hi, i'm new

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Empress Kitty

Supreme Empress of Earth
ECF Veteran
Hi and welcome and Happy Anniversary and all that jazz!
I like TMBG at least some of their songs (love Istanbul not Constantinople sooo catchy!!)
I'm a pretty decent marksman (markswoman?) too lol I <3 my Taurus 24-7 pro campact (its pink and black) its a .40 cal that I keep loaded with hollow points. I love going to the range and randomly cleaning my baby. I am glad I will have vaping to add as a hobby since i spend waaay too much time idle at home (being disabled sucks -.-) I can't wait to get into DIY juices. Welcome to ECF hope you enjoy yourself like I have!



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
hooray for TMBG fans!!! i figured with so many members, there would have to be 1 or 2. :D

guess what, Lisa? my name is Lisa too.

wow, Kitty. remind me not to meet up with you in a dark alley. ;) i can't remember the last time i actually shot a gun. it was probably a muzzleloader, years ago. i might not even be all that good anymore. haha. you win! i surrender. :)

this is really fun, getting to know new people & all. it's gonna take a while to learn names though. i'm used to 5 or 6 people, not hundreds. :lol

i'm not supposed to be here. i got dirty dishes & whatnot. tomorrow i'll tell you what i think of my new juices. i can tell you this right now though, fruity juice is waaaaay better than the cigarette tasting crap that came with my kit. that stuff like to killed me. i was so relieved when i liked the taste of the stuff i ordered. whew!

ok, see you all tomorrow for realz this time. :p


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2010
Well, biff, in a short time you've gone from newbie to full member. Now the choices of which sub-forum you can post in has expanded dramatically.

But, that's nothing compared to finding a great juice. That is the best part. Good luck on your search.

(And if you're up this way we can have a contest of marksmanship. Either playing cards at 25 feet, fewest shots to cut it in half wins or 100 yards with iron sight pistols only most number of shots on a 9" plate wins. Or you could just sit in on one of my classes as I teach people shooting skills.)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
thanks jymkym1. :)

wow, Hoosier... i didn't know you were such an expert. i surrender again! :p ii doubt i'll ever make it to Indiana. the farthest i ever go from here is usually St Louis, for TMBG shows. i'm even getting too old for that. travel exhausts me. ;) (that was a Hedwig quote. do we have any Hedwig fans here? if not, you don't know what the heck i'm talking about)

ok, on the juice thing... i got some candy cane, orange dreamsicle, pineapple, & cherry. the cherry was because my husband likes cherry. (i'm gonna call him 'galoot' from here on out, cuz my husband is too much to type) anyhoo... i like the orange dreamsicle & candy cane the best. those 2 are both 50/50. i'm not real clear on the PG/VG stuff yet, but it seems like the 50/50 doesn't kill my throat like the higher PG does. (i think the cartos that came with my kit must've been like, 100%, cuz i coughed my head off with those)

the pineapple & Cherry are a higher PV blend, & i must've overfilled my cartomizers or something, cuz they aren't vaping very well. the carto gets super hot, & not much vapor comes out. (?)

one problem might be that i'm using the carts that came with my kit that had that icky cigarette flavor, so i had to clean em out. i used the "quick & dirty" method that i saw on YouTube. maybe i did it wrong, who knows. i just know that that flavor was gross & i wanted it gone.

i've got some blank cartos coming, hopefully today, & some prefilled blueberrys.

one thing i noticed last night that made me really happy... me & galoot are breathing a lot better at night... already! we're still smoking the occasional analog, but still. we got a carton on Friday, & there are only 4 packs gone out of it. we each have an open pack from there. galoot's might not even be open yet. i made him take one with him when he left for just in case.

most weeks, he would've had to stop for more on Wednesday. here it is, Thursday, & we still have more than half a carton left! it's crazy. neither one of us has wanted to rip anybody's face off or anything. it's great! i tend to get all weepy when i try to quit. i've been perfectly fine.

it's just the coolest thing!

so yeah, we're sticking with it for sure. i'll get everything figured out eventually. :p

galoot is so into it, i can hardly believe it. i wasn't sure what he was gonna think at first, but now he's even more gung ho than i am. it's funny. (of course, i'm making it easy for him, cuz i'm doing all the work!)

i can't believe i get to move to the big kid's table now. woo hoo! i wasn't sure i was even gonna post here when i first joined. i'm glad i did. :D

everybody here rocks. seriously. thanks for all the help & support & general friendliness. it makes all the difference in the world.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2010
Yep, you've got it.

VG lessens throat hit, but can mute flavors. PG increases TH, but doesn't produce as much vapor.

Overfilling will cause reduction in vapor production. You can power through it, but take it slow as the coil is still getting hot and you don't want to burn it out. (Pop the coil that is.)

