Few Weeks New to ECIGs - Spending to much

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Vaping Master
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Feb 1, 2011
among the sea shells
5 1/2 months $957.00 spent on e-cig & "stuff", would have spent $830.00 on cigs to this point. The big savings you ask? I have enough hardware, flavors , nic juice and misc stuff to last for the next year at least! I figure I will spend probably $100 yearly to maintaine/replace flavors used or to try that new one and approx. $150.00 to maintain my PV's. I use an X-Power, 3.7v 900mh which seems to suit me just fine. The thing that hit my budget the hardest was the initial DIY set up, especially the flavors! Just as a side note....the bulk of the $957.00 was spent in the first 2-3 months of vaping. You are not alone and the it should get better.


Ultra Member
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Jul 31, 2010
Reno, Nevada
It does take some investment to get going, but it slows down. It also depends on how you approach it, whether you get only what you need or feel compelled to try every other thing you come across.

I haven't kept a log on how much I've spend on vaping because for me it's about more enjoyment and less death. However, I would have spent about $4K on cigs after a year now and I know I haven't spent that much on vaping. Plus, I'm probably stocked for a year in DIY juice supplies and hardware. I pick up a few things here and there when I want to try something new, but only if it's something I really want to try.

I think the biggest savings comes with going DIY on your juice. If you're looking to save money, that's the best place to start.

The next place to save money is in atomizers and cartomizers. There's a few rebuild-able atomizer systems out there now which can reduce cost quite a bit. VaporKings is doing a bulk deal on atomizers that reduces cost a good amount and you can get cartomizers super cheap buying them in bulk from China.

Finally, going with a mod that uses replaceable cells reduces cost of ownership. With regular e-cigs like the eGo or Riva, you have to replace the battery unit when the cell wears out. The battery units have a high failure rate as well. It's more expensive than simply replacing inexpensive cells for a mod that will last damn near forever.


Senior Member
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Jul 11, 2011
Like others before me said, it should slow down once you figure out the hardware you enjoy using and the e-liquid. I also have spent a bit more than i would have spent with analogs in the month i've been vaping for, but i went the DYI route with liquids (a small mistake at the very beginning, imo) so now i have liquid supplies for the rest of the year.
Don't worry too much though, have fun tinkering with this new hobby, and enjoy the health benefits you'll get from it compared to "spending less" on analogs :)


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Jun 29, 2011
Punta Gorda Belize / NJ
For the first couple of months at least it's an exercise in futility to try and compare your spending to what you did on analogs. You would have to be able to guestimate how long your current supplies will last for that which can get tricky with all of the variables. I didn't scrutinize your list but it looks like you have enough to last quite a while if needed so you would need to project how many more cigs you would need to buy to equal that.

Plus you can't put a price on saving your health.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 29, 2011
San Bernardino
So far Vapin hasnt been cheaper than analogs... just better and more plesant. Currently its a hobby, and I hope that once the collection of PV's, juices, ect. take over the house... that the cost will taper down as well. The way I see it, atleast your not wasting cash on cancer any longer. Can I factor the price of body spray and gum into the money I save by switching?
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