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Hello, new member that could use some help and advice. (FastTech mistake)

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Aug 6, 2011
Different experiences by different folks for sure. A protank was the first I purchased and it has been the easiest and most trouble free juice delivery device I have used...not that I have used much as I am a relative newbie.

With my genuine protank (not a copy) I have had NO flooding problems and just an occasional dry hit especially after filling up, but it's rare. I've been getting 3-4 weeks out of each head and they are cheap and very easy to replace.

I purchased a Vivi Nova copy (aClear) that was highly recommended by a local vape shop - they said it was better than the original - needless to say I don't trust these guys anymore as it is a piece of garbage. Doesn't wick that well, it is fiddly, and frankly neither my Vamo nor my SVD will even read the resistance anymore with it. Again it's a copy and a big smelly turd.

As long you as know and understand what the slight limitations are to a Protank it is a solid and hassle free device. Key points - 1) Don't fill too much - my opinion is that it needs a bit of air in the tank to wick properly. This is really only a problem if you chain vape. Fill to just below the top of the glass when it's upright. 2) With new heads it takes a day or two to start wicking 100% and the taste will also improve. 3) Don't let the juice level get too low or you may get gurgling or flooding. Anything less than 1/8" left and it's time to refill.

That's it for my protank user guide :) It may sound like the protank is fiddly but that is so far from the truth. It is a very solid device, economical, and easy to use. Again unless you chain vape, point 1 can be ignored.

Interesting experience. I am exactly the opposite. I have never, not a single time, had a dry hit on my kanger bccs. Gurgles and floods, sure. Positive pressure builds up when you go out in the heat or leave it on a table in the sun, yadda yadda. Never a dry hit tho, and I generally vape 100% vg. I have no issues vaping my protank to empty, where there is no juice left to pour back and forth over the glass. Everybody has their own opinion about the protank, mine is that you should have something simpler as a back up. Capillary wicking is dependable in that you can depend on it to do what it does- wick at a mediocre level, and dry hit if you chain vape without tilt/twirl.
Anyhow, enjoy the protank, and don't give up on it. Aside from my china rda's, it's the least expensive device in regular rotation on my 'mech.


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May 21, 2013
my desk
One other thing I would much appreciate is some suggestions on what type or brand clearos go great with the vamo V3. From those of you that own 1 and have found what works best from your experience through trial and error. Keep in mind that I will be getting a Kanger Protank but would like to try others too.

Oh, and Liquids! I don't know where to even start. I'm looking for something close to a light cig taste. like camel lights but any tobacco-ish flavor that is good or popular will do. Some names of flavors and where I can get them would be great.

Hi Silverking,

Welcome to ECF!

As mentioned earlier, clearos and any tops are really a matter of personal preference. But, the Pro Tank is a good one to try to get your feet wet. I have 5 now and love mine.

Other clearos worth mentioning are the Kanger T3S, by the same company that makes the Pro Tank. This clearo is smaller, holds less liquid, but is a great little BCC (bottom coil clearomizer - as opposed to a top coil clearomizer such as the vivi nova or CE# series). I would still try a top coil to see if you like it better, you just never know. Also, the EVOD, another BCC, also made by Kanger, is worth trying.

As far as tobacco juices, there are many threads dedicated to them. I would suggest trying to read some of them because they will give you insight into how a juice will taste - people will give flavor reviews. Here are a few:



There are many vendors that sell tobacco juices. It depends on what you want i.e. cigalike tobacco, pipe tobacco, or cigar tobacco. For something that replicates smoking a cigarette, you won't find it exactly. And smoking a cigarette, lighting it and burning it, as well as the chemical additives in them, is what creates the unique flavor of smoking. So, you won't find that exact experience in vaping. But, you can find some decent to outstanding tobacco juices from many different vendors. This is only a short and limited list:

Ahlusion (Smooth Criminal, Sahara - there are other stronger choices, but these are more mild akin to a light cigarette) - http://www.ahlusion.us

