Help walk me off the cliff................into the RBA/RDA world???

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Sep 9, 2013
East Coast
I have said publicly MANY times that I would NOT rebuild. EVER.

Nothing against rebuilding, rebuildables, or those who do.

I just didn't think I had the time or patience. I live a very busy life. I don't need additional points of frustrations.

However, I am quickly growing tired of replacing coils in my Protanks. I have a boatload of PT2s, Aerotanks, (used on a Sigelei 20W and Seven 22) and PT2 Minis (used mostly on eGos for convenience). I have a few Aspire Nautilus as well for the big VV/VW APVs.

Those things are $2-3 each. I just recently spent over $100 buying replacement coils. No, that wasn't just to replace the coils. That was to replace them and have more replacements on hand as spares. I don't have THAT many tanks. But, you get the point...................

While buying my replacement coils, I did so with the very uneasy feeling of knowing in the back of my mind that I could have EASILY just bought some Kanthal, an ohm meter, some cotton and tweezers and been set up for a much longer time for a lot less money. PERIOD.

I have to add this: I LOVE the PTs mainly for the Pyrex. I love glass. I don't like plastic.

So, despite my previous statements to the contrary, I am now considering (ok, lets stop kidding, the only thing stopping me is I don't know where to start), getting into RBA/RDAs.

I'm not opposed to dripping. Would actually be nice when at home. However, as mentioned before, I run 14-18 hours a day, so I prefer a tank with some capacity as opposed to constantly drip/vape/drip/vape over and over.

Help suggest a good RBA/RDA setup. Kayfun lite? IGO-W?

Please keep in mind that my preference is some form of tank with 1.5-5ml capacity.

Thanks in advance.
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Aug 5, 2012
Pasadena, CA
I have an Igo-W that I had sitting around for a while as a backup to my protank. Then I got another protank...and another....and an ismoka...and another one.

Same story......buying craploads of coils. Got sick of it and decided one night to try and build the igo-w.

I did have the wick and wire because I foolishly thought I would be rebuilding my protank coils. Never happened, although I think I could now after learning how to make microcoils for the Igo-w.

I have some 30 gauge Kanthal wire and a box of sterile rolled cotton from CVS. I am still learning how to build them properly, and I'm not going to lie, there is a little bit of a learning curve, but I think you will be more satisfied in the long run.

The problem with the Igo-w is it is strictly a dripper. And you will need to re-drip every 4-8 hits or so.

Today I got a 3D dripper that is something in between a dripper and a tank. It holds about 1.5 ML. of juice. I had it up and running inside of 20 minutes. A little harder to build then the IGO, but I followed Pbusardo's video on how to do it and was vaping soon.

I do have a kayfun 3.1 clone on the way to see how a rebuildable tank system works for me.

I would start with an Igo-W just to see how you like it, and then go from there, although I think a Kayfun 3.1 or Taifun GT would work best for you, remembering that I am new to this world myself.


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Apr 19, 2014
spokane, wa
Thompsondd...I am in the same boat as you swore up and down I never would or wanted to until I realized when I bought another 3 boxes of heads for my protanks/evods ... am I doing...and it helps that I currently am stuck at home not working but that's another story. So I am now contiplating the dive into rba. When you come up with a good design let me know cause I pretty much am looking for exactly the same thing. Good luck in your search maybe someone can jump on and we will start this new journey of frustration together lol. If I see anything that screams out at me I'll let you know.


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Mar 9, 2011
I've always been a dripper and I was getting sick and tired of going over to Madvapes and spending $50 a month on 510 attys that sometimes lasted a week... or a press of the button... way too much inconsistency... and way to many $$$...

I visited a local vape shop and asked about rebuilding and the owner sat me down and spent 2 hrs showing me the ins and outs of it. In the end, I bought a mech mod, RDA and a Kayfun. When I found out I could rebuild on Aspire tanks, I bought one of those.

Yeah, there was an initial investment in getting some tools and wire, but it was the best vaping decision I've made so far.
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