Hi, I'm Scott, and I am a nicotine addict.

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 31, 2011
Mulgrave - VIC - AU
Just about all of my cravings have gone away - was getting a late night sweet craving - (and another strange thing - love chocolate and now don't want any of that either) but got some really yummie fruity juices and last night - didn't have a sweet craving!

It's really interesting to read this (again). It looks like for some people another side effect of switching to vaping is less of a desire to drink cola or flavored drinks.

I haven't managed to completely quit smoking just yet (down from around 20 to about 3-5 per day) so I find I'm still craving lemondade but for my first few weeks of vaping where I'd quit smoking completely, all I ever wanted was water!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 8, 2010
Hc Svnt Dracones - USA EST
<Crowd Drones Again> "Hi chevelle, Hi Kitsch, Hi Gary, Hi Lisa, Hi Tasty's Cat"

<Editorial/Audience Note>:
You don't get a "Hi...." back unless you start with one. We have rules for these meetings, you know. So my apologies to those I forgot... but if you didn't say "Hi, my name is ________" you probably didn't get a <crowd drone>. The exception, of course, is Tasty's cat; although I think I heard a "meow meow purrrrrh" a while ago, which roughly translated probably means "Hi, I'm Tasty's Cat, and I'm a nip addict". Tasty, I'd have to say that your cat is very well mannered.... unlike all of those that break protocol for posts such as this. Shame, that.

Oh, besides, in all fairness, I think that critter man started the whole reply thing (although it was less obvious/more subtle) in post #3... so he should be obligated to respond for the crowd!!!!! :)

<Oh, and I don't really mean to make fun of the REAL meetings... very good and serious stuff. This thread has good irony tho. And I've been responding as the crowd, so next post:>
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 8, 2010
Hc Svnt Dracones - USA EST
<stands up> Hi, my name is Atty, and I'm a nicotine addict. <Crowd Drones: Hi Atty>
And! I want to hand out these quit smoking flyers <Crowd Groans. Mumbles>
No really... it's for these electronic cigarette things (we call them PV's) <Crowd empties cig packs, pockets cigs, throws empty packs at Atty>
Fine. If you only knew.... humph!
Now you're going to have ugly pictures on your packs... just to make you feel worse about it!!! (And sell more cigarette cases) <Atty Glares Back>
I'm nearly a year tobacco free!!! (Well, zero days nicotine free tho).
And I don't smell either!
I must be low on nic.....
<looks embarrassed, sits down>
Yup. I'm an addict.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 2, 2011
Vape Town
It's really interesting to read this (again). It looks like for some people another side effect of switching to vaping is less of a desire to drink cola or flavored drinks.

I haven't managed to completely quit smoking just yet (down from around 20 to about 3-5 per day) so I find I'm still craving lemondade but for my first few weeks of vaping where I'd quit smoking completely, all I ever wanted was water!

Really interesting because when I'm not drinking water - I want something tart also..lol. I have diet lemonade - and no idea why on the diet because I don't normally drink diet anything - and fill a tall glass with ice - add lemonade and very lightly lace it with a bit of cherry juice and it is FAB!! I found a simple recipe for cherry syrup (2 packets of cherry koolaid - 1 cup sugar and 3 cups of water) threw that in a tall water bottle that has a pull up pourer type thing with a lid. It's pretty yummie!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 2, 2011
Vape Town
Hi Lisa, I'm a couple hours down the road, near Columbia. I almost feel guilty, because so many of my friends/family went through torture to quit smoking (or not). Vaping has been good for me, but I just want it to work, I don't need the fiddle factor.

Hiya Nano! Really nice to meet ya! How ya like all this weather we are having? I'd like to capture today and keep it all summer!

I'm using an KR808D1 - and for a newbie it's a good place to start. It's simple. I have 5 of them so as soon as they burn out - I'm sure I will be brimming with knowledge from the ECF crowd and upgrade! LOVE juices. Mostly I love how easy it was for me to quit nasty analogs! I do agree - I just had a friend tell me about his withdrawals from the SECOND time he quit and now he is smoking again and he had ZERO interest in my lil ECig. However, he got really sick the second time he quit and describes quitting as extremely painful - literally. He said he might consider it down the line after watching me...lol but he was a buzzkill about it because the tone implicated I would fail. LOL I don't mind. Failure isn't an option for me so it just saddened me that he's losing time he could be VAPING!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 2, 2011
Vape Town
<stands up> Hi, my name is Atty, and I'm a nicotine addict. <Crowd Drones: Hi Atty>
And! I want to hand out these quit smoking flyers <Crowd Groans. Mumbles>
No really it's for these electronic cigarettes (we call them PV's) <Crowd empties cig packs, pockets cigs, throws empty packs at Atty>
Fine. If you only knew.... humph!
I'm nearly a year tobacco free!!! (Zero days nicotine free tho). Yup. I'm an addict.

HaHaHa!! Hiya Atty - Nice to meet you and congrats on a nearly a year!!! That is so awesome!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 15, 2011
Catatonic State, USA
Hi atty, I am not an attorney, but I play one on TeeVee. No, wait... that was Marcus Welby, MD. *** Whew, if you've ever been an overwhelmed newbie, all you have to do is plop atty into your favorite search thingie online, and you get the whole American Bar Association coming back.

Congrats atty on pushing a year!

fi3nds, my time clean is right behind you.

