Hi new member here! With a faulty ego-t ;(

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New Member
Nov 20, 2012
Hi there guys,

Im from a country, where e-cig is pretty illegal here. However, I managed to purchase a starter pack of ego-t from the Philippines last year. I have since stopped smoking for almost a year.

Unfortunately, it seems like my ego-t has malfunction. It no longer turns on. No blinking light no nothing.
when I plugged it to USB, there is just flashing RED as the bottom of the USB, where it does light up which plugged to USB.

Any idea, how I can fix it? Or is it that the battery is dead?

Any advise, appreciated


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Sep 7, 2012
Dallas, Texas
Could be the battery or a fusible link. They are a real pain to get into and repair. You'd need to be able to pull it lose from the bottom and the top to be able to replace the battery. I've dissected a ego Twist 1000 that was bad you would need that special battery. Mine looked like a bag with cardboard and some wire coming out of it no metal outer skin. If you can solder and you can find that battery you maybe could as long as the controller and charger parts are working.
One thought have you tried a regular 510 charger on it. A pass through can be charged from either end. Your passthrough charger board may just be bad.


Ultra Member
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Jun 27, 2011
North Las Vegas
Welcome , but sadly , it is probably just as easy to toss it , and try to get something else . None of the batteries , either the Ego types , or the regular batteries , used in the big battery type mods , last more than a year , or so . One could only hope , you have more than one device to use . Whatever you get to replace the broken one , be sure to get more than one , and / or extra battreies , and chargers , just in case . Good luck


Full Member
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Oct 12, 2012
Unfortunately if it's over a year old it's probably dead, obviously depending on your use that battery has been recharged over 500 times (making some assumptions here) so actually isn't doing bad

Before anyone points it out I am aware there are 365 days in a year , but I could easily get through 2 little egot batteries in a day
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