Do you have multiple mods and tanks?

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Jan 24, 2014
Do you have multiple mods and tanks?

Does a cat have an... umm, furry derriere? :D

This is a small portion:




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Sep 11, 2013
Eastern Ohio, USA
Multiple? Absolutely. I think I'm up around 40(?) various atomizers and maybe 30-ish mechs and mods. Or more. I haven't counted in a while. But vaping became a hobby for me. I enjoy building and tinkering.

Does a cat have an... umm, furry derriere? :D

Mine certainly does!

This is a small portion:

View attachment 519290

Where'd you get those smoofy drip tip adapters?
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Jan 30, 2012
United States
ooo, i like those tilt-drip-tip insulators, andriaD, very nice! ;)

OP- I've been on ECF from the beginning onward, this being my 2nd user-name, this being my close-to 4,000th post. lol. There's many answers to your question. The 1st answer being... There is ANCIENT WISDOM that old-timer vapers gather, over time, and they try to share that knowledge with those new vapers whom will listen. Of the most cardinal, most important, most sacred, of rules, to vaping- The golden rule of vaping: Have backups, for your backups, for your backups. That is, be SURE to have backup mods... WHY? Because if your favorite mod of all time were to somehow be placed down, on a shelf, at the big-box store, (Target, Walmart, etc) and you make it half-way home before realizing you DONT have it... You're most-likely S**T-OUT-OF-LUCK, right!? Well, you want to AVOID these types of frightening situations, sir... See, cigarettes were easily bought at the local gas-station. Mods, well, they aren't so easily purchased. Not at all times, not at all hours of the night, not on holidays, not when you're out-of-town, and not when you're at the family reunion... So, because of this issue, we suggest you have at-least a favorite PV (called the MAIN PV) and a secondary PV (the BACKUP PV) Because eventually, you WILL LOSE a mod, and/or a mod of yours MAY be STOLEN from you. It happens.

SECONDLY- Mods wear-down over time, TRUST me. TRUST US! Trust me when I tell you, that the shiny new mod you hold in your hand today, WILL NOT look as nice as it's looking right now, in 1 year, and especially not in 2 years... (this was a-lot more meaningful back 1-2 years ago, when we were buying cheap, chromed mods, that lost their chrome finish, or their paint, or their lamination.. but, still relevant) Trust me when I tell you that if you use a machine daily, for 4, 5, 6 months, that machine IS going to WEAR DOWN. The buttons weaken and become rattly, the paint chips and fades, everything I've mentioned, does-happen, and WILL-happen, over time. This is why we continuously buy new mods, because, the mods we have today, will not be there for us in the long-term, esp not aesthetically, lol... They aren't made to look pretty forever, and they certainly aren't going to. In-fact, some of our members are EXPERTS with "mother's mag" stainless steel polish, wet-sanding stainless steel and aluminum, and paint refinishing, bcuz of this!

Functionality-wise, our mods break down in this way as-well... This was more-so prevalent back when we were buying CHEAPLY-MADE mods from terrible companies out to ROB US of our money by selling us CRAP. But, it still reigns true today. Mods are mechanical, mods are electronic, and mods WILL break. you do NOT want to be without your main PV, without a backup PV, right? Mods WILL let u down. In every way you can possibly think of, and more. You WILL drop your main PV off of your bed, 200 times. You WILL get out of your vehicle with your mod in your lap, and drop it to the pavement below, 200 times. You WILL scratch, chip, gauge, mane, and utterly DESTROY your mod(s) over time. Trust me. It happens, over time... & when the final blow hits, & leaves you without a means of delivering nicotine to your body, you will wish you had a backup mod, and a backup mod for that backup mod. Think Murphey's Law... Anything that CAN go wrong with your mod, WILL go wrong with your mod, eventually...

