First a movie, now the e-cig on TV!

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Jul 9, 2010
Buenos Aires
I think the inclusion, from what Ive seen in the clips and read is the type of 'product branding' we should be glad at; same as in 'The tourist', they show the e-cig as an alternative to traditional smokes in the sense of a type of (working) aid. I think this favors our community for it is both an advertising and promoting feature together with a responsible and sensible approach. They didnt go for neither the 'look how silly' nor the 'this is super cool you teens try it!' lines.
The Tourist is rather ....ty, but the approach there is smart; Angelina's character says to Depp's that she likes 'men who do as they please/ what they want' or something along those lines which may translate that the e-cig is a rather 'faky' thing as in not-to-worry regarding the psychological-symbolical aspect. Then Depp looks at the analog a detective offers with 'desire' yet answer NO when they offer him one. This suggest they e-cig might work as an aid to personal commitment. And eventually, Depp lights up an analog in an scene which represents together with the circumstances and momentum the fact he is letting go; breaking up with his 'too-tight' profile at a moment of both weakness and 'rebirth', possibly. At the very last minute he mentions the fact his teeth are no longer brownish because of the electronic cigarette, proudly, as he is about to show us his true (new) identity; that of a guy who vapes, not because he is a ..... and not a real man, but because he is one step ahead... (this makes sense only if you have seen the movie...)
So, overall... Cool. And not too much; a sensible and smart appearence of the e-cig in the Big Screen. An strategical one. Sounds like a vaping-mind is behind this, heee.

Oh! SPOILER warning!!!!!! Do not read if you havent seen the movie!!! (Im sorry if its too late...) Dont worry, the movie is not that good anyhow and that girl is not Angelina thats for sure!!!!!!


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Jul 9, 2010
Buenos Aires
My previous post had many implicit references taken you have seen that movie, but just for the ones who havent, so that it makes sense:
1. Angelina makes fun of the e-cig as in it is not a macho thing.
Which is cool because the message is that it is not 'the latest cool thing'. This shows a responsible attitude and careful branding.
2. Depp desires an analog but refuses to smoke.
Which means that he is into a quitting state of mind...
3. He eventually smokes an analog at a moment of weakness but, later on:
4. He shows an attitude which lets us know that he wont go back to smokes...
The overall message is that it is something which may become an aid/ alternative to traditional smoking and, there is a subtle suggestion that it is a smart choice, for Depp's character end up showing how smart he really was, and the very PV was a symbol to his profile....!
This is good.
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