Help me pick one

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ECF Veteran
Oct 23, 2008
Blueeyekelly, you can try as they are carrying liquid now too. If you want to stock up on parts and liquid for a month, this is a good place to buy cos shipping remains at $15 no matter how much you buy.

They still ship by EMS though. Add in shipping and see it it meets your budget. Just another place for you to consider if you plan to by M401s and 402s.


Full Member
Mar 29, 2009
I would definitely recommend DSE 901. It is very good **** if you know what I mean.

My package cost me 83 pound that is like 200 dollars. 1 cig, 1 E-liquid (8 mg, LOW), 3 atomizer. And I think it is all you need to start with. I think it is good to be careful in the beginning to see if you like the taste and to handle the e-cig. It feels very awkward in the beginning so it would be pity to throw out 200 dollar for something you don´t like.

What I can say with my 2 hour experience with the e-cig:
It is so much better then a normal cigarette. It is you very, very, very ADDICTIVE. I smoked like 1-2 normal cigarettes a day but with the e-cig it will be lots more.

Be very carefull with the e-liquid! When I was filling up the cartridges I spilled a few drops on my hand and that hurts.

The first puff was really awkward. The taste (E-liquid tobacco) was disgusting but after 20 puffs I kinda liked it.

When you take a puff there always comes little liquid in your month.

Few hours later there is some pain in my throat. As I said before I only smoke 1-2 cig/day and I think the high concentration of nicotine damage the cell-membrane higher then a normal cig.

The pain vanished after 10 min.
Now the pain is back again. Lol...

I have made a decision to stop using the e-cig until World Health Organisation (WHO) deliver a rapport if the e-cig is dangerous or not. The reason for this is following:

It will get me more addictive to smoking then before and if it turns out to be dangerous then I am screwed.

Every time when I look on the e-cig the last scene clip of the film "Requiem for a Dream" comes up in my head.

The main reason why I bought a e-cig was to avoid tar, carbon monoxide and so on. But the e-cig maybe contain some other chemical that is way more hazard then that. As Paulo Coelho say in his book Alchemist, "It is not often money can save your life from death". The normal cigarette cost little more every month then the e-cigarette but at least I know what I will die off.

We know that the e-cig doesn't contain carbon monoxide, tar but what does it contain? How will that effect us in a long term? Well I can say in short term it effected me more then cigarettes have ever affected me.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
all ove the USA
I was leaning towards the 901 for myself.. So it is totally addicting? If I only smoked 1-2 cigs a day I would not even be looking into this I however smoke 10 times that much in a day and hubby smokes at lest twice as much as I do.

I'm not too worried about what ever the WHO says (or the FDA) I don't believe most studies anyway (and with the FDA it is also the lobbyists), I'm a show me type girl then after being shown I try to figure out if there is any optical allusions going on...LOL

Never seen that movie is it any good?

I'll try to avoid getting any eliquid one my skin, I have enough gloves for that, but if there is dangerous chemicals involved... ohhh how fun :evil:

By my reading so far I see that it is like learning to smoke again. I have to dig a little further into the forums to see if there is a thread on any precived changes after the switch that people have felt physically any the like.

Like I said I will probably keep looking till sunday or so hopefully order from a place I can get it by next friday so when hubby is home for Easter we can test it out...

Anyone out there know about how much juice an 901 or 801 uses a day for a moderate and heavy smoker? If I get one for hubby he will need a months supply before heading back out on the road. I would hate to get him started then have him run out in one of those stupid states that cigs are $50 a carton....


Full Member
Mar 29, 2009
As I said before, it is very good ****. I want to quote a dude in
"This aroma so perfect. How did he do that. It was really feel smoking a good Cuban. Whoever is so good that we can not crapoter. You can enjoy mouth leave its scent. And gently suck deep within the lungs without destroying everything in its path.
And it becomes orgasm.
What else is good ....
What taste ... I had forgotten that the cigar was so good and all.
Memories are projected in me my first cigar, the rituals of the large
Cuba for my birthday, the exciting game of poker.
It flavor.
To hit the sweet is it is enjoyable. It is not violent but will know
appreciation. We feel that the smoke passes. But the taste tres tres
This remains in the mouth makes you forget that hit you did not
destroyed. I even apreciez it m'ai not destroyed because it allows me
to better enjoy the taste."
DealExtreme: $23.44 Electronic Cigar with Charger and Refills Set (110~240V AC)

That was a review for a cigar but it fits for this cigarette as well. If you not afraid of the health aspects then go buy it today. It is the best thing money can buy of my point of view.

