Debunking the Most Recent ECF Conspiracy Theory ( PMs )

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Retired ECF Forum Manager
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Dec 17, 2010
Lurking in the shadows
Once again wild accusations have been flying around the forum so I guess maybe it is time to bring a dose of reality to the tinfoil hat brigade. While I may not get through to them, I am positive that what I post here is going to be understood by the vast majority of ECF users

Allegation: ECF reads all of your PMs.

Wow. OK I'll just respond with information and let you make the decision on what you believe:

1. Any person with "root" access to a server can access and manipulate ALL of the information on a server.

2. Your PMs and emails are not private anywhere on the internet unless you use public key encryption. Not going to go into the techie reasons why, there are plenty of folks on the forum that I am sure will be happy to explain why. But here some teasers- "hackers" and "patriot act"

3. Any forum software can easily be extended to give the ability to read your PMs. It is just as possible for your PMs to be read on VF or NV. Do they do it? Probably not. Do we? Nope. Why? Two reasons: firstly it is a matter of credibility. Once you take a step down that slippery slope you can't scramble back up. Secondly, you must be kidding -- do you have any idea how many PMs get sent on ECF daily? There is no way we could do this even if we cared to do so.

And for the naysayers that say well you could just read "certain people's PMs" I'll just say this: If we did that I am positive that I would have banned several people here on the forum that are a pain in the neck long ago. But since we do not, these people are still active on ECF because they have not broken the rules severely enough to be banned.

So In conclusion I would like to say, make your own decision and remember that this and many other conspiracy theories are driven by people with agendas. Sometimes you need to see the "rest of the story" so it all makes sense. This theory is being advanced by a small group of people and of course has been used as a recruiting tool by one of "ECF's Favorite people" who just happens to be a moderator for Nu Vapor. Personally I would think that VF and NV can get users without stooping to use such tactics, but apparently this person feels it is necessary to further her agenda ( whatever it may be ).


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Thanks for the laugh. I tend to live my life on line and elsewhere with the awareness that someone's always watching. C'mon, what exactly is private. Ok, ok. I am gonna stop poking fun. I just love how people join a " community" and want top secret level 2000 security for the things they "choose" to do on a "public" "community" FORUM. I love and appreciate ECF for its beautifully public community where WE share...


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Nov 5, 2011
Winchester UK
Working in IT myself and having previouse experiance at aiding in the running of a forum and administrating it, I for sure can say it would be near impossible to read even 10% of PMs and like you said, what would be the point??..

Shame you have to post that tho, it does prove there are some crazy theorists out there who obviously find the need to cause issues wherever they go! (cof cof like my mother in law who is unfortunatly living with us!!! :facepalm:)


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Aug 14, 2012
Having been on dozens of sites over the years. I have never been concerned with having PM's or anything read. You don't put it out if you don't want it read.

However, I have seen some mods who didn't exactly act in professional ways. Most are good. I don't know these ones yet, but I would imagine they are all human. However, it's always hard not to take things personally if you are censored or given warnings like you are in grade school etc. It's easy to believe someone is biased or playing favorites.


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Jul 10, 2012
Private Suite GroenDakkies
-The parties actually being addressed here wouldn't/ couldn't possibly comment due to the 'supposed backlash' they would receive; and any response would only act in further ostracising those immediately concerned.

-Proposing to ban someone due to comments made in a PM no matter how derisive such comments would seem, cannot be banned. If such information were made public knowledge, disclosed by the originator, was deemed wholly offensive and contravened the terms and conditions to which each member agrees to, then only could they be banned.

-What would be most alarming to any member would be the thought that their privacy could be compromised by those who have authority to do so and that those who could do so - would - by using any unscrupulous method available to them.

-If a member feels or believes their privacy has been compromised, and due to such compromise has been treated in a less than favourable manner then surely ECF should do everything in its power to investigate such allegations, and alleviate the concerns of said member with absolute impartiality and without the fear of public ridicule.

- As ECF is a large public forum and having been around since 2007 it makes it difficult to imagine that no one group of members has an 'agenda'. Members who have been on this platform for years would have formed their own groups or clique's, it is not difficult to identify these groups, they are threaded across the entire platform, 'us vs them' is a natural human behaviour. Why it would be different on ECF is difficult to comprehend.

However, as ECF is a public forum regarding all things Vaping and should there be Personal Vendetta's, Power Struggle's and Higher Agenda's by any party including those of Moderators and Administrators, then those matters should be dealt with internally. In my opinion making these matters public only serves to fuel theories, rumour and supposition and draws on all members to question and seemingly ridicule that which should have been dealt with privately.


They call me 'Tibs"
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Feb 23, 2010
-If a member feels or believes their privacy has been compromised, and due to such compromise has been treated in a less than favourable manner then surely ECF should do everything in its power to investigate such allegations, and alleviate the concerns of said member with absolute impartiality and without the fear of public ridicule.

i wholeheartedly agree! no matter how outlandish or farfetched certain concerns were as long as they were expressed in a PRIVATE MESSAGE they should have stayed private.
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