Habitual Pipe Smoker Trying to Make the Switch

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Dec 14, 2012
MouseTown, USA
Hello! I've been smoking a pipe for a few years now (don't really wanna say how long, as I'm firmly in the under-30 crowd and I don't quite think I want to admit how young I started sneaking puffs off my grandfather's pipe, lol) and very much enjoy it. However, being an opera-singer by trade, I realize that I can't keep smoking forever. I found out about e-cigarettes recently, and have pretty much decided to make the switch; but boy, do I need some advice. There are five-million types and styles to choose from, and I just don't know where to begin. Can you help me?

First off, I am not an evening pipe-smoker. I carry my pipe in its little case everywhere with me, and would expect to do the same with an e-cig. I'm a moderate to heavy smoker (usually 5 or 6 bowls a day, give or take depending on how stressed I am and how long the day is) and would like a battery that will last me a full day. Either that, or something that has a USB charger so I can charge it on the fly.

Secondly, I have no idea what strength e-juice to buy. I don't inhale, and tend to smoke slowly. I have no idea how much nicotine is in a bowl (if it helps, I smoke cavendish tobacco of varrying brands) or how that corresponds to e-juice.

And that brings me to flavor: I think I want something that'll taste of wood and molassass, like cavendish tobacco. I understand that tobacco really is pretty obnoxious once you get your tastebuds back, but...gah, I don't know. Should I try for a cavendish flavor (and if so, do y'all know of a particularly good one?) or should I just admit that it'll never taste like real proper tobacco and go for something like vanilla or coffee instead? How about fruit flavored ones? Aren't those a little weird?

I've seen a few e-pipes on the market, and I'd like to get some opinions on those. Is there a stigma to useing them? Like, "Haha, she's 'smoking' on her pretend pipe! Why don't you just admit you're a vaper and use this futuristic looking thingy instead?" For me, a lot of what I like about smoking has to do with my actual pipe. I like the feel of it in my hand, I like to pack it, I like to bite the mouthpiece a bit...All that makes me think I'd probably like a wooden e-pipe (if there is such a thing...I've only found "woodlook" versions) with a plastic or metal mouthpiece. Any recs?

I really am intending to fully switch to vaping and not go back to smoking. What is the best way to get started for the long haul? I'm not averse to a learning curve, as long as there's tutorials or something. I've seen some models that have glass tanks and metal wicks. Those seem like they would last longer, but I'm really not sure. Is there a page that gives an overview/pro-con of the different types of e-cig? (I've already read the "three main types of e-cig" page, btw)


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Oct 2, 2012
Arkansas Delta
First of all, welcome to the forum! You should probably get juice that is about 12 mg strength. As far as finding juice that will mimic Cavendish, good luck! Someone may be able to point you to something semi-close, but don't expect the real thing. You may try Alien Vision Bee's Knee's. It's a flue cured tobacco flavor with some honey added. Just a thought there.


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Riff Raff

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Dec 10, 2012
Columbus, Ohio
Hello and welcome to ECF. Wow a lot of questions :D

Juice: If you started at 12 and its not enough you can always add nic to your juice. 12 is about the middle of the road so if its to strong you can always add weaker juice such as 6 or 0 to lower it. Juice can be found in many flavors and some even in a pipe tobacco if there is a brick and mortar vendor near you sample as many as you need until you find your vape flavor. When it comes to taste it is different for everyone so sample as many as you can.

The types of mods out there are vast, many pipes and e-cigs to choose from. If a pipe is your preference you like the feel and look find one that is similar to what your used too. There are many vendors listed on the home page so you could browse as many as you need to find yours. Your set up can change to accommodate your needs, tanks are great when your out and about however when I am at home I prefer to drip.

This site is full of good information and very knowledgeable people. I hope I was able to help a little.


