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E-Cig on Airplanes

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Dec 31, 2011
If I were on a long flight & having a nic fit, I'd just slip into the washroom for a few vapes. It would be flavorless & likely 100PG so not a bunch of vapor.

I don't think I'm rude by doing that. I've seen peeps strung out on booze & pills of planes cuz flying makes them nervous, I prefer to calm myself with the odd nic fix, in private.


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Oct 2, 2011
i really don't agree with vaping being allowed in the cab in planes, just because it is a super intimate shared area. however, there's really no need for pvs to be banned on flights. i have a problem with pvs being checked in luggage, and not only because i want to use mine during layovers. they don't make people check their cigarettes, and it'd be pretty unfair to ban pvs due to this incident. there are responsible and irresponsible people out there, and it's just not exactly fair or an incident that really makes it necessary to ban them outright. the batteries are within the parameters set for what is allowed on a plane, and most liquid bottles conform to the mls you're allowed to bring on a plane. it would be pretty much nonsense to have them banned. not to mention i get pretty testy on long flying trips, and i'd be pretty upset to have to check that onto my luggage. i've lost luggage before and if i was stranded in a foreign country with lost luggage, a lost pv, and with no option of vaping during my commute...ya. 'nuff said. that's a recipe for the unhappiest camper ever over here.


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Mar 3, 2011
Edmonton, AB
I still don't understand whether they mean banned from use, banned from carry-on, or banned altogether.

The U.S. Department of Transportation says the devices should not be permitted on airplanes . . .

This suggests they shouldn't even be allowed on the plane, even in checked luggage. Of course if that is what they mean, it is absolutely ludicrous.

But then it goes on...

"We see no reason to treat electronic cigarettes any differently than traditional cigarettes," the department wrote in September, when they submitted their proposal to ban them.

So if they shouldn't be treated any different, then they simply mean banned from use.

Finally, the poll in the article says...

Should electronic cigarettes be banned from airplanes?

1) Yes, they're akin to real cigarettes.

If they are akin to cigarettes, then they wouldn't be banned from airplanes. Vaping would be, however. Again, "ban the use of" is more fitting.

Canadian Air Transport Security Authority has not expressly banned them. Air Canada allows them on flights "provided they remain stowed and unused in your carry-on baggage."

Here they say it's not banned, but you can't use them. So when they say "banned" they mean more than "banned the use of"... which is different than cigarettes.

Maybe I'm just ...., but it really irks me when journalists have no regard for semantics. Leaves us all pondering and thinking the worst.
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Full Member
Mar 23, 2012
That article was not very well written in general. And when was this? Continental was bought by United some time ago and doesn't even exist anymore to my knowledge. The article mentions no dates and no specifics and is really vague on a whole lot of things.

Anyway, it is hugely frustrating to me that e-cigarettes are increasingly getting banned in a number of places. The only reasonable rationale that I could think of is that it looks like smoking, so people might think it is smoking and/or security/staff/flight attendants/whoever (depending on the venue) don't want to be bothered with trying to determine from a distance whether someone is smoking a cigarette or vaping an e-cigarette.

As for the rationale that e-cigs might "bother" some people or that some liquids give off a slight odour (usually something sweet or like candy, fruit, etc) it's not valid IMO because there are plenty of comparable things that never get banned (nor should something be banned solely because some people might not like it, what kind of society are we living in?). Just because something might bother some people who are mis-informed, judgmental or extremely sensitive does not get anything else banned. I am thinking most people who are "bothered" by vaping are uneducated about it and bothered by imagined fears or associations with smoking, which, while invalid, is still going to be a legitimate problem for vapers to deal with until vaping becomes more widely known. Airlines, restaurants, etc care more about their non-vaping customers than their vaping customers as there are more of them.

There may be a category of some people who just don't like the possibility of some of the stronger-flavoured vapes causing a mild odour if someone was vaping right next to them for an extended period of time, but many much-stronger smelling things are not banned: think of perfume, cologne, various foods, body odour, hairspray, baby diapers, etc etc. If perfume/cologne are not banned somewhere they can hardly ban vaping on the rationale that it gives off a scent.

So, what can we do? Hiding our vaping is not helping to educate and familiarize the public, but doing it blatantly in places where smoking is banned without asking for permission or explaining what it is, or doing it when one has been told not to are definitely not going to help. Anyone have any ideas (besides being polite and trying to educate those around us) on what we can do for vaper-advocacy and to try to get some of these bans lifted and prevent more from being enacted??

One of the big problems with bans is that once something is banned it is much less likely to ever get un-banned.


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Feb 19, 2012
Windsor, Ontario
The problem is not the banning, but the specific banning of vaporizers. Of course they can annoy other people in a crowded area. So can a lot of other things like cellphones, colognes and sneezing. None of these are banned because you're expected to show common courtesy to others and policies are in place if you don't. Vaporizers should be in this category. The fact that they're not, stigmatizes them and lumps them in with smoking and that's what galls. Everyone always points out that a private business can set their own policies, which is how it should be. But when a particular activity is singled out, it means the establishment, out of ignorance, views it as a particular irritant, which is just not true. Are straws banned because you could use them to blow in people's faces? We need to continue to hound organizations that ban vaping on that basis, not because they don't have the right to make their own policies.


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Jun 2, 2011
Montreal Quebec
I think the problem is that most of people think only for themself. They dont care about other. It's like with animals, some people that dont like animal are allergic to them and in fact they just dont like it but it's easyer to tell that they are allergic. Ask me about that. some people that are allergic to cats can stay at my house for hours and I have more than 10 cats. If they were really allergic they could not stay more than 15 minutes. It's the same with PV. They dont use it and dont want anybody use it around them. I think it's a society problem.


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Feb 18, 2012
Going for a long flight in a few days. To make sure, I mixed some 55mg PG, with same amount of PG to get a pure PG mix of 27mg. This is higher than what I normally use, so I will do with a little puff now and then. The pure PG gives more TH, and since there are no flavor, there should be no smell.

I did test it, and it gives a lot of TH and "bang", while I just need to keep my breath a few secs to not produce any visible vapor.

I do not plan on vaping away, but to get a little fix every hour or two. :)
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