There is also a WANT factor, sure... If you hang around ECF Forums for a long-enough period of time, you WILL (most-likely) wind-up wanting a mod (or two, or three) that someone else has. You WILL wind-up feeling the throws of "mod envy" and "shinyitus" as my compadre has so carefully put it... This is a fact of life. If you are human, you WILL covet your neighbor's mod. There is also the OCD illness of Obtainitus... THIS illness will have you creating categories that "MUST BE FILLED!" haha... For example: Do you currently have a regulated mod? YES? Well, good!! But do you have a regulated TUBE mod!? NO? Dude, you HAVE to try a regulated tube mod.. They are SO stealthy! I promise, you'll LOVE it! Do you have a mech mod? NO!? DUDE!? u neeeed a mechanical mod. You NEED a mechanical BOX mod! DUDE do you even SQUONK? DUDEEEE, if you DON'T have a bottom fed mod, you're legit NUTS! Bottom-feeding mods are where it's AT right now my dude... & BRO, they have REGULATED bottom-feed mods, you NEED to try a mechanical BF mod, and a REGULATED bottom-fed mod!!! And dude, do you have a stainless-steel and brass mechanical tube mod? Dude, you have not LIVED until you've held a stainless steel, and brass, mechanical tube mod, in your hands, they're simply GORGEOUS paired with a stainless steel/brass RDA or SS/Brass Tank, seriously. they really r beautiful... OH and dude, you HAVE to get a 26650 mod for when you're just chillaxin' at home, and you don't want to have to recharge the coffee table mod's battery in 2-3 DAYS.. SO awesome! I mean, I wouldn't take my 26650 mod OUT w/me, but, it's the PERFECT coffee table mod, & i NEVER charge it!! OH and BRO- You SIMPLY MUST grab a box mod with internal tank... Like, the Kanger Nebox, or, the Billetbox, or, the Xvostick... They're SO tiny! They're SO short that only the drip-tip pops out of your fist when you're vaping in public, it's sweet for stealth vaping! SPEAKING-OF: Do you have a STEALTH MOD? DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE.... you NEED a STEALTH MOD!! like, you HAVE to grab a nice 18350 mechanical tube mod, for when you want to be suuuuper stealthy out in public, or at disney land!! OH, and that reminds me! do you have a GENESIS HYBRID MECHANICAL YET!? DUDE... u NEED to genesis hybrid mechanical with a vertical stainless-steel wick, it's a WHOLE NEW BALLGAME when it comes to conductivity and vapor production/taste!!! OH and an E-PIPE! OH and you NEED a dinner-party-mod for fancy dinners and balls... OH and grab yourself a cheap beater mod for work/rock-climbing/etc...

You see, the above BLOB of words, is what happens when you begin filling categories. THAT is when you've become a collector, and, once you're a self-admitted collector, you have the bug... & you no-longer need backups for your backups, NOW you need 1 mod in each and every category I've listed above, and at-least 1 backup, in each & every category I've just listed above! :p lol. OH and warning: Once you're a collector, you're gonna begin buying "high quality mods" such as Provari's, Reos, iHybrids, HOHybrids, etc/etc. Good luck with that. As you'll see in the "show us a picture of your current setup" thread, there's plenty of collectors here...

& then there is the VAPOCALYPES hoarders... Those of us vapers whom know that the FDA is planning to BAN the sale of ALL advanced E-Cigarette Mods & Accessories, in the not-so-distant future. Plenty of us here on ECF believe mods will become harder to obtain, and they'll become more expensive to obtain... Which is why vapocalypes hoarders are buying many mechanical mods, and rebuildable atomizers, in hopes of being able to vape WELL into the future, WITHOUT having to buy new mods/attys, in the future.

So, there are plenty of different reasons for needing more than 1 mod, and WANTING more than 1 mod... My advice to you, is to stick as close to where you're currently at now- but, i DO recommend you buy a couple 2-3 mechanical mods, a couple regulated mods (have 1, 2, maybe even three regulated mods) and, enjoy yourself after that. you DONT want to be stuck w/ no ability to vape the way you want to vape, for 2, 3, 4 days... F that. Enjoy the vape journey... duuuuude.....


Vaping Master
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Jul 4, 2015
Northern Arizona
I basically only have 1 mod which is a 180W X Cube 2... And people keep asking me when I go into ecig shops why I don't change battery.

And I say to them that I will never need more than 180W so why would I change my battery...

So I was just wondering as to if anyone else has multiple batterys and if so... Why don't you just stick with 1 battery that has all the wattage you will ever need? You could buy a spare one if needs be, but surely you only need 1.

I purely sub-ohm and have many tanks like the TFV4, Aspire Atlantis 2, Aspire Triton (For non-sub ohm sometimes) and the Billow V2.

But as for mods, why get another when you have all the wattage you will ever need, what about you guys?!? What mods and tanks do you have?

I have three mods that use 18650 batteries and just bought a fourth earlier today. I use two RTAs. Have five more in a drawer. Havr plenty Rayon and cotton balls, and 500 feet Kanthal.


