Hanging in there

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Jun 13, 2013
United States
Hey everyone!!

Just wanted to give you all an update. I got my kit in on Saturday around noon-ish time. I had quit analog's on Thursday before I got my PV, but used a disposable cigalike to get me through the rough times. I am absolutely loving my PV and vaping all together! I don't crave analog's with the PV, although I do have withdraw symptoms/cravings as if I was quitting cold turkey, they aren't too severe, they are more like an extra nic craving when I do have a withdraw but the symptoms are pretty much taken care of when I start to vape.

I received 2 sample bottles of juice in my kit, which equaled out to 15ML juice, and I still have 12ML's left as I am only vaping when I feel the urge to light an analog. I am also finding that I cannot handle the Throat hit/harshness of PG very well, 50/50 is okay, but I think I am going to try something like 60/40 VG/PG if I can find it anywhere. I do vape more with the lower PG, but at the same time the higher the PG the worse my cravings are because I dread vaping it lol.

Anyways, I am doing great! Loving it! And I don't think I will be giving it up or returning to analog's anytime soon. Now I'm just waiting for the Evod's and more juice to come in, and then we are going to order my husband his very own set up. Anyways, sorry for such a long winded update, but I wanted to let you all know that so far I am having a great experience.

Oh...and I cleaned my clearomizer(CE4) today for the first time, and it went well. No burnt after taste, no gurgling etc...just a nice clean clearo and fresh juice!



Full Member
Supporting Member
Jun 4, 2013
Victoria Australia
As a back up some extra clearos and the 5vdc wired vv that can plug into any USB power out let anywhere any time.

Where in the world could you be where there is not a computer or phone charger.
oops' that's a silly statement there are heaps of places, but not my world anyway.

excuse me could I please use your android pad for a sec..


Senior Member
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Jun 13, 2013
United States
Thanks everyone!! I have definitely been thinking about backups for the backups lol. I have about 30ML of juice coming in to try out, the 30ML will likely last me a bit since I seem to only use 1ML a day. I also put in an order at fasttech for batteries, I got a 5 pack for $20.00 or so. As far as my clearo's go, I'm looking into a tank system now, something that won't leak or break with high citric contents. I like the CE4 type tanks, and know I'm not fond of the Kanger Pro tank, so I'm leaning more towards the Evods/Kanger T3(I think it is called) or the Vision Vivi tank. Anyways, I am slowly but surely getting a nice little set up going on, I am really enjoying this!
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