How has your vaping evolved?

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Jul 19, 2011
Seattle, WA
I wasn't just a smoker, I was a smoooookeeer. I was one of those people who would drag myself out of a hospital bed with a 104 degree fever to smoke, stand in 110 degree heat, in the rain, who left movies to have a few quick drags because I could not go 3 hours. I've paid tons extra and rerouted entire vacations around having to fly through Atlanta so I could smoke. I also have asthma and an autoimmune disease and beginning COPD, BTW. And I would have died. For sure. I would have died because I had done Chantix, patches, pills, hypnotism, Wellbutrin, anti-anxieties, you name it - all unsuccessfully. Oh, I managed to quit a few times, once up to a year. But I always knew I'd go back, given the right stressor. I knew I was still a smoker, even when not smoking.

I can and do really relate to everything here. I think/hope I'm through with analogs for all time -- this time around. :)


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Apr 29, 2013
San Antonio, TX, USA
Hell yes, science up in here.
Did someone say science?



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May 6, 2013
United States
My wife and I started with Fin cigg-a-likes from Wally World. We had been trying to quit (and trying and trying) unsuccessfully for over a year. I bought our last pack and two Fin starter packs. Long story short, it worked. It did not take long, however, to find that buying those pre-filled cartomizers was not