Gotta love wasting juice!! Bad vaping days.

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Moved On
ECF Veteran
Mar 4, 2013
Hey guys, I've been having a bad couple of 'vaping days' these past few days. Seems like all my clearos (which i use mainly) decided to take a crap and leak, maybe because of the heat I don't know..
My Protank, which is usually my main weapon of choice, began leaking and gurgling uncontrollably. I found out I think it's because it somehow began leaking from where the top of the glass meets the metal mouthpiece, so I can't use it at all it leaks so fast.. And I lost about 2 full tanks of juice before I figured this out, and didn't find out until after I ran out and paid $3.75 for 1 PT Coil (in a pinch, out of coils) at my local vape store.
.. So I switched to my iClear which I don't use often since it leaks and gurgles, and I accidentally lost a full tank of juice from that, while trying to open it up to clean the mouthpiece.

So now I have to buy another (3rd in a month) Protank because I love it so much when it works right - I'm gonna start rebuilding my own coils to save some money. I'm also gonna have to buy either an eVod or 2 or the new T3S (the 1 where the coil comes of the bottom); hoping one of them doesn't give me as many problems as the PT and still works great.

The main thing that's bothering me is the money, I've been spending soo much $$ on gear lately. I'm 7 months into vaping and still not saving. I just spent over $100 last week on my new eVic kit (after my 2nd Spinner busted), than another $50 on juice, and now I'm about to spend another $80+ on another PT, new clearos, and coils and such.. I did only spend about $12 a week when I was smoking (cheap reservation cigs $2/pack), but I guess I still have to find what's best for me.
.... My T2 clearo seems to be the most consistent - it never leaks/gurgles, hardly ever a dry hit, coils last weeks (unlike the PT - 3 days max), and gives good throat hit and decent flavor.. I love my protank so much though when it works good, which isn't often.

Sorry for the rant.. If you guys have any friendly advice, that would be awesome :p


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 21, 2013
Don't worry we all have these weeks (or months). For me, within a week after buying my ego starter kit I bought an evic and a month or 2 later bought a Provari Mini. Factor in all the juice, cartos, several clearos I'm probably looking at $600+ within a few months. Oh well, it's the learning at the beginning that is expensive.

Rebuilding the PT heads is a great decision and it's simple. I just rebuilt my first one tonight and it turned out amazing. Used 3mm silica wick (might have to throw a small flavor wick on top) using 30 gauge kanthal and got 1.5ohm setup. Vapor and flavor is amazing, nice warm vapor nothing hot just warm like cigarettes :D

Just spent $25 tonight on juice from MBV (80ml though) so I'll be set for a while now, just need to pick up some cartos locally MBV was out of the ones I need.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Mar 4, 2013
I've probably spent near a Grand in the past couple months also, it's an expensive hobby but it's just that, a hobby!! Can't say that smoking cigarettes was ever a hobby for me, I love vaping these amazing flavors so much more. I actually enjoy it so I guess it's worth the $$ and effort I put into - hopefully things will balance out soon now that I finally upgraded to an APV (eVic) and am finding gear that works great for me, and will be rebuilding Protank/eVod coils ASAP so I'm sure that will help my experience also
Thanks guys
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