Hello all! My introduction

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Full Member
Oct 2, 2014
Hey guys, new member here, thought I'd make my post and be on my way to getting all 5. I've been vaping on and off for the last 6 months or so, hopefully permanently soon.

Currently rockin a SS stingray with an igo-w5 using a HALO top cap. I built it months ago at .54ohms and it's the absolute perfect dripping experience for me and somehow the coils are still going strong to this day. I love this thing to death but can't really use it outside of my house on a daily basis.

My daily carry is an mvp2 I got when I first started, with a kfl+ on top. This is the only thing keeping me from vaping 24/7--I've tried so many builds/wicks on this thing and although it always produces great vapor, I rarely ever get the flavor just right where I can truly taste it. Most of the time it just comes out super muted and it's not that enjoyable. I did buy some japanese cotton the other day and for the first time since owning it, I've been able to run it at almost the entire amp limit on the mvp. My wicks with regular sterile cotton were so iffy that almost all the time they wouldn't wick right on anything above 3.3v at a 1.5ohm build. I read somewhere that adding a few small flavor wicks around the coils helps with that, so I'll be trying that next. If that doesn't work I guess it's time to try a chimney build or just spring for an orchid or lemo next, but if anyone has had the same experience please let me know what you did to fix it.

Thanks for reading and I'm pretty excited to join this community! :p


Just Vaping
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Nov 14, 2013
Weimar, TX
Welcome to the forum! I have a kfl+ that I also used on an MVP2. At the time, I thought the flavor was really super compared to the egos I was using prior. Not long after, I discovered dripping and have a nemesis and Igo-w4 and just couldn't go back to any kind of tank system. The flavor in dripping is so explosive that tanks just pale by comparison. That's also why I moved up to Reos, because I can drive or work and drip without having to carry anything but the mod with me. I'm afraid that since you have been subohm dripping, that kfl will never live up to what you want.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
to ecf swizzcheese. . So glad you are here. I fell in love with dripping. Then I was lucky enough to try the reo and have truly found what makes me happiest. Not only is it simple and easy to use, but it is darn near indestructible and affords me the best vape I have received since I began. The mvp2 is great too. I used one for a long time. Good luck to you and I look forward to reading more about your vaping journey. Happy vaping.
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