Cole/Bishop Introduce FSPTCA Correction Act

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New Member
Mar 20, 2017
This is a great opportunity. One vaper may not be able to do much but if we all participate, we can make difference !!!! Vapers voting made difference in getting Senator Johnson re-elected. If we all participate we can make difference

stopthevapeban . com Please go to this is site and contribute. It only takes a minute

Now is the time to act.


Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
For anyone that didn't get the CASAA memo on this...
(Well, first of all, join CASAA for God's sake!)

But yeah, here you go...


Even if you've reached out to your lawmakers in the past, we need you to do it again. We have received word that the Cole-Bishop amendment is being seriously considered for inclusion in the FY2017 US budget.

But, this is not a guarantee. There are strong forces working against anything that might be perceived as a "Republican rider" in the budget bill. Even though Cole-Bishop is a bipartisan effort in support of what should be a bipartisan issue, the effort to modernize the predicate date for vapor products has been stripped out of the budget before.

We need your help to keep Cole-Bishop in the budget bill!

Please take a moment to call your representative and senators:
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D) - (202) 224-3841
Sen. Kamala Harris (D) - (202) 224-3553
Rep. Darrell Issa (R) - (916) 651-4036

Points to discuss on your call:

  • Urge them to support the Cole-Bishop language in the 2017 US budget bill
  • If the predicate date for vapor products is not modernized, nearly all vapor products will be wiped off the market in 2018. Many businesses will start closing down this year.
  • The FDA will still have the authority to regulate vapor products and common sense regulations like no sales or marketing to minors will remain unchanged.
  • If you have time, briefly, tell your story about how vaping has helped you.

When you're finished with your call, visit and send an email.

Please share this URL with everyone. EVERYONE!

Thank you,
CASAA Legislative Team


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jun 20, 2009
SoCal - The IE
Just a note, rant, whatever - it's important - as mentioned, many may have gotten the CASAA email about this. People outside of vaping need to know about this. My thoughts on the matter, you're welcome to use any or all of it if you like (please credit me) -

The measure that keeps existing vapor products on the market (Cole-Bishop amendment) is being seriously considered for the 2017 fiscal year budget. This saves the vapor market and thousands of small American companies. Millions of lives are at stake. Everyone will be affected. Our representatives need to hear from us.

Favorable data from scientific groups around the world is pouring in (consensus of 95% safer than smoking) and overwhelming the cries of those entities that will lose billions of dollars if vapor products are widely adopted as the safer alternative to tobacco use.

State governments receiving payments from large tobacco companies (Tobacco Master Settlement) and pharmaceutical companies making stop smoking aids will lose the most. The tobacco companies seem to know this is their future and are quietly supporting parts of the vapor industry.

Elimination of the vapor market will have a direct, negative impact on probably more than ten million individuals in the US, and many more will experience indirect negative consequences. More than 99% of the products will disappear from the market in August 2018 if this is allowed to transpire (FDA Deeming Regulations). Many jobs and small businesses lost, many who will reluctantly return to smoking. Removing the right to choose for future tobacco users. A billion people are expected to die from tobacco use this century. Vapor products might cut that number in half.

If this is "whined" or complained out of the budget by a group of politicians and activists, the possibility of the most profound boon to public health in decades or even centuries will be nearly choked from existence.

This seems the equivalent of ignoring the promise of great good coming from something new, not generally understood and almost magic like with it's ability to save lives - like penicillin.

We can't let money and power win this time, it hurts us all.

Rick Hageman
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 9, 2016
Washington, DC
We are indeed at a tipping point. If you live in a state with a Democrat as your Senator, please call. Ask them to talk to Sen. Schumer and support the House language on FDA deeming date in the Agriculture spending bill! It is the Democrats that have the power to get this through, and where we face most opposition! The time is now, this decision could be made this week!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Zen Knitter

Super Member
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Sep 27, 2016
Gold country, Calif.
For anyone that didn't get the CASAA memo on this...
(Well, first of all, join CASAA for God's sake!)

But yeah, here you go...


Even if you've reached out to your lawmakers in the past, we need you to do it again. We have received word that the Cole-Bishop amendment is being seriously considered for inclusion in the FY2017 US budget.

But, this is not a guarantee. There are strong forces working against anything that might be perceived as a "Republican rider" in the budget bill. Even though Cole-Bishop is a bipartisan effort in support of what should be a bipartisan issue, the effort to modernize the predicate date for vapor products has been stripped out of the budget before.

We need your help to keep Cole-Bishop in the budget bill!

Please take a moment to call your representative and senators:
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D) - (202) 224-3841
Sen. Kamala Harris (D) - (202) 224-3553
Rep. Darrell Issa (R) - (916) 651-4036

Points to discuss on your call:

  • Urge them to support the Cole-Bishop language in the 2017 US budget bill
  • If the predicate date for vapor products is not modernized, nearly all vapor products will be wiped off the market in 2018. Many businesses will start closing down this year.
  • The FDA will still have the authority to regulate vapor products and common sense regulations like no sales or marketing to minors will remain unchanged.
  • If you have time, briefly, tell your story about how vaping has helped you.

When you're finished with your call, visit and send an email.

Please share this URL with everyone. EVERYONE!

Thank you,
CASAA Legislative Team

The phone number listed for Congressman Issa is incorrect and should be 202-225-3906 or call his Ca. District office at 760-599-5000.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2014
In my view trying to sneak past legislators in the budget bill was kind of a Hail Mary pass. There are a couple of lawsuits moving along. The new Administration might tell their lawyers to stop resisting the claims made by the various plaintiff's? The Trump Administration shouldn't have to argue points it doesn't agree with in a lawsuit.


PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
I'm not sure why I haven't seen this announced here, but CASSA is asking everyone to email their Representatives about HR 1136. Please go to .

Just sent my comment to 3 Congressional members in my district. Am I correct in thinking I was late to the table for my comment?


Ultra Member
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Sep 21, 2012
N.N., Virginia
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