Crazy places your e-cig has turned up?

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Senior Member
Sep 7, 2012
Two words - company car... Not crazy in itself, but my coworker came in with it and asked if it was my "weird pen-thing".

Here I go quoting myself again:

Reading your story made me wonder what happens when a person who has never heard of or seen an e-cig (e.g. another hiker taking that same trail a day later) happens upon one. What goes through their minds? What do they think it is?

You answered it! A weird pen-thing. Damn, I was kind of hoping for something more interesting. That's people for ya.


ECF Guru
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Aug 19, 2012
Also lost my e-cig once only to find it wrapped around my neck (as bad as my hand one). I got tired of losing my e-cig so I bought me a lanyard. Took me a little bit to remember I had the lanyard around my head (especially when I drop the e-cig in my pocket and don't feel it dangling). So whenever I lose my e-cig now, the first places I check is my hand and my neck. Sometimes I leave them in the bathroom and find the cats smacking them around. Mostly in the cushions everyone else.


Senior Member
Sep 7, 2012
Also lost my e-cig once only to find it wrapped around my neck (as bad as my hand one). I got tired of losing my e-cig so I bought me a lanyard. Took me a little bit to remember I had the lanyard around my head (especially when I drop the e-cig in my pocket and don't feel it dangling). So whenever I lose my e-cig now, the first places I check is my hand and my neck. Sometimes I leave them in the bathroom and find the cats smacking them around. Mostly in the cushions everyone else.

That's the second time today I've read about people wearing them around their necks, so I had to find out more. Turns out quite a few people do it. I think I might feel a bit silly, though. Like a combined latchkey kid (sans key) and junior league soccer coach (sans whistle). And doesn't it bounce around uncomfortably? Maybe I'm overthinking. :) Otherwise it makes perfect sense!
The refrigerator - that's hilarious. I can't help but wonder how it got in there? I agree - Vaping in bed is SUCH a pleasure.

I know exactly how it happened. I had it in my hand, went to take out a casserole dish, and put it down--on the refrigerator shelf. The rest is history.

Two minutes later when I went to my pocket for it, I realized what happened and retrieved it before it even had time to get cold.


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Aug 6, 2012
That's the second time today I've read about people wearing them around their necks, so I had to find out more. Turns out quite a few people do it. I think I might feel a bit silly, though. Like a combined latchkey kid (sans key) and junior league soccer coach (sans whistle). And doesn't it bounce around uncomfortably? Maybe I'm overthinking. :) Otherwise it makes perfect sense!

I feel like a complete goofball wearing my ego on a lanyard, but I don't even care. I do it anyway, it's just too convenient.


ECF Guru
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Aug 19, 2012
That's the second time today I've read about people wearing them around their necks, so I had to find out more. Turns out quite a few people do it. I think I might feel a bit silly, though. Like a combined latchkey kid (sans key) and junior league soccer coach (sans whistle). And doesn't it bounce around uncomfortably? Maybe I'm overthinking. :) Otherwise it makes perfect sense!

See Biziou post. And yes, it will bounce around if you're running a marathon. I just use it when I'm chilling.


Vaping Master
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Jan 27, 2011
east TN
I have a friend who lost her reo in a park. she searched and searched when she realized it was gone, but she didn't find it. a couple of weeks later she was whining about it so I told her to go back to the park and look again, she did although she thought I was silly. she asked some guys doing mowing there if they had seen it. they had!! they told her the general area they tossed it and by golly she found it! like the other lost reo, she tossed the battery (and liquid) and it is still working like a champ. moral of the story, never give up :)


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Nov 4, 2011
Haha! I have an eGo so I can totally picture chasing my runaway e-cig as it rolls on down the hill. I have a hard time keeping it from rolling off my desk all the time.

So why did you REALLY want to get into the server room? :)

It's not fun I was just praying it would stay straight till I caught up with it there are storm drains on the sides of my street didn't want to watch it disappear. Good thing i have most of my lung capacity back i can actually run some now. Also I wanted to get into the server room to unplug the phone server of course working in a call center we always pray the phones will go down. :)


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Jan 7, 2010
When I lose mine, it's usually somewhere in my car or in the bathroom.

Not too long ago, I went out with my boyfriend and a few friends to a bar and got pretty plastered there. I was hitting my e-cig a lot and the next day I couldn't find it. I was convinced I had left it at the bar, and called them several times asking them if they had found it. Then I figured someone probably stole it and was peeved at the fact they took it just to see what it was and probably couldn't even use it after the battery dies or the juice runs out.

A month later, my boyfriend finds the e-cig in his car while cleaning it out. It had rolled underneath the seat, I guess I had passed out or something. Gawwdd... I always lose my e-cig when I drink! >.<

jack smith

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