Vaping Master
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Jul 4, 2015
Northern Arizona
I have more mods than I can conveniently remember, and bunches of tanks and drippers. Not only do I have shiny whoozits, I am ready for vapocalypse. I also have several lifetimes supply of nic juice laid down in the freezer.

Exactly. You never know when Bureaucrats will do something stupid and vaping goes away I am doing what I can to make Bureaucrats irrelevant.


Vaping Master
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Jul 4, 2015
Northern Arizona
No not all of us , if the OP's smart he won't get caught up in the "must obtain new mod at any cost" type of mindset . A backup or two is smart but if you think buying all the new mods will give you a superior vape think again , the differences between mods is design and what appeals to you the most .

I have mid priced mods and i have tried expensive mods , they essentially do the exact same thing which is power your topper .

Of course some are cheap and some are more reliable and dependable but there is absolutely no need to spend a lot for an excellent mod nowadays.

Spend money on some decent toppers and learn how to wrap your own coils , very simple , a blind chimp with arthritis can do it.

Not sure about a chimp but this old man with 1 1/2 hands can do it.
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Sep 28, 2015
HoustΩn, TX
But as for mods, why get another when you have all the wattage you will ever need, what about you guys?!?
Different devices for different situations. Parallel box for vaping around the house. Single tube for short trips to the market and back. Squonker for longer sojourns. Regulated box to verify resistance readings and to dry burn safely.
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Vaping Master
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Jul 4, 2015
Northern Arizona
Multiple? Absolutely. I think I'm up around 40(?) various atomizers and maybe 30-ish mechs and mods. Or more. I haven't counted in a while. But vaping became a hobby for me. I enjoy building and tinkering.

Mine certainly does!

Where'd you get those smoofy drip tip adapters?

I don't have shiny itis.

I know that if I drop vsnd break my mod or RTA and I get under stress my feet will find a smoke shop and put that nicotine monkey back on my back.. I will soon have four box mods that use 18650s. Two RTAs and five backup RTAs. I want to stay off the Stinkies FOREVER.


Vaping Master
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Sep 26, 2013
Savoir-Faire is everywhere!
I just have a bunch of ProVaris, a Reo, and a handful of old eGo type batteries that will likely never see use again. Does that count? I gave away the other oddball stuff I had accumulated in my initial geek phase when I began vaping.

I really only use the dragon ProVari and various colored cartotanks now. If it ain't broke, etc. etc.


Vaping Master
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Sep 26, 2013
Savoir-Faire is everywhere!
wow, are you STILL stuck on that cartotank phase, ev? sheeesh... y'know, baditude moved-on to RBAs.. ;)
cmon now, you need to build some clapton coils! you know u want tooo!
I don't want to. I thought I did, bought the stuff, made some coils.....and figured out I don't vape enough to go through all


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 27, 2015
Dunoon, West of Scotland.
I don't have the dreaded Shinyitis but I don't want to go back to smoking.

If electrical things lasted for ever I'd have nothing more than two of my favourites namely iSitck 30w s and a couple of Nautilus Minis...but things do die or break and even worse regulations and laws change.

The First Law of Vaping does apply - always have back ups for your back ups.

Here in Spain I have two of my preferred set ups, plus a Kamry K1000 epipe with four batteries for it that I was given as a gift, and six Ego batteries and a few clearatomisers. Again on the spares front I have a stack of BVC coils. I have the same back in Scotland.

Against projected changes in the law however I have ordered a mechanical bottom feeding squonker and spares for same. I have no wish to take up the coil building nor really move away from my favourites...but sadly I feel I have to be insured against the forthcoming Apocalypse


Super Member
Sep 2, 2015
I'm just trying to keep up with my wife's spending :) I consider it only fair since we married with an equal share in our debts. But yeah, small vape shop could be envious of the collection by now. (And a shoe and bag store too by the way)
Think I have enough wire to circle the globe, enough 99% nic to kill half of all wildlife, batteries to power a small plane and mods, mechs & tanks to throw a decent size party and have all vape on my gear. Provided they bring their own driptip of course...


ECF Guru
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Oct 1, 2013
My favorite mods WILL last forever.

Doesn't keep me from owning 7 of them.

Different flavors at the ready and knowing I have backups while one may be down for cleaning, repair or lost or stolen is priceless.

Heck, what I travel with SHOULD be enough for more than the rest of my life...



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