Ego's Are Garbage (Warning to Newbs)

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Ohms Lawbreaker

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Jan 18, 2014
Right Behind You
After all of this, I salute you, BigEgo. Way to go, man, at least you are here at the party discussing your experiences. Underdogs need more credit these days. You may change some views, some of yours may change as a result. I use protanks all the time, love 'em, you are not unreasonable. Either way things change when people show up. Mostly just joking around here but sorry if ya felt like I was piling on with everybody. Whenever I jump into anything headstrong with so much passion, I wind up with a viewpoint often expanded and radically different than what I went in with, happens all the time. Still think eGo's are cool and fill a need, and for such a tiny screen name you've got a Big Ego, but then which of us doesn't. :toast:


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 31, 2013
saint paul,mn,usa
They are junk. Why anyone would recommend such shoddy garbage is beyond me. But, if you want to go buy a $30 battery and have it die after a month (with no warranty), then be my guest! The Chinese will laugh all the way to the bank.

i will bet your local b&m is ordering off the internet from china from the cheapest supplier he can find.
prices so low he has to know the're fakes or cheap clones.
there certainly not real ego branded batteries.
find yourself another local dealer or find a reputable online dealer.
there is a youtube video where some took apart a cheap ego style battery that wouldn't hold a charge
very long.found it filled with flour for ballast and a small battery designed for a 280 mah cigalike.
this low grade stuff is not meant for the american market.its meant for the asian market at a lower
price point.
there is just to many suppliers coming on line to prevent this type of thing from happening now and then.
your local shop should know better.


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Mar 1, 2013
They are junk. Why anyone would recommend such shoddy garbage is beyond me. But, if you want to go buy a $30 battery and have it die after a month (with no warranty), then be my guest! The Chinese will laugh all the way to the bank.

I've got Egos of several brands (Joye, SMOK, Kanger, 3.3V, 3.7V, Regulated, Unregulated, Spinner, Twist, even some FastTech brands) that are well over a year old and still function just fine. Sure, I've had a couple of duds along the way, and some brands are clearly better than others in the QC department, but overall they all preform fine. I don't use them nearly as much as I did when I first started vaping, but they do make for a nice back-up for when my $200 device breaks, dies, gets lost--you name it.


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Jan 7, 2014
In the slower lower ... Delaware
This is not a good thread.

It isn't good to diminish one of the most viable, affordable, and sound beginner options to vaping.
I have a pile of the devices in question, and have already given away several of them with mini protanks to family.
These things simply do not fail as described here.. and you all know that.

I came to this forum for answers and advice, then quit smoking after 40 years of smoking.
And I did it with the very equipment that is being discussed here.. because it was recommended by people here.

Well put! I rarely use old cigalikes (my first vape device). I still use my egos almost everyday. The ego is what finally got me to stop smoking totally. I did cigalikes and smoked for at least a year probably close to 2 years before I bought my ego. With the ego I still did both but cut the amount down on the smoking part in half the first week. I'm coming up on year without a cigarette next month. I will always credit the ego with my success.

Anyone that is new out there buy a ego


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 31, 2013
saint paul,mn,usa
BTW, all of my egos are genuine. My two VV/VW batteries came in a SMOK box and have SMOK stamped on the bottom of the unit. Both are basically duds. These are the "Emax" models for those of you who are familiar with them. As I said, neither give the "30% low battery warning" and one of them dies after an hour or two. Also, when charging, neither give a green light on the charger when fully charged. I have read the SAME THING (about the charging) from other users on these very forums, so I know it isn't just me or a bad charger. They are supposed to work with standard ego chargers, but there is some funny business going on with the lights (again, this happens to people all over).

The Emax is a bad product with very bad quality control. And it isn't just SMOK, as my other, smaller 900mah batteries I got a couple of months ago are shot as well (they are Ego-T's, but I am not sure from what vendor).

it seems to me we are all ok as he has bought all the bad batteries.
vape on your gear in peace regards


Unresolved Status
ECF Veteran
Jun 10, 2013
Amery, WI
I wanted to add a couple of things-I have seen posts where the supposed "knock off" eGo JoyeTech batteries have been opened up and people discovered that the inside had "JoyeTech" written on it. I believe I also read somewhere that JoyeTech was not the original creator of the eGo battery? (Trying to remember but I believe that "Janty" originally made these and sub contracted out to JoyeTech) Trying to hunt this down. Most eGo batteries being sold are not from the "JoyeTech" manufacturer. eGo is a type of battery not exclusive to JoyeTech made batteries.

Secondly, your remarks about being upset that the B & M required you to bring it in so they can take a look at it? There are so many new vaporers out there, that B & Ms have to make sure that the issue is with the battery and not with lack of knowledge. Case in point: Someone mentioning that they had a faulty battery and wanted a replacement-discovered they did not understand the concept of 5 click on/off. Or many people over tightening their clearos and pushing the center pin down on the battery. Or still other consumers that just want a "replacement" battery sent out (while original battery is actually operating correctly). B & Ms have to protect themselves in order to stay in business, however they also have to keep customers satisfied in order to stay open-so they ask for you to bring it in and take a look. This also allows them to send it back to the manufacturer for replacement and quality improvement. Just some rambling thoughts I had.
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Vaping Master
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Jan 9, 2014
The Lab
They are junk. Why anyone would recommend such shoddy garbage is beyond me. But, if you want to go buy a $30 battery and have it die after a month (with no warranty), then be my guest! The Chinese will laugh all the way to the bank.