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Nov 29, 2012
Davis, CA


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Taylors Falls, Minnesota
Hi wyniverrn welcome to the community and congrats on quitting. Now you said your interested in the e-pipe huh, cant say I know much about those but I know the eGo's have a very high success rate and they are fairly cheap as well. Just so you know for price,proformance and elegance I would definatly recommend some kind of eGo style battery. You could probaly find a really nice starter kit for about $50-$60. Know I dont want to change your mind in making your final decision just giving a bit of support.

As for the juice housing I have know idea what even goes in an e-pipe but you said you want strong flavor. I think you would get that best in a dripping atomizer (which only house about 2-3 drips at a time) or a rebuildable atomizer tank (with replacable inserts), these are real noob frienly compared to a fully rebuildable atty tank. Stay away from cotton filler as they tend to be noob friendly but not a very strong flavor for me anyways

Last thing is you juice. I would give this site a shot Johnson Creek Smoke Juice - America's Smoke Juice! Johnson Creek Smoke Juice Me personaly I didnt find them appealing at all. Other members on this site would kill for it(joke). They have a reputation for having some really strong,flavorful,tobacco/burnt wood taste

Hope this helped T41CK


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Nov 30, 2012
Usually you will find eliquid in the range from 3-7 for 10ml's of artisan liquid(liquid individual people make). China liquid is usually much cheaper but you might find that you don't like the taste of much of the china imported liquids, although the prices are pretty good (got 50mls for 10.50 from madvapes.com [usa mix from dekang 11mg 50ml bottle]) Currently that's the only chinese imported liquid that I find enjoyable, reminds me of a sweet carolina tobacco or something along the lines of a sweet hazlenut tobacco.

There are some realllllllllllllllllllly friggin sweet e-pipes, it's crazy. I smoked a pipe as well for a little while as kind of a once and awhile treat or something on the weekends, i only did that for a few months before i quit tobacco totally and the one thing i loved was the styles of pipes, you wont be gimped out when you switch if style is what you are looking for as well. e-pipemods.com i believe is a great site as well, sorry if i spelled that wrong..you might want to google that to make sure.

Good luck, keep on asking away!


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Taylors Falls, Minnesota
your e liquid is going to run you about $20-$25=30ml $40-$45=60ml $55-$65=120ml of just like anything else, the more you but the more you get as for a tank. I would recommend the vivi nova, seems to be whats going around rights now.
Hope this helps T41CK

http://www.vaporbeast.com/product_p/c32.htm replaceable heads: There are plenty of Youtube vids out there to show you how to replace these

http://www.vaporbeast.com/product_p/c28.htm atty tank: juice housing


Full Member
Dec 14, 2012
MouseTown, USA
So, I'm really liking that ViVi Nova tank. Does anyone know if you can change out the mouthpiece on the bugger? If I were to get it, I'd want to use it with one of the pipe bowls from somewhere like epipemods.com (good lord, those are beyond gorgeous) and a pipe stem mouthpiece, I think. That site has some really lovely lucite ones I'd like to try. Do y'all think that sort of thing would be compatible with the ViVi Nova?

EDIT: Thanks for the e-liquid pricing info. That helps me a lot. :)


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Nov 29, 2012
Davis, CA
So, I'm really liking that ViVi Nova tank. Does anyone know if you can change out the mouthpiece on the bugger? If I were to get it, I'd want to use it with one of the pipe bowls from somewhere like epipemods.com (good lord, those are beyond gorgeous) and a pipe stem mouthpiece, I think. That site has some really lovely lucite ones I'd like to try. Do y'all think that sort of thing would be compatible with the ViVi Nova?

I have the 8 inch churchwarden pipe stem, and it's a little loose in my vivi novas (fit's perfectly in 510 cartos), but the universal adapter that comes with all their pipe stems fits in the novas well. But if you don't want to use the adapter (adds about an inch to the length of the stem), you can do like I do, and stick a small bit of tape (maybe .5x.5cm, or .2x.2") on the bottom end of the pipe stem before you stick it in the nova, and this will make it a nice tight fit. Or you can think of doing something less tacky. I'm thinking of carving a small groove on the end of the stem, and slipping the o-ring from the nova drip tip into the groove. Actually, I'm going to try doing that right now. The lucite ones might not have this issue, though. I'm probably going to order one the next time I get money in.