***Note to confused young people. Robert Young played a doctor on television, and later did some commercials in his Dr. Welby costume. He prefaced it with "Hi, I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV". In trying to find accurate linkage, I discovered that this soap star, Peter Bergman allegedly poplarized it first in 1986 on The Young And The Restless. Pfft.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 15, 2011
Catatonic State, USA
I titled my first newbie thread here with an oblique joke on AA/12-step program things on "admit that you have a problem". I first came across this decades ago (I am an old guy) when I was a mere pup in my 30's, dating someone that was in Overeaters Anon. She was so excited about the positive stuff, that she started attending every [fill in the blank]Anonymous that she could, just for support.

One thing that stuck with me, was that she attended NA, just for more 12-step support. She told me that among the ppl kicking hard chemicals, they let them smoke cigs because that was harder to quit.

At the time, I smiled, and nodded, as I lit another cig.

Many of us grew up in the 60's-70's, and speaking for myself, decades ago I had more than a passing knowledge of many Trendy Chemical Amusement products. That has all been gone now for more decades, but when push came to shove, cigs were what I would spend my last dollar on, when I was poor.

I am happy now, that I can quit cigs.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
<stands up> Hi, my name is Atty, and I'm a nicotine addict. <Crowd Drones: Hi Atty>
And! I want to hand out these quit smoking flyers <Crowd Groans. Mumbles>
No really... it's for these electronic cigarette things (we call them PV's) <Crowd empties cig packs, pockets cigs, throws empty packs at Atty>
Fine. If you only knew.... humph!
Now you're going to have ugly pictures on your packs... just to make you feel worse about it!!! (And sell more cigarette cases) <Atty Glares Back>
I'm nearly a year tobacco free!!! (Well, zero days nicotine free tho).
And I don't smell either!
I must be low on nic.....
<looks embarrassed, sits down>
Yup. I'm an addict.

...And the crowd roars their approval as the man from Here Be Dragons - USA takes his seat... An inspring oratory. I just wanna know where the Dragons are in that place called Oooosa.

Seriously, this is a big reason I enjoy visiting this forum. Our addictions are difficult to defeat alone. With ECF, we don't have to and can share some irony and humor along the way. Lightens the load immensely. Thanks Atty and all.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 15, 2011
Catatonic State, USA
...And the crowd roars their approval as the man from Here Be Dragons - USA takes his seat... An inspring oratory. I just wanna know where the Dragons are in that place called Oooosa.

Heh, Here Be Dragons is the name of my home wifi. I did not catch the Hc Svnt Dracones connection.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 8, 2010
Hc Svnt Dracones - USA EST
Good work on switching, everyone!


@chevelle..... Oooosa?

OOSA Office for Outer Space Affairs (United Nations)
OOSA Object Oriented Systems Analysis
OOSA Out of State Attorney (volunteer poll worker)

Obscure reference clarification requested.

P.P.S. Thx Blue. Thx nano. And good network name. You did change the password too... yes? Assume so. Of course you would.
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Full Member
Jun 3, 2011
Greenville, SC
Hi to everyone!
I like the way you started the thread Nanovapr! I'm Sally and I'm a nicotine addict! Thank goodness I am taking care of the tobacco addiction though. I like the play on the 12 step program because I'm a firm believer in it. I am a recovering alcoholic that will have 10 years of sobriety on July 17th and it all started with one meeting just like my recovering from tobacco started with looking at this forum. They say that quitting analogs is harder than quitting ....... I do know that when I tried with a pill....lol it was harder than quitting drinking. I lasted 6 months and it was the most miserable I've ever been. Now with vaping...well, put it this way..l didn't change to vaping to quit. It was only to save money and be healthier. Quitting the anologs just seemed to happen on its own. So for me it is a side benefit to say that now I am a recovering tobacco addict. :)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Good work on switching, everyone!


@chevelle..... Oooosa?

OOSA Office for Outer Space Affairs (United Nations)
OOSA Object Oriented Systems Analysis
OOSA Out of State Attorney (volunteer poll worker)

Obscure reference clarification requested.

P.P.S. Thx Blue. Thx nano. And good network name. You did change the password too... yes? Assume so. Of course you would.

Ooosa=USA I know, its just marginal humor at its most mediocre. Not without basis in reality though. There is a city in Japan by the name of...wait for it...Usa. Rumor has it that it was a popular manufacturing center and when products were shipped over here, labels proudly proclaimed that it was Made In USA. Urban Legend? I dunno. I'll be quiet now.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 8, 2010
Hc Svnt Dracones - USA EST
<Crowd Drones> Hi Sally, Hi DJ, Hi Dominic

Hi <Humpty's Name> BTW There's a patch on the floor near you and it smells.

Prorok1986 ... I've never smoked e-juice. How is it? Tastes like Bacon? How long do you leave it in the smoker? When you switch to vaping... let us know!

@chevelle Oooo. S. A. - got it. Thx. Duh.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 1, 2010
My name is Dominic and I am a cigar enthusiast located in Brighton, East Sussex. I’ve been enjoying cigars for about 3 years now and am completely enamored with the hobby. I enjoy cigars because they give me a chance to slow down, relax, and gather my thoughts. overall nectar is my favorite cigar, it has a mild, smooth herbal tea flavor, and draws fairly easily.

I was just browsing around and I think this is a great forum for cigar fans and I’m hoping to be able to get and share helpful information here.. looking forward to becoming a more active member..

It's easy to quit smoking. I've done it hundreds of times

Welcome to ECF. Were you thinking of buying an e-cig? Vaping is cool !
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