Same thing was said about Japanese cars versus American. "Quality" is conformance to the requirements of the customer


Ultra Member
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Sep 2, 2013
I LOVE my colorful, cheap knockoff eGo collection! I have mostly 350-450 mAh, a couple 450 twist EVOD batteries, in every color out there. Two of us use this collection of 20+ knockoff eGos. Most came from Fasttech, about $5 each. We never get caught without a fresh battery. We color-code our flavors by using the battery/clearo or battery/carto/colorful eGo cone to remind us.

We've have NO failures after figuring out that over-tightening clearos wrecks them. Before that we destroyed 4 or so in very short time. Since then, not one single malfunction. Cheap, colorful, and reliable - works for us!


Super Member
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Aug 21, 2013
Colorado Springs
I, like most, started with eGo batteries. They didn't do it for me so I rapidly moved on. Personally when I am asked by people interested in getting into vaping I recommend the MVP or MVP 2 as a starter. Don't need batteries or a charger, fairly easy to learn to use and compatible with the same tanks they would be utilizing on an eGo. An MVP is vastly superior to an eGo and quite affordable. Just my opinion on the matter.


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Aug 27, 2013
Nashville, TN, USA
Good for Joytech. Apparently SMOK doesn't extend the same courtesy. My B&M store said it is only a 14 day warranty. I brought mine back within a week and my B&M store wont replace it without first "testing it." This tells me that they think I am a liar.
Or maybe they have a lot of people who just think their devices are defective?

I've seen people bring back 'defective' battery devices when the actual problem varied from dead coils to empty clearos.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 31, 2013
saint paul,mn,usa
As if I don't have knowledge and insight? Trust me, I have a lot of knowledge, yet I can see that the egos are of low quality. If you want a good vaping experience, you are going to have to spend $300 or so to have it. Sorry, but that's just the way it is. Maybe one day we can have high quality products made for much less than that, but so far American (and some Euro companies) are the only ones making high quality products. Innokin may be one exception, but they are about as expensive as their American counterparts.

I am not trying to discourage anyone. Indeed, as a new vapor, I am the one becoming discouraged because of all the trouble I have had from buying cheap products.

nope,nope nope,to every thing you just said.
some of the best and most realistic vaping(allmost the same as analogs) i get is
from a standard kr808di with with a refillable cartridge using an aluminum drip tip,
or my dse901 set up using cotton balls as filler.


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Jan 27, 2014
Well I've got two knock-offs (~$50 starter kit) and one actual eGo (that was given to me) and haven't had a problem so far. Had they been any larger, more complicated, or expensive I would not have tried vaping at all. I will probably upgrade in the next month or so but obviously keep these as backups.

If you bought several of them all at once from the same shop, then it sounds like a problem with the batch they have. Maybe they got dropped or got wet or something either in shipping or after the shop received them. I don't understand the shop not honoring refund on a product that you've had for less than 2 weeks, unless they stated that there was no warranty when you bought them.

When I bought mine they told me to hang on to the receipt for, I can't remember - two weeks or a month - in case something went wrong with them. They just said, "It happens." I'm past that month now, and when they conk out, I will consider the $50 well spent.


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Oct 8, 2013
Milledgeville, GA

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Vaping Master
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Jul 31, 2013
saint paul,mn,usa
If you have that attitude and you run a business, I am telling you that you will not be very well liked in your community. "The customer is always right" is an old adage for a reason, bro. Not because they always are, but because if you don't act like they are, you will have no business.

In this case, I am positive I am right. And I have nothing to gain by lying. Nothing whatsoever.

the customer is always right is one of the most inane things ever said.
the only people that believe this are ones who use it as an excuse to act like a donkey.
ask any one you know who ever worked as wait staff.

dutch onsea

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Mar 14, 2013
You should have bought an Ego and nothing else. Haha, Smoke tricked you, hope your(big)ego isn`t hurt too much. What do you think of a Semovar? Or a GG device? It`s not only the USA where good products are made.And yes, sorry about my grammar but my Enlish is better than your Dutch, just like their English is better than your Chinese. Anyhow, this is just a newb speaking...


Ultra Member
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Nov 16, 2013
Colorado, USA
Yo BigEgo, so I've been trying to put myself in your shoes and rethinking my past vaping experiences. I got to say that I can somewhat relate with your rant. I did'nt even know there was anything available other than cigalikes when I first began vaping. One day I went to the local b&m(I despise my local b&m) and was looking at the small selection of vape stuff and decided to give the "NLA" (Never Light Again) I was assured by the crooks that own the shop that it was top of the line merch and would be very happy I purchased. Yep, hook line and sinker this Fishee took the bait. $23 for one battery a junk charger and 2 cartridges. First day thought wow what a great ecig! Second day while charging almost melted down(imagine that, Fishee having battery charger issues). Took the dead battery and melted charger back to b&m and was told "oh we don't do the refund you need to send it to the manufacturer. And so I did and paid s&h and never heard from the company despite numerouse phone calls. To this day I think NLA is a load of crap and would never recommend them to anyone. I had a bad experience and it ruined my perception of that brand forever. I will not go out of my way to bash them or to be a source of discouragement to my fellow newbs but I can kinda relate to what you experienced. With that being said, I don't like the idea of you being even more discouraged because of some of the things I've posted and the posts of others. This is a forum and by all means express your opinion. Just don't be a complete Richard Cranium about it. I'm saying this to myself as well. I think it's better to have a good rep here than a contentious one.
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