Also any water in the filling material will really drop vapor production.

I did it the way you two are going. Vape when I could and smoked when I had to. Woke up one day and discovered I didn't smoke the day before. No cravings, muss, fuss, and it was too easy to believe.

Keep at it. It gets easier as you find those little things that work for you.

(Yeah, I'm a certified firearm instructor and keep in practice)

My sister has gotten on a peppermint kick and has just about depleted my flavoring supply of peppermint in the last month. (I mix my own juice and for her and my oldest son who have switched too.). Mint flavors and coffee flavors seem to be very popular. The orange cream has some big fans too. You must have done some good research!


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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 1, 2011
Upton, Massachusetts
Welcome to the board! I like the theme song to Malcom in the Middle if that helps ;-) Yep - ecigs are the total way to go to quit. I wish I could get my other half to jump in as well. Now that I am getting my sense of smell back, it is very noticeable when she comes back in from a smoke :-( Keep posting - you sound like a fun person!

I wanna hold your BRAAAINNNNNNS!!!!!


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ECF Veteran
a zombie forum? you guys have everything here! :lol

i like zombies, but not as much as Ambrosia (my son's girlfriend. that's her real name) that's how we got the idea for the Zombie Beatles. we were all out at dinner one weekend when they were here, & she mentioned that the 2 things she likes best (aside from my son, obviously) are zombies & the Beatles. one of the boys came up with the band idea. :lol credit where credit is due. i'm never one to steal someone else's great idea without credits. she's a doll. i couldn't ask for anyone better for my baby. :D

the thing about flavors... i think it's maybe like jello shots. i don't know if anyone here makes em, but i do. i've noticed, if you use strong flavors, like cherry or grape, they're gross. if you use light flavors, like pineapple or lemon or melon fusion, they rock! i'm gonna apply that principal to e-ciggy juice. if galoot wants to try another flavor like cherry, i'm not buying a very big bottle. :p

and i loooove candy canes, just in general. pepper is my mint. ;)

but yes, as a cheapskate, i do my research. :p

thanks for the more welcomes again. you helped me make it to mailman time. wish me luck!


optimistic cynic
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 25, 2010
Birmingham, Al
ah..if it's just beatle zombies, then might i recommend the book "Paul is Undead"? (i haven't actually read it yet) Paul Is Undead - Google Books

I think that dealing with fruit flavors as you would with flavoring jello shots is a pretty reasonable plan. the best of luck and vaping to you and the galoot :)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
thanks CES. :)

Amber just sent me that link last week! hahaha. her dad sent it to her, & he didn't even know about our zombie game.

oh, & i forgot to say to TheoriginalET... Boss Of Me (the Malcolm theme) is like... my least favorite TMBG song. :lol it's the one everybody knows, cuz of the show, which i also didn't like. i worry sometimes that that is the song most people judge them by when every other song of theirs is better. i almost feel like a bad fan saying it, but that's how i feel. it's odd too, cuz i usually like Flansy's songs the best. his ballads make you want to curl up & die... in the nicest possible way. I Blame You, Unforgotten,,, buttah!

here is their newest song, Can't Keep Johnny Down, if anyone wants to hear it... http://downloads.pitchforkmedia.com/They Might Be Giants - Can't Keep Johnny Down.mp3 it's a Linny song. if it's any indication of how the rest of the album is gonna be, i am very excited. :D

well, i got my 2nd order. 3 new batteries (XL) the blueberry cartos, & some blanks. now all i need is my USB hub. i ordered everything on Sunday. i don't know why it's all spaced out like this. (maybe cuz my mailman isn't the greatest, no offense. sometimes i think he reads my Entertainment Weekly before he brings it & that's why i get it so late) oh well, walking to the mail box is good exercise, & the fruit trees smell amazing today!

we'll see how XL these XLs are when I get through with them. ha!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
I am sure you will like your KR8. They are a very good PV the only problem you may experience is short battery life and frequent changing. If you find you are a heavy vaper you may need extra batteries or get a large battery kit that will take KR8 cartos like the Riva-901. 6-10 hours per charge on a big battery.

hey CBB, i keep meaning to ask you... does the Riva-901 work on a KR8 charger, or would i need a different one? i'm home all day, so battery life isn't that big a deal for me. my poor galoot has to work all day though. it might be nice for him to have one that would last all day so he wouldn't have to carry 2 or 3 batteries around.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 20, 2011
The Riva battery requires its own charger and I know that you are on a budget, but if you can save up some and buy a starter kit it comes with two batteries and a charger the Riva batteries are 750mAh compared to the 280mAh that you have with your XL KR8 batteries They should last more than twice as long. You will also get two atomizers and 5 cartridges with a starter kit which will give you an alternative to the cartos.
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