DCT Atomizer Quiestion

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ECF Guru
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
If I understand correctly the bottom slides down so you can fill the tank. Is it difficult to do this? I tried but afraid of breaking it. I bought a DCT Electronic Cigarettes Round Mouth Dual Heating Core Atomizer from fasttech. Thank you for your help. If i can figure it out.... I plan on using it on a ego-v. What would be the best setting to use on a variable?


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ECF Veteran
Apr 7, 2013
southern california
you won't break it. i am using that tank right now. just push it out the bottom a little so the top of the cartomizer is inside the tank and you can "lean" the cartomizer out of the way of the juice you are going to be putting in, tilt the tank and fill. I am positive there are videos that explain it better..and explain priming the carto.

check this out too http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/blogs/baditude/3710-5-cartomizer-tank-setup.html

the voltage depends on the resistance of the cartomizer.


ECF Moderator
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Mar 5, 2013
Huntsville, Alabama (Rocket City), USA
What's the ohm rating for the atomizer? For a ballpark figure, add 2 to the ohms and set that as the voltage. If you have a 2.4Ω coil, set the voltage around 3.7 to 4.2 volts. Change the voltage up and down to see where you get the best flavor. There's also a chart to help you with the voltage setting http://i.imgur.com/Ohn8o.png ... good luck with your experimenting.

PS: Is this what you got: $3.12 DCT Electronic Cigarettes Round Mouth Dual Heating Core Atomizer (Large) - red at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping ??

Pre fill the cartomizer before you put it in the tank. Yes, you slide the cartomizer down so you can fill the tank from the top. Try not to get any juice in the very middle of the cartomizer (that's the air hole). A filling tool helps (extra long drip tip that will slide down into the tank). There are tons of videos on youtube showing you how to do this. I just started using tanks/cartomizers a few weeks ago and they work really good. Just be sure to allow them time to soak in the juice and take a few "dry" hits to pull in more juice before you fire it up.
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