Hello been lurking and decided to build a 14500 VV MOD

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Full Member
Jul 17, 2014
St. Louis
Thought I would make my first post and show off my first build. This is actually version 2. Version 1 was pillaged for parts for version 2, so it never made it past shorting out.

This is based of some schematics I found on this site for the LM2596 builds. I chose the 14500 batteries for their size. I have some new ideas and V3 will use the 18650 batteries. I jest about the versions, I just had a blast building it and want to make some improvements. I added a switch to this build so I can see both the input and output voltage. I have two AW IMR 3.7v 14500 600 mah batteries in a series connected to a LM2596 board. Pretty basic setup

All put together, The lighting is good here, but most of the time you cant see the innards due to the dark red case. I have more pics but since I am new I can only post one. I have links to the insides if anyone is interested.



Full Member
Jul 17, 2014
St. Louis
That looks way better than my first tries. Nice job! Welcome. I'd point you to the modding forum, but it looks like you've already found it.
Doesn't the vape taste better on something you've built yourself? :D

Yes it is amazing really. I just started vaping about 4 months ago. Haven't had a analog cigarette in 3 weeks and probably only a pack in the last 2 months. I started out with a VV ego style twist battery. This is like night and day vaping with the one I built versus the one I bought. The vapor it produces is warm, thick with more flavor, and really has made it a more enjoyable experience.


Full Member
Jul 17, 2014
St. Louis
I like it! :) What's your thingy of choice on top there and what kind of run times are you getting on a charge?

The modding forum on ECF is here. => But it's one of those parts of ECF where you may need to get your post count up higher before it's even accessible for viewing.


Thank you, I am using the first tank I bought when I started Vaping. Its a Aspire Vivi Nova BDC. It really is a nice tank, and I have been happy with it. I get some dry hits from time to time, and the coils can burn up real easy if your not careful. I am looking to upgrade at some point, but I really dont know what I want yet. I have been looking at the Kayfun Svoemesto at a local shop near me, but I need to do some more research first. Funds are a bit tight for me, and when I make a purchase it will have to last for a while.

Usually if I charge it in the morning I can vape all day and then about half of the next day. I vape pretty heavy since I am still weaning my way off. I estimate about 12 hours of some pretty heavy vaping give or take a hour.


Full Member
Jul 17, 2014
St. Louis
I built several using this schematic as a guide:

However I stopped using them because I just don't like stacking batteries when there is no longer any need to do so.

I noticed in your Schematic that you wired the Atty Switch on the positive lead. Wouldnt it be better not to interupt the flow of the positive lead and then wire the atty switch off the negative? Also why do you say that its no longer any need to stack batteries?.... just curious thanks!!
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