And as for the movie 'Requiem for a Dream' you most see it!!! Extremely good movie! Actully I quit smoking and drinking for five weeks after seeing it. The movie is about four people and how the drugs affect their lives.
Here is a preview: YouTube - Nicos Requiem for a dream trailer


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 26, 2009
Columbia, Missouri
Another Missourian! We're getting pretty thick on this forum.

I ordered 2 different M401 starter kits from dietsmokes with extra atomizers. I also ordered E-juice from Johnsoncreek.

Read up on Johnsoncreek juice and make up your own mind. It's juice made in the USA that comes in vegetable glycol or propylene glycol - your choice. Note that some have said it kills the atomizers. Lots of arguments about the differences in safety between vegetable glycol or propylene glycol on the forum.

I have a DSE 901 on order from Vaporstix.

Might want to watch this video before placing your order.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
all ove the USA
How are you liking the M401? Still looking at different juices, Johnsoncreek is one of the sites I am looking, however I am trying to find a site where I can order everything I need to start at one place without it costing an arm and a leg, just a arm (I know keep dreaming)

I'm planning to watch that tonight after the kids are in bed :) thanks for the link :)

I'm giving myself a couple days to obsess over this before

Enjoy the rain :)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 26, 2009
Columbia, Missouri
I don't have much to compare it to. Takes a bit to get the atomizer going on the initial run. I did something stupid. When you take the m401 out of the box, there is a cap on it that is just like a cartridge, but doesn't have the wicking material and cup inside. I got it mixed up with a cartridge that I had opened and was dripping juice in the empty cap and wondering why I was getting juice in my mouth.

Getting good hits now. You have to get used to double puffing to get the atomizer going and then get a hit. Dietsmokes has a video review to see it in action.

!'m down to a couple of analog cancer combustion devices per day. Not sure why I'm still doing a couple. It's weird tasting now.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
all ove the USA
How is the battier life of the M401 that you have? I'm looking for good battery life (I know everyone is) as whele as... well who knows since I only heard about these yeasterday morning..LMAO

I'm hopping I like them when I try then and that they are less expencive then cigs which price is climbing all the time, with the new taxes it has dubbled the price per carton here so instead of a $12 a week habbit (for me on those stressfull weeks) it has jumped to a $25 a week habbit.

How much juice do you go through in a day, ball park? Should ask that one in a difrent thread... or search the threads to see if anyone else has asked


Full Member
Mar 29, 2009
I don't have much to compare it to. Takes a bit to get the atomizer going on the initial run. I did something stupid. When you take the m401 out of the box, there is a cap on it that is just like a cartridge, but doesn't have the wicking material and cup inside. I got it mixed up with a cartridge that I had opened and was dripping juice in the empty cap and wondering why I was getting juice in my mouth.

LOL!!! I did the same thing few hours ago! Pulled a three-four drops into an empty cartridge and tried to puff it. There did come little smoke but after the third puff the smoke had totally vanished and I got an awful taste in my mouth. I opened the cartridge to look what happened and there was no juice left. So I dropped three-four new drops and tried to smoke that. Same thing happend, all the juice was sucked in directly into my mouth. And after that, I read the manuel.

Lesson for the day: Always read the manuel first then use the equipment.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 26, 2009
Columbia, Missouri
Battery life is OK. It may get a little better. I'm of the opinion that after you charge for 8 hours, run them down once and then keep them topped up.

Going to work, one battery lasts all day. But I only hit it about 6 or 7 times during that day. I always take a spare battery and a tiny bottle of juice

I go through maybe 20 to 25 drops per day. I was a one pack a day smoker of Kentucky best light 100's.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
all ove the USA
LOL ok read the manual I think I can handle that...

Ok so it is far to assume (as long as you don't to that often...hehe) that a 2 1/2 pack a day smoker (hubby) would probablly go through more, info gathering is so fun :) what strangth of juice do you use (arn't you the lucky one... answer me once and I never shut


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 26, 2009
Columbia, Missouri
I would start with 12 to 18 mg nicotine content. Or buy 36 mg nic juice and dilute it to your liking. Many have found that it is easy to get too much nicotine, so pay attention to how much nic is used and how often. Listen to what your body is telling you.

Some might want a very low nic juice if they puff all day long, others might like a medium to high if they are occasional vapers that might pic it up 7 to 10 times a day.

It is easy to get too much.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 26, 2009
Columbia, Missouri
LOL!!! I did the same thing few hours ago! Pulled a three-four drops into an empty cartridge and tried to puff it. There did come little smoke but after the third puff the smoke had totally vanished and I got an awful taste in my mouth. I opened the cartridge to look what happened and there was no juice left. So I dropped three-four new drops and tried to smoke that. Same thing happend, all the juice was sucked in directly into my mouth. And after that, I read the manuel.

Lesson for the day: Always read the manuel first then use the equipment.

I did read the manual and still managed to do something stupid.
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