of whether it is bad for the atomizer or not, you still don't want to do it.

You can tell it is too dry when it starts to taste like crap.
A nasty sort of metallic burning taste.

One reason it might get too dry is if you burn through the juice faster than it can wick up more.
That is why people experiment with different kinds of filler materials to use in their cartridges.

If you take only a drag or two every now and then, you should be fine.
But if you use these like a cigarette, the wicking process will have trouble keeping up.
There are ways to deal with this, and people have different methods that work better for them.

And of course, when the cartridge is running low on juice, it needs topping off for this reason.


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 5, 2009
Jersey Shore
Deadcat2, Thanks for the info.

I am not sure what happened still, but I only have 2 attys, and one seems to be on it's way out... Cant get the metal taste out no matter how much I clean.

Anyway, I have another on it's way and will test the VV juice on it's own to see if it happens again. For now, I flushed the good atty out with water, dried it with a can of compressed air, and switched back to just my JC juice and all is good again :)

I was having a very stessful day that day and was probably puffing on it a lot more than usual. I also started to have a nicotine fit since I couldnt get much out of my ecig.

I think the stressful day and trying a new juice was just a bad combo. I quickly learned that a backup atty might be a good idea in situations like that!
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