Distilled Water Usage

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Sep 29, 2012
I've seen several posts in the past mentioning the use of a small amount of Distilled H2O. I've since grown curious but cannot find those posts, so I'll throw this out there to see if anyone can enlighten me.
Is Distilled H2O worth using at small %s, and if so what would be the purpose???? as a diluting agent, for flavor enhancement??
Is its use recommended for PG/VG, or to thin out VG only??
Any comments would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance


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Sep 21, 2013
Is used primarily for thinning hgigh VG concentrations.

If u can get your VG at 84% to 86% concentration ( i.e. 84 parts VG / 16 parts water ) you can skip the diluting with water as the viscosity is about right and on par with PG.

I once bought a batch of top-grade VG with 96% at an unbeatable price, so I do need to add distilled water cuz at that concentrations its more like goo ( slo mo sloshing ;) )

Different builds, different wicking material - distilled water is fix-it of choice for tweaking the liquid to optimum wickability :)

Art Mustel

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Aug 24, 2009
I used to vape 50pg/50vg but lately Ive been trying to cut the pg totally, so my mixes are from 100% vg nicotine solution taken to 12mg/ml nicotine with pure VG plus 10% distilled water. It wicks very good and it does not dehydrate me. If i wanted to do cloud chasing i would skip the distilled water, but i am not really into that. The way I mix gives me good flavor, good throat hit and as I said above, very good wicking in kayfuns and Orchid tanks, and drippers. I do not use other kind of tanks like Protanks or Nautilus or any tank that uses replaceable heads so i cannot say it will wick correctly on them, but it might too.
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Dec 28, 2011
Michigan, USA
Just adding to what has been said, but for me:

- Thins PG-free liquids nicely for better flow through wicks
- Seems to carry flavor in the vape better than non-aqueous VG
- Reduces the boiling point of the VG, which should diminish chances of unwanted byproducts of overheated VG
- Seems to dehydrate me less than non-aqueous VG

I usually use around 15-20%, with undiluted VG base.


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Nov 29, 2012
Davis, CA
I've been reading the Inawera thread the past few days, and noticed people talking about the "power smoke" base, which is 45/45/10 PG/VG/demineralized water, so I mixed some up a couple days ago (with distilled water) and I have to say I like it better than any just PG/VG ratios I've used. I might play around more with the ratios, but the big difference for me with adding water is my mouth gets much less dry. The taste seems a little clearer or cleaner too. I'll be adding water to all my bases from now on.


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Nov 29, 2012
Davis, CA
How do you guys add distilled water in VG to a recipe? Do you just make water 10% of the recipe or dilute the VG with water and just keep all the percents the same? Which way is better?

That's going to be a personal preference. Water thins a solution significantly, so some may want to lower the pg level and increase vg to compensate, but you should try a few ratios out for yourself to find your own preference.


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Feb 20, 2013
How do you guys add distilled water in VG to a recipe? Do you just make water 10% of the recipe or dilute the VG with water and just keep all the percents the same? Which way is better?

I treat the water as a PG flavoring in regards to the calculator I use (ejuicemeup). So a recipe might look like this -

8% 100mg Nic Base (VG)
77% VG (VG)

5% Flavor A (PG)
5% Flavor B (PG)
5% Distilled Water (PG)


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Feb 20, 2013
The distilled water isn't PG, it's just labeled as such in my calculator because it's much less viscous than VG. In the recipe I posted, the only PG comes from the flavorings themselves, so it equates to 10% PG (from flavors), 5% Distilled Water, 85% VG.

I've never messed with the 'additive' part of the calculator very thoroughly. I think I tried it once, but it was screwing up the end-result ratios if I recall correctly.


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Jun 29, 2013
Any more opinions on DW, does it actually help with hydration/dryness?

That is absolutely the case, and I have experienced it first hand myself. One of the symptoms of dehydration is joint pain and muscle cramps. These symptoms can be eased somewhat by drinking lots of water - at least for me. Aside from pg, vg is also a dehydrating agent - although to a lesser extent. Therefore more water in your juice is always a good idea. Some vendors even sell their liquids in a version that contains 80%vg and 20%DW.

I'd be interested to know if anyone besides myself has experienced joint pain and muscle cramps attributable to vaping and/or dehydration.


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Feb 20, 2013
That is absolutely the case, and I have experienced it first hand myself. One of the symptoms of dehydration is joint pain and muscle cramps. These symptoms can be eased somewhat by drinking lots of water - at least for me. Aside from pg, vg is also a dehydrating agent - although to a lesser extent. Therefore more water in your juice is always a good idea. Some vendors even sell their liquids in a version that contains 80%vg and 20%DW.

I'd be interested to know if anyone besides myself has experienced joint pain and muscle cramps attributable to vaping and/or dehydration.

I haven't experienced those symptoms, but I have experienced dehydration leading to slight headaches if the mix has too much PG. For whatever reason, PG seems to severely dehydrate my mouth in comparison to VG, thus all of my recipes are a minimum of 75% VG with distilled water added.
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