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Sep 29, 2012
Madison, WI
Check out this thread for some juice recommendations... http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/fo...290-suggestions-pipe-tobacco-type-juices.html

And I personally have a Epipe Mod and love it... But you might also like one of these... http://jazzepipe.com/

P.S. Don't except that you have to give up the taste of real tobacco, and go to fruit or heavily flavored pseudo tobacco flavors... There are a few places out there right now that are actually using Naturally Extracted Tobacco that taste pretty much like the real deal ;)
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Full Member
Dec 14, 2012
MouseTown, USA
Oh my...Those Jazz pipes are very lovely as well. Any info as to whether or not they'd work with the vivi nova? I'm pretty dead set on that part of the setup, I think.

Thanks for the threadrec...I'd found that one last night and was keeping an eyeball on it. Looks like Imma be trying some "Gandalf" from Heather's Heavenly Vapes. One poster said it was similar to cavendish, and sweet. :)

*looks at all the lovely pipes* Crimeny! This could very quickly prove to be a very expensive hobby.


Full Member
Dec 14, 2012
MouseTown, USA
Fellow pipe smoker here. You may be interested in this thread I made: http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/fo...e-vapers-looking-pipe-smoking-experience.html

Happy vaping!

Thanks for the info. You pretty much said what I was thinking. But seriously thanks for the juice rec. I think I'll buy a whole bunch of juices in the smallest amounts to find out which one(s) I like best.

I think I've settled on an epipemods.com pipe (though I haven't picked which style yet, as they're all SO PRETTY!), churchwarden stem and a smaller stem (my two favorite analogue pipes are a churchwarden for home/special occasions and a "sherlock holmes" pipe for carting around town) and a vivi nova atomizer. Sounds good, yeah?

I'll have to save up for a few paychecks to swing that, though. So I guess I'll stick with practicing with the disposable NJoy e-cigs and trying to wean myself off the analogue pipe while I'm saving. Hopefully then, if I'm already kinda used to vaping and know how to do the mouth draw and everything, I'll have an easier time putting the analogues away for good once I get the e-pipe rig. :)

Wow, I never thought I'd get this excited about this sort of thing. It's like when I bought my first pipe all over again. :hubba:


Vaping Master
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Aug 28, 2009
Ringling Brothers Circus
I am a bit interested in a pipe as well, just a childhood infatuation that has been a secret yearning of mine through the years. As a woman pushing 50, I have no one to answer to any longer, so let us know what you decide on, Wyniverrn... I'd like to make note of it and put it on my expanding 'To Buy' list!


Full Member
Dec 14, 2012
MouseTown, USA
I am a bit interested in a pipe as well, just a childhood infatuation that has been a secret yearning of mine through the years. As a woman pushing 50, I have no one to answer to any longer, so let us know what you decide on, Wyniverrn... I'd like to make note of it and put it on my expanding 'To Buy' list!

Ooohhhhh yeah. As soon as I place my order, y'all are getting spazzpost links. And when it come in, it's clicky-clicky piccy-piccy time. :D

Lol, I like how you put that. "A a woman pushing 50, I have no one to answer to any longer..."


Vaping Master
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Aug 28, 2009
Ringling Brothers Circus
Heh! When I told my grandmother that I'd like to smoke a pipe years ago BEFORE I even smoked analogs, she basically related that it was evil, low class, and akin to a woman dipping! :blink: When I told my husband, he laughed and mentioned me sitting on the porch aka Granny from the Beverly Hillbillies! :glare: Neither responses appealed to me at the time, but the idea of a pipe still appeals to me. I think now is the time to bring that old secret wish to fruition :laugh:
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