DYI Liquid

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Full Member
Aug 25, 2011
New York
Hi there!
Im back with another question, which Im hoping someone can help me with.
I was getting tired of slipping back to smoking, because I "missed" the taste of the burning tobacco. Ive tried several different kinds of tobacco flavors, and found them all lacking. So, I decided to try to make my own. I took some regular chewing tobacco. Soaked it overnight. Today, I drained it, and microwaved it to remove some of the water. What I got was a condensed tobacco juice. (I did not nuke it until it was the goo Ive heard described- as I did not want to run the risk of it being too potent) Next, I made a mix of equal parts (30 drops ea.) Home-made nic liquid, VG, PG/VG (80/20), and vodka.
There is plenty of the tobacco flavor I was missing (the others professional brands tasted too fruity for my liking). But, what Im missing is the TH. I tried other mixtures, more PG/VG, more vodka....more of the nic liquid.... nothing is helping to improve the TH. I tried this, thinking maybe it was the consistency. It seemed rather diluted (thin, watery) when I added more PG/VG or vodka. So, I thought it was too watery and wasn't wicking properly. Now, that I have cut the ratio into equal parts, it still does not seem to be wicking properly. (I can tell this, by dropping just one drop one the battery end of my ego T atty.)
Does anyone have any suggestions? Ways to make my home-made "brew" work? I hate that I keep "slipping" and smoking. Please help!
TY for any assistance you may offer.


Ultra Member
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Jun 27, 2011
North Las Vegas
First off , Welcome , but next .YOU NEED TO STOP IMMEDIATELY . You are messing with things , that you know nothing about . In all likely hood , you are in fact poisoning yourself . DIY is good , but you need to order the proper items to make your juice , from the nicotine (your strength) Straight PG and VG , as well as some samples of tobacco flavors , till you find one you like .
With the higher nic levels , and a heavier PG content , you should get the throat hit your looking for . Again , for the love of GOD , please stop trying to cook up a home brew juice , it's very dangerous . You can also go to the DIY area and ask . I'm sure there are several people over there that can get you the taste and throat hit your looking for .
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Ultra Member
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Oct 7, 2011
PH-Illadelph-IA, PA
I agree with Renzuli, I HIGHLY suggest you do not do that yet. It really is very dangerous and you could fairly easily poison yourself, and you dont just have to ingest it to poison yourself. It can be absorbed thru your skin as well.

If you really insist on going this route then at least just order some Tobacco absolute instead of trying to make some yourself.
Go onto BlueMist Vapor. They sell Tobacco Absolute that is already been diluted 50% so its a little easier to work with.
It still needs to be diluted more but they give you instructions on how to do it. Once its diluted again you only put 1 or 2 drops in for an entire batch. As you can see it is EXTREMELY potent. You can add some to any of your juices and it will give you that tobacco taste you are looking for. Doing it this way will be MUCH safer.

Please listen to this and dont continue to do what you are doing. I really think you dont realize how dangerous what your doing really is.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2010
There is a sub-forum about this subject. http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/liquid-extraction-tobacco/

Please read the sticky's and be careful.

There are other ways to get the taste you are looking for without that amount of effort. Try searching for recipes or DIY'ers using TA (Tobacco Absolute) which is the flavor of the tobacco removed from the tobacco leaf and, while it may take some searching, you can get it from different strains of tobacco for different tastes. Also, with TA, it is much simplier to hit a specific target nicotine level.

Vapoor eyes er

ECF Guru
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Sep 13, 2011
Toronto, Ont.
Yep I also found some Pure TA and although hard to find it was perfect. A little goes along way. In regards to your DIY Tobacco I would advise caution. When I DIY my ingredients are exact measurements so I know exactly what I am ingesting. For instance I always test my Nic level..Have you?
Good Luck and please be careful, Vapoor.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
+2 on using Tobacco Absolute. Very concentrated so a little lasts a looooong time! Personally, I wouldn't attempt steeping my own tobacco concentrates without proper lab equipment (centrifuges, filters, dessicator, sterile flasks etc.) and experience/training to do similar things. I do have this equipment and the background experience and I still won't do it. TA and other tobacco flavorings are just too inexpensive to go to all the bother.

You are certainly free to make whatever you want and I applaud the desire to do so. However, working with tobacco is something that might be better left to the labs specifically set up to do that job. Just my .02
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Aussie Pup Wrangler
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Jul 9, 2010
Beautiful Baldwinsville (CNY)
Already well covered. Use some tobacco absolute. I prefer The Perfumers Apprentice Tobacco Absolute Diluted (cut with pure grain alcohol), as it is easier to work with than the non-diluted version, though the BlueMist TA is likely good too (just haven't used it).

TA can be used to kick-up the tobacco flavor on pre-made eliquid from vendors, if you don't feel like really going full blown into DIY just yet. Just a couple drops (2 - 4) per 10ml of eliquid should be noticeable.

TA doesn't have much (if any) nic by itself, it is used with other things that have nic, whether to perk up a vendor eliquid, or as part-of a from-scratch DIY mix, where you use unflavored nicotine liquid base. In DIY I tend not to just use TA, will use something like Seedman Commercial cigarette tobacco flavor as the starting flavor, then add the TA for some "grab".
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