high nicotine = upset stomach?

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Sep 1, 2008
Southern California USA
Well if you think about it, nicotine is a sympathetic system stimulant - the sympathetic system is the autonomic nervous system responsible for the flight or fight response. When this system is activated, it inhibits digestion to conserve energy stores for muscles. So basically when you get high levels of nicotine, your digestive system isn't working as best as it should be causing gastrointestinal discomfort.


New Member
Nov 5, 2009
Hmmmm that sounds jummy. Um it makes sense. I am also just started vaping and i am still having a hard time getting the amount of vaping to the level of nic just right. I am now rotating beween to custom filled carts one High 24mg and the other 18mg. The 24mg gives a big hit and i only need to take 2 or 3 drags and im back in action for 30mins or so. I havent OverD'ed because i really dont want to. But I know a high intake of nic does react to your stomach.


Full Member
Aug 23, 2009
I usually vape on 36mg camel flavor from TW with no adverse effects at all. When I switch to TW's 36mg mintchoc flavor I get an upset stomach. Strange.

Strange, when I started I was vaping 24mg Lemon form TW, then when that ran out i ordered minty chocolate 24mg and it also upsets my stomach a little.

But as for the OP. From my experience, yes, nicotine can give you an upset stomach. More so if you haven't consumed any food recently, an excess amount can make you feel nauseous.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 24, 2009
I have GERD and a hiatal hernia. Caffeine and nicotine are recognized as being among the major stomach upsetter for people with these conditions. I was quite bothered by analogs, but e-cigs do not bother me as much, even at 24mg. Of course, if I chain-vape for 15 minutes straight, I will feel my stomach complaining.


I have a real problem getting enough nicotine to keep the widthdrawal symptons away. If I vape too much I end up and having a GERD incident. This has been a very big problem for me. I wish there was a solution out there somewhere.

Has anyone else had an upset stomach from high nicotine levels? Oog. Need tums. :(

Just got my PV tonight.

Yeah, in the beginning it made my stomach feel weird, turned out that it was the PG and the fact that I was trying to smoke it like I did a reg cigarette, Someone suggested switching to VG and to draw in the vapor really slow, like one smokes a pipe. That really helped.

Try taking in longer, slower drags and see if that helps. If it's still bothering you in the next couple of days, you might need to switch to VG. :)

hope this helps you...:)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 24, 2009
It's possible that if you lung inhale instead of mouth inhale less of the nicotine will actually land in your stomach from the deep inhalation. Maybe give it a shot.

I don't think the nicotine contact with the stomach is what is causing the stomach issues, it's the acid production. I'm not sure if it matters where the nicotine is being absorbed. I draw on the e-cig exactly the same way I did cigarettes.

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 24, 2009
Also, they have found that most of the nicotine in ecigs is absorbed thru the mouth and upper airways, not the lungs, so how deeply you inhale, really should not make a difference. Maybe not holding it in your mouth so long would help a bit? Easiest way to fix this though is to just cut your level down.

I wish it were that simple. I have been experimenting with nic levels. If I reduce the strength too low I start having withdrawal symptoms. If I get it too high the GERD comes back. I am already taking the maximum dosage of Zegerid. I need to locate a doctor that can understand my issues and offer a solution. It's much too complicated to explain as there several other factors involved. My choices are really:

1. Continue to try and find a solution or
2. Return to cigarettes.

I don't want to give up so I'm going with #1 for now.



Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 8, 2009
Madison, GA
Several months ago, when the 48-mg flavored juices were more available, I tried to catch a buzz. I filled three 801s with the juice and hot-boxed them as quickly as possible.

It took about thirty minutes, but, alas, I never got that buzz. Instead, I went directly to nausea- vivid, upsetting, have-to-puke nausea.

Since then I've looked askance at claims of a buzz from e-cigs. Maybe it works for some folks, but not for me.

Yup. Too much nicotine over too-short a time will definitely cause nausea.
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