Halo - http://www.halocigs.com/e-liquid.html

GoodeJuice (Wrangler Light, Patriot) - http://www.goodejuice.com/store/

Want 2 Vape - (Louisville Blend and London Blend)


Quick Nic - (Hump Back, Fire in the Hole, Grandpa's Night Cap)


The Plume Room (M-Type - like a heavy Marlboro, Candied Cavendish, Honey Fig Tobacco) - www.theplumeroom.com

Mountain Oak Vapors - http://www.mountainoakvapors.com/default.asp

Aroma - http://www.aromaejuice.com/ (WTA - do a search in the forums for explanation)

Heather's Heavenly Vapes - http://heathersheavenlyvapes.com/store3/

Last, but not least, Naturally Extracted Tobacco (Big Spirit - under miscellaneous category)


Good luck to you!
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I have 2 Protanks and I love them, and I have never had any problems with them. I used to like the Ce5's but after I bought some Evods I have hardly used my Ce5's. I use a high vg level in my e juice and have noticed a heavy feeling in my lungs with the Ce5's but not with the Evods.

I believe the Vamo can use ego and 510 threaded tanks, clearo's, atty's, etc.


Full Member
Jul 27, 2013
Albuquerque, NM
I'm glad the T3S got mentioned. I'm new but love them. Same burner thing as the protank, A bit smaller than the pro - work well. I had gurgling early on, realized I was just drawing on it too hard.

They are more airy than say and iClear but I use it to my advantage. I place one of the holes over right over the button, then can use my finger to cover the hole when I want a less airy draw....

If a bottom feeder gurgles, I just shake them out and when possible roll up a tissue and clean it out. The tissue part is optional.....

Just this newbies 2 cents....



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Jun 3, 2013
I'd just pick up better batteries elsewhere and keep the ones with the kit as backups, never hurts to have spares in case you run out of charge on the run. If you post a link of what kit you ordered I'm sure we can help answer your questions about the charger as well.

For eliquids, I'm not much of a tobacco liquid user, but I have RY4 on order from High Desert Vapes and once it shows up I'll come back and comment on its taste if I think about it. I used to smoke Camel Wides in college, so if I had to guess, I don't expect the RY4 to be similar at all, but hopefully better. If you're dead set on a Camel-type juice, look for Sahara (Don't remember company on this one), V2's Desert Joe, or the Halo Turkish blend, I've heard good things about all three. Also MFS has Desert Ship, but reviews are mixed.

I agree...
also consider Alien Vision's Boba's Bounty and Nashville Vapor's Master Blend


Vaping Master
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Apr 26, 2013
South Texas
I agree...
also consider Alien Vision's Boba's Bounty and Nashville Vapor's Master Blend

It's weird that people consider Bobas as a tobacco - for me it's a bakery juice. It's still good, but not in any way a tobacco. I know we are all different, so this is just my experience. I get like a sweet raisin - like the raisin from an oatmeal and raisin cookie. Very pleasant juice though...

Apart from Halo (Tribeca is a great tobacco with complexity and a sweetness) I would recommend Dorky Stud from Vapetrik. It's a tobacco with a like a hint of hazelnut and toasted coconut on the exhale.

As for clearos / toppers (whatever you want to call them) you can't go wrong with picking up say 1 EVOD (or MT3 / T3 / T3S) and a Vivi Nova (or iClear / CE5) See which you like better. They all have their pros and cons. Then get yourself a couple more of the type you like and some replacement coils for them. You can watch a lot of reviews and tips on youtube for each of these devices.

Then when you get up and running, buy some backups (backup batteries, chargers, heads etc.) and then start trying out carto tanks, kanger protanks, and all the other delicious delivery devices there are out there.

Good luck and welcome.


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Aug 6, 2011
Can you share that wisdom? I am still getting gurgling. What do you recommend for wick building?

In short- I coil my protanks at ~1ohm using 28g kanthal in a 1/16" micrcoil. I wick the coil with cotton, and use as much flavor wick as necessary to fill the gaps in the slots. The extra wick is te important part- too little and it gurgles too often, too much and it hits wimpy.


