Do you have cravings for vaping like we all had for cigs?

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Jan 7, 2010
Sometimes I don't vape for hours or don't really crave it, especially if I'm not feeling well or busy. This mostly happens at home. I'll go through periods of taking a puff every few seconds to taking a few puffs every hour or so. But when I go out, I feel like I HAVE to have my PV with me. When I forget it sometimes or run out of battery, I start freaking out and looking to alternatives. And this is especially true when drinking. I'd like to get to the point where I don't feel like I "need" it when I'm drinking but ugh... if I don't have it, I'll be wanting a real smoke and the whole reason I vape is to not smoke.

Blind Squirrel

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Nov 24, 2013
Scottsdale, AZ
When I was a smoker I had big cravings regularly, often triggered by the start or completion of a task. Now that I vape those cravings have lessened, but still show up from time to time. Usually when driving, watching TV, web surfing, drinking, hanging out with people smoking or playing poker.

I recently started seeing a woman that doesn't smoke or vape. Even though she told me it was fine to vape in her house, I wouldn't out of respect. I have gone half a day without vaping while visiting her, just because I didn't have a craving to. Once I got in the car the next morning I would chain vape while on my way home, but it was never an urgent need. I knew that it was going to be there when I got to it and that seemed to be good enough for me.

Blind Squirrel

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Nov 24, 2013
Scottsdale, AZ
Sometimes I don't vape for hours or don't really crave it, especially if I'm not feeling well or busy. This mostly happens at home. I'll go through periods of taking a puff every few seconds to taking a few puffs every hour or so. But when I go out, I feel like I HAVE to have my PV with me. When I forget it sometimes or run out of battery, I start freaking out and looking to alternatives. And this is especially true when drinking. I'd like to get to the point where I don't feel like I "need" it when I'm drinking but ugh... if I don't have it, I'll be wanting a real smoke and the whole reason I vape is to not smoke.

Drinking is probably the toughest for cravings. I make sure my PV is good to go before I start drinking. Post-coitus is a distant second.


Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
When I smoked, I would have a cigarette the very first thing when I got out of bed.
And if you tried to stop me from having that first cigarette, you were asking for trouble.

When I started vaping I was using 12mg strength liquid.
Over five years later I am still vaping and I am still using 12mg strength liquid.

The only difference is that sometimes I don't even take my first vape until I'm relaxing on the couch after work.


Vaping Master
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Mar 28, 2009
Willamette Valley, PNW
Hadn't given it a thought before.

Habit factor has me vaping first thing out of bed.
As for cravings I'm apparently in the same boat as others here. Cravings for flavor more so than the nicotine.
I had been a devout 36mg, unflavored vapor for a good while. All flavored liquids tasted any where from bland to gross.

Dropped to 24mg unflavored some time back, that's all I vaped. No cravings just regular use.
Then I discovered flavored liquids that actually tasted good to me.
So the norm for me these days is my standard unflavored "maintenance" vape during the day but by the time I'm headed home in the afternoon I'm jonesin' hard for Lemonade or Snickerdoodle or, or, or.....


Ultra Member
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Mar 19, 2014
Riverhead, NY, USA
Ya know...that's a great question.I definitely don't get that intense pull I would when I needed a cigarette. In the morning I get a craving but again its nothing like I had when I smoked and I can go a long time without vaping if I have to. But, when I do vape its pretty much all the time with few breaks. I dont mean that I chain vape but it is constant.
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