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Debridge Attys

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2010
YES!! very successfuly following the video. I did a 510 first, (after making sure I had plenty
of working spares). I liked it because it makes switching flavors so much easier. :)
Don't like it 'cause I can't drip fast enough it do it at a stop-light, (I don't text and
drive either):(

My next experiment was with a DSE801 that heated up but gave off NO vapor.
Debridged it, cleaned it with water, everclear, vinigar, hydrogen peroxide, more
water, more.... Finally got the coil to fire up for a dry burn, could see it glowing
and now it's a great dripping atty! :vapor::vapor::vapor:

If you have a dead or underperforming atty, start the experiment with those,
you may just be able to bring one back from the dead. If not, no loss.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2010
As long as you are careful and do not disturb the coil or pull the coil housing out of the atomizer by accident, it works great. Here is what I do:
take pointy scissors, cut the metal mesh in half, right at the tip of the bridge, pull it to the side, gently, take tweezers and grasp onto the actual bridge that you have now exposed. Give it a little wiggle to loosen it from the mesh, and pull up. This is the part you have to be most careful with, don't pull so hard you yank the entire "puck" out with it. You just want the bridge out. Then I cut the mesh back to the edge. Don't try to remove all of the mesh, just the part that goes up over the bridge. You may find some strands of wick left behind, remove those with tweezers, and you should have an exposed coil. From here you have to drip, and can visually see when it gets gunked up. Good luck to you. I would test this on a bad atty first, if you have one, just to get used to the process.
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