Full Member
Jul 29, 2013
A huge thanks to everyone that has taken the time to reply to this thread. All of this information has helped me immensely.

So here's an update on my situation. I was going to cancel and reorder my vamo from FastTech but they shipped it the day after I placed the order (was originally supposed to ship after 3 days). I know I can still return it but I decided to just get a better charger elsewhere rather than having to ship it back and start from scratch. Think I'll put it in my trophy room. I'll just throw it in the e-cig lessons learned display case.

I've got some great batteries picked out and I'm still deciding where to buy a charger. Also, I decided to get a protank 2 instead of the original (seems like an easier product to work with). I still haven't decided which clero I'm going to get other than a vivi nova. I noticed some recommendations already posted in this thread and will definitely consider all of them. I just need some time to look them up. To be honest, I want to try them all and over time I most likely will. I'm thinking I will start with 3 different clearos and some cartos to get an idea of what I will like best. I'm going to try boge cartomizers so that just leaves me with choosing 1 more clearo to battle it out with the other 2.

Searching the web for e-liquid is a daunting task so I really appreciate the finger pointing and tips offered so far. I understand it's a personal preference that can vary from one individual to the next but all of your suggestions have helped me narrow the search from infinity and beyond to I think I'll try this one. Every site I visit claims to have the best e-liquid in the world (LoL) so it really helps to hear from experienced vapors.

I found a promising gem in my local area that I hope turns out to be as good as it sounds. I live in south Florida and if you live here or have visited you quickly learn that these parts are not full of genuine honest folk. Scams, Scams, and more scams. Everything is way overpriced and usually low quality. You really have to be careful here because most are the car salesman or snake oil type. Sorry south Florida but it's true.

Anyway, I found a brick and mortar store that is opening in a couple of weeks that's only about 15-20min from me. I talked to the owner on the phone and he seems like a great guy that just wants to run an honest business. I sensed a little frustration in his voice when I asked him if he deals with genuine products or knockoffs (LoL). He assured me that he only deals with genuine products and continued to explain to me how someone can tell the difference between real and not real for many different types of products that he sells. He also explained how there is only 1 real source for AW batteries and most
business don't buy from this source. Everyone thinks they are getting real AW batteries because it's impossible to tell the difference when looking at them. The truth is, many companies buy subpar batteries and wrap an AW cover over them. How very interesting. Oh, and he does carry a few products that are knockoffs for customers that want to save a few bucks but he said there is no trickery involved. Whatever the product is labeled is what you get.

I really hope his store is as genuine as he made it sound on the phone. I'm going to keep my hopes up because he sounded like a stand up guy and not once did I feel like he was trying to force what he is selling down my throat. He did claim that his some of his e liquids were voted #2 in Florida though. He challenged me to look it up LoL. I haven't yet and I will but I'm going to try some regardless. He has a website that I'll post below. If anyone has bought from them please give me some feedback. He seems to have some pretty fair prices on some of the stuff (especially liquid) and said he will have many more products available when the store opens(AW batteries was 1 thing he mentioned).


I found a couple other stores in my area (within driving distance) but they were either overpriced or selling knockoffs. Don't get me wrong some knockoffs are probably fine but I want to start with the trusted stuff first. Once I get the hang of things I will be able to tell the difference between great and good. If anyone in my area knows of a trusted brick and mortar please post and I won't hesitate to try them.

This post is much longer than I planned and I'm really slow at typing so I gotta go. I know, you're thinking *thank god for that.LOL! But before I go, (...*oh god there's more! what the hell is wrong with this person!) I want to thank everyone again for helping me make the switch from cancer sticks to a much healthier alternative as easy peasy as possible. I will be back in the next day or two (...*Oh crap! where the hell is that ignore button!) and will try to respond to each reply. I have a couple questions for some of the members that replied to this thread.(...*great! now I have to change my username).

Thanks again for taking the time to help and for being so patient with newcomers like myself (...*what the %#@& is a newcomer? does he mean newb?) Seriously, you're an awesome bunch.

Last edited:
Sep 16, 2012
Hollywood, Florida
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