Getting started by stopping...

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Jan 27, 2014
Shreveport, LA
I wanted to say hello and thank you for all of the great information that I've already gleaned from the forum, prior to joining. 40+ years smoking the dreaded Kool. Years ago, I saw a sign at a Mayo clinic that said "If you smoke Kools, we can't help you." I stopped analogs 14 days ago and started with a Kanger EVOD. My only issue, if it is an issue, has been going through coils every 3 days. I also will get another battery setup as when the voltage starts decreasing on the stick battery, the vape is affected. I'm also looking at tank options as the small size on the EVOD makes it a bit difficult for an old man to see to refill. Too many options and opinions, so for now I'll stick with what is working!


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Jan 19, 2014
Warner Robins, Ga USA
Welcome to ECF. I smoked for 45 years and this place helped me a lot.
I also use the same Kanger Evods and have yet to have to replace a coil.
I do clean them every few days though and that seems to help.
I did get a new evod clearo that I tried to use yesterday and for some reason it burned my juice right off.
I replaced the coil and problem solved. The coil that came in it doesn' look like any of my others. Maybe it had the wrong one in it or just was defective.

Anyways congrats on quitting and this is about the best place to learn.

Good luck


Full Member
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Jan 20, 2014
Ampthill, Bedfordshire, UK
Hi Storm52 and welcome...

Sounds like you could do with a Vivi Nova Clearomiser. Top coil configuration means the vape is quite warm (similar to an analogue), will produce lots of vapour and I have not heard of coils burning out every 3 or so days.

Sounds to me like you may be quite a heavy vaper after smoking for 40+ years so maybe a regulated mod or even a mechanical mod that can hold a larger battery and give you a longer vape time may be the thing for you.

You are 100% right about one thing... the options in vaping are almost endless, which is part of the fun for me in any case.

Wizard Bliss

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Dec 25, 2013
somewhere oklahoma
HI Congratulations .. way to go . yay.. hurrah .. woot woot...
now down to business: First, do not vape or let the tank level go below the top of the silicone that you can see through the side of your tank. Second, since you are familiar with changing out heads < coil assemblies >, take one off every time you refill and drop it in a glass of water. The next day rinse it off and let it dry. Just those two bits of advice will save you lots of money. Three, when you are more comfortable with vaping and messing with your gear, watch a youtube video on rebuilding a coil for the Kanger Mini Pro II or the Evod. No need to bother rebuilding the coil but learn the replacing a flavor wick part. Learn how to clean the coil by taking off the top two wicks and pulsing the battery. You can replace the flavor wicks in several ways. I use a 2mm cotton embroidery thread from Hobby Lobby, fifty five cents < boiled it twice, let it dry >. It's really not all that difficult just new habits. Just never 'burn' the coil with your cotton on it and you'll be fine. Also add a drop of juice on the new wicks to prime them when you replace and change out heads.
Welcome aboard. Everyone here will be glad to help. Lots of pros ... Lots of fantastic assistance... Vape on Dude.
Blessings and Joy on your Journey,


MKUltra Member
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Aug 23, 2013
Gabriola Island, Canada
Congrats on making the switch and welcome to the forum :toast:

You've started with a great setup - consider yourself fortunate to have skipped the whole disposable cig-a-like scene. They're the closest in form factor to smoking, but by far the least effective vapor. Your EVOD kit is a good one.

If you wanted a larger tank, you've got several options. I'd suggest you look at the aspire line of bottom coil tanks - they come in all kinds of sizes and are very popular. As with the EVOD, you'd be looking at bottom filling and disposable coil units.

Happy vaping and say hello to your taste buds for the first time in 40 years.


ECF Guru
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Oct 2, 2012
England and Wales
Hi Storm52 and welcome...

Sounds like you could do with a Vivi Nova Clearomiser. Top coil configuration means the vape is quite warm (similar to an analogue), will produce lots of vapour and I have not heard of coils burning out every 3 or so days.

I have. You should have been on AAEC UK about a year ago. Going down like flies... LOL :)


Super Member
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Dec 29, 2013
Spring, Texas
Welcome and Congrats! I too started with the eGo and an EVOD tank. I never burnt through a coil in three days but have learned that keeping them clean and topped off is the way to make them last longer. I moved up to a 2.4 ohm coil to get the warmer vape and to handle the extra voltage I liked to run (I have a VV3 eGo). This helped tremendously. Now all I have to do is clean out the tank and soak the coil/wick in Vodka to change the flavor. Takes about 20 minutes tops! Good luck and VAPE ON!!:headbang:


Super Member
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Jan 20, 2014
Surrounded by cows and wheat
Welcome Storm52. I'm another 40+ year smoker and new member. This place got me off cigarettes, it can do the same for you. Lots of nice people here- more than willing to share experience and information.

A couple links to places you might find helpful here:

older folks vaping

one stop noob shop

Enjoy your stay, and welcome aboard.


Full Member
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Jan 20, 2014
Ampthill, Bedfordshire, UK
I have. You should have been on AAEC UK about a year ago. Going down like flies... LOL :)
Really?? I didn't hear about this lol. I'm guessing that's why the V2 were released? Sounds like they had some issues with the original version.
It was the 3rd clearo I ever bought and the only one I still have... although I have just ordered an Odyssey from TW just for the security of the pyrex tank... I love sweet cinnamon (defo tank breaker!!!).
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