Friendly caution but I'm not totally sure ...

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ECF Guru
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Nov 17, 2013
New Orleans La.
cats fur attracts all sorts of things... maybe the hi content of vapor in the room along with the nic is accumilating on the cats fur, then it does its daily cleaning ( licking up all that vg and nic) and is becoming affected... nic is an appetite suppressant.. could explain the food condition. give the cat a good washing, move the cat to a different room when vaping and until the vape settles... just a thought..


Ultra Member
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Jun 23, 2015
Champaign, IL
So glad I read this thread, because I had no idea cat's were allergic to PG. I have noticed if I'm vaping for more than a few minutes and either of my cats are near, they will disappear. Thanks for the Public Service Announcement! :oops:

@wizardofozone , please let us know how your cat is and what the vet says. Hope everything turns out good.


Super Member
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Mar 26, 2015
Eastern NC
wow i didnt know for cats and chocolate's for dogs..
Some other things you need to be aware of that are not good for dogs...onions, apples(the core and seeds), plums(the pits), raw potatoes(cooked are fine), of course bones(uncooked are fine but cooked bones no matter what kind are not good for dogs), nuts (poisonous), and garlic. However, some say garlic isn't harmful to dogs. Garlic actually helps stay off fleas. I, myself, do not go out of my way to feed my dog garlic but I do not avoid it either.


Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 24, 2014
Some other things you need to be aware of that are not good for dogs...onions, apples(the core and seeds), plums(the pits), raw potatoes(cooked are fine), of course bones(uncooked are fine but cooked bones no matter what kind are not good for dogs), nuts (poisonous), and garlic. However, some say garlic isn't harmful to dogs. Garlic actually helps stay off fleas. I, myself, do not go out of my way to feed my dog garlic but I do not avoid it either.

Cats also should never get onions, the huge amount of sulfur in them is very toxic to cats, it can kill them. I don't know for sure, but I would guess that garlic might be the same, as it also contains a lot of sulfur -- which is great for humans, we need it, but cats emphatically do not.



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Jun 24, 2014
I second the person that suggested going to the vet. If it's something serious they can find out and hopefully catch it early, if it's a PG/VG/Flavoring/Nicotine allergy... Well, then you know what you've got to do.

Both my dogs are fine with the vaping, but my brown one hated my tobacco smoking and every time that I'd light up a cigarette he would run out of the room that I was in and head for the bedroom (as I never smoked in the bedroom) and once I was done, he'd come back out until I lit up another one. He was the one that pushed me to quit as he seemed so miserable having to run and hide everytime that I'd light up. He's fine with vaping though, doesn't even bat an eye and will lay right next to me on the sofa or at my feet while I'm vaping.

Some other things you need to be aware of that are not good for dogs...onions, apples(the core and seeds), plums(the pits), raw potatoes(cooked are fine), of course bones(uncooked are fine but cooked bones no matter what kind are not good for dogs), nuts (poisonous), and garlic. However, some say garlic isn't harmful to dogs. Garlic actually helps stay off fleas. I, myself, do not go out of my way to feed my dog garlic but I do not avoid it either.
I didn't know that about apples, although I don't eat them very often I do tend to give the core to one of my dogs that will eat it (the other one won't touch it), as to the garlic.... yean I've heard it's harmful to dogs, however if you look at many mainstream commercial dog kibble, garlic is one of the ingredients. We still refrain from giving them anything that we've added garlic to like chicken parmesan since we cook the chicken with chopped garlic before baking it.

Didn't hear that about the raw potatoes either, guess she won't be getting anymore of that, not that she got that much to begin with but still if it's bad then it's now offlimits too like anything cooked with onions in our house.
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Vaping Mistress
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Apr 9, 2014
Corn 'n' Cows
lol the dog is like dude..puff puff pass..

BWAH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. Haven't heard THAT in a long time ;)

i can attest to this, the starre is very thirsty with that ohm and anything over 60 watts, ive drained my entire tank in less then 90 minutes just dont pay attention to it when your really into a flavor and your messing online and have a few drams of whisky next thing you know your on empty lol

Yes, empty whiskey - not a good thing ;)


Vaping Master
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May 31, 2014
Austin, Texas
I've been really heavy vaping at 75 watts and just out of boredom I have been literally filling my very small apartment with 100% VG and nicotine running through as much as 15 mls in less than 90 minutes ... today I noticed my cat ,who started eating less and less food over 2 weeks ago ,suddenly jump to his feet as heavy cloud rolled to the floor and go under my bed. his eyes have been unusually moist looking and I thought I caught him a little unsteady on his feet over the last week ... I have curtailed all vaping in any room but the closed bathroom with a towel at the doors bottom ... I'm going to see if his actions improve over the next week or so ... if you have any pet that seems to be acting less than normal, and you are a heavy sub ohmer maybe this is a discovery but I'm not certain yet ...
My GF's dog vomits from The Vapor. Literally makes her ill- instantly----But all the 2nd hand vapor discussion is all bunk...lolz
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