Ecig and Gluten?

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Verified Member
Mar 16, 2012
I'm not sure if this has been asked by anyone but does anyone know if ejuice can contain gluten? Any celiacs out there react? I react SEVERELY to gluten - if i put on a face cream with gluten, my face burns-it's not just digestive, trust me! If I eat food cooked on the same surface as something with gluten, I react. So far I've been vaping for about a month and haven't had a reaction. I'm just curious if anyone has? Or knows if there's any ejuice flavours that might contain it? This would be really interesting to find out! If there even are answers to this lol!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2011
hi. from what i've noticed juice producers seem to want to assure that their liquids are made from only high quality basic ingredients. i really doubt that gluten was used to adjust the viscosity of any ingredient. the distilling process in spirit process eliminates the gluten, and i'd imagine any artificial flavors for products normally containing gluten would probably not contain any.
the main ingredients in any liquids are naturally free of gluten, so as long as it's not some cheapo stuff i wouldn't consider it a huge issue.
i'm pretty allergic to nuts and barley, so i tend to avoid flavors that have nutty or whisky/rye notes as well.
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