Health and beauty benefits. Also Vape and kiddos.

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I'm sorry if there are possibly a billion other threads out here like this one (newb here). I've also scoured google getting conflicting answers. So I would like to directly ask you experienced vapers about the many different health benefits you have noticed after switching over to vapor. Also, the beauty benefits. Has your skin tone approved? I know, being a lady in my early 30s (who also loves the sun), I'm starting to experience signs of aging. I'm sure smoking analogs was speeding up the process. When I was smoking, the dark circles and bags under my eyes were looking pretty bad. But for the last week, I swear I see improvement. Maybe it's all in my head. Ladies? What are your experiences.
So far I have been coughing up a lot of built up junk that had been accumulating in my lungs for quite awhile, but yesterday during my workout routine, my endurance seemed great! Way better than normal. I wake up in the morning feeling a little better.

These are just some of the things I have noticed. What about you guys and gals?

I also had a concern about my children. I have a 7-year old stepson, and a 2-year old daughter. We have never smoked analogs in the house, but my husband (who hasn't had a cigarette in almost 3 years, quit using the patch), has been OK with me using this in the house. I don't vape in the same room as my children, or in the car with them. I don't let them see me do it in case they get too curious.

So do you all vape in the house with your kids? Is it Kosher? I'm really enjoying everything not smelling like smoke!! YES!!!

My hubby just bought a starter kit also with 0mg nic, and some with 6mg in case he just needs some sometimes. E-cigs are just so fun, he couldn't help himself. Since most of our friends smoke, he didn't want to feel left out when everyone was out smoking and socializing.

Thanks for any in put! This is a great community!



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2009
Pittsburgh, Pa
I smoked over 40 years and lungs were getting bad. Sense of taste and smell pretty much gone. 5 years ago, I quit by vaping and it's one of the best things I've done for myself. Lungs are all clear. I breathe so much better. Taste things I haven't really tasted in years, and smell (some of which I could do without) better. I, too, was a sun worshiper, and as a result, have wrinkles sooner than I would have liked. However, there seem to be fewer of them than before. I also take a pretty high dose of Vitamin D3 and that may have played a factor.

I find myself drinking much more water than I ever did to prevent dehydration, but, this, too, has brought benefits to my overall health, and is an indirect result from vaping.

Welcome to the forum and I hope you get a lot out of it. Some really great people here.

Can't speak to vaping in front of kids, since I am too old for that now, but when friends come with their children, they are not in the least bothered by my vaping. And, yes, the stench of smoke is gone. Now, I really dislike it when I smell it on others, but I don't judge them at all.
Thank you for your reply! I'm so glad you are experiencing some great benefits from vaping! It's giving me lots of hope. I really just feel better, ya know? It's only been a week, but I just feel like I'm really on to something good here. I haven't noticed my sense of taste and smell coming back, however I guess I really didn't notice it deteriorating. But maybe after a few weeks of vaping, I will grab a yummy steak and salad and be like WOW! FLAVOR!!!! :laugh:


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 15, 2009
Central Florida
You're not imagining a thing. I'm older than you, smoked longer, and fairly soon after getting off cigarettes started to notice the skin on my face was dramatically becoming softer. My lungs, though it was a "shut the door after the cows have gotten out" situation in my case, feel lighter somehow, and their capacity is measureably larger. It makes sense...there are serious particulates in smoke, coating the tissues everywhere it touches, that just don't exist in vapor.

I have not had one cigarette since August 11, 2009, not one drag, and feel zero interest in picking one up "just to see...". Like many, I'd gone through the physical withdrawal more than once, only to succumb to the psychological part of the addiction. Vaping takes care of that more than adequately.

Congratulations to you and to your husband!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 3, 2013
Lakeland, Florida
I have been vaping for 2 and a half years. My breathing is much better, but my sinuses are a touch more sensitive to allergens. I have always had bad skin (genetics), but when I smoked, I would get zits towards that time of the month, then my skin cleared up. When I started vaping, I got "quit zits" that never went away. Otherwise, my skin is great! Much softer and less wrinkled.

Now on the topic with kids. Mine are grown. But, cigarettes were always "cool," "sexy," or "tough." That's how underage smokers were made. Not seeing mom in a housecoat, ratty hair and no makeup chugging down coffee, smoking a cigarette, cursing her daily "honey do" list. Or better yet, Dad, in the morning, in boxer shorts, morning breath, 5 o clock shadow, cigarette dangling from lips, scratching his ...., complaining about having to get ready for work. That is not cool to kids.
If kids actually knew that the parents used to smoke cigarettes, and are now doing these instead, then they have got to be about as exciting as asthma inhalers to kids. I have come in contact with underage vapers, and the consensus was that they were doing that to "quit" smoking, or to quit smoking MJ. I mean, the government may have a handle on tobacco, but "the other stuff" is still big with teenagers. What do you think 4:20 means? If you hear a kid saying "Happy 4:20!" you know what they are up to, and I hear and see that all over the place with teenagers. I personally would rather see them with a "hookah pen!'

Sent from my bird in a moist little package :p
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