Help save the vaping industry!

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Aug 1, 2009
Charlotte, NC
Dear madvapes Customers and fellow Vapers:

madvapes is committed to advocating for the vaping industry and protecting the rights of every vaper. As a company, we are taking steps to prevent the potential catastrophic effect FDA regulation will have on our industry. We are asking for your help.

In an effort to collect valuable data that can demonstrate how important our industry is, we are asking every customer to share their experience by completing a survey. We are offering 10% off your entire purchase or $10.00 off a TFV4 Mini for completing the survey.

Researchers worldwide have agreed vapor products could eliminate the public health hazards caused by the use of combustible tobacco cigarettes. We need your help to make that happen.

Please take a moment and complete the Madvapes E-Cig Usage Survey. A proactive approach is required in order to protect your RIGHT TO VAPE. Madvapes will continue to keep our customers informed on regulations impacting the vapor industry. We appreciate your time and thank you for your part in working toward a future for the vapor industry.


You can complete this survey by clicking the link below:

What more can you do?
The FDA e-cigarette deeming regulations have entered the final stage for approval. The regulations have been sent to the White House Office of Management and Budget (“OMB”) and have the potential to devastate the vapor industry without interference from the OMB or Congress. We are asking consumers to speak out to protect their access to vapor products. The following link will provide additional information.

Members of Congress have realized the devastating impact the FDA deeming regulations will have and many US Representatives and Senators have shown their support for H.R. 2058; a bill which would change the grandfather date in the deeming regulations and allow many products to remain on the market. We are asking consumers to express their support for HR 2058 and urge your representatives to cosponsor this bill. The following link will provide further information.

Copyright © 2015 Madvapes, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

138 Cedar Pointe Dr.
Mooresville, NC 28117


Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 24, 2014
Good survey, but in the spots where you asked if certain aspects of eliquids were important, you should have provided a blank for us to indicate that we're DIY'ers -- although it would be unfortunate for current smokers if the flavors disappear or whatever the FDA does to ejuice, for us DIYers with our own nic stash, it really doesn't matter at all. So it's not that I don't care -- it just doesn't affect me. I have 5-10 yrs worth of nicotine (5 yrs' worth when I calculated it at my 10mg usage level; now at my 5-6mg usage level, it effectively doubles), so whatever the FDA does to eliquid is no skin off my nose at all.



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 15, 2013
Huntersville, NC
Survey done....
Good survey, but in the spots where you asked if certain aspects of eliquids were important, you should have provided a blank for us to indicate that we're DIY'ers -- although it would be unfortunate for current smokers if the flavors disappear or whatever the FDA does to ejuice, for us DIYers with our own nic stash, it really doesn't matter at all. So it's not that I don't care -- it just doesn't affect me. I have 5-10 yrs worth of nicotine (5 yrs' worth when I calculated it at my 10mg usage level; now at my 5-6mg usage level, it effectively doubles), so whatever the FDA does to eliquid is no skin off my nose at all.

My stock will last about the same.... Constantly going between 3 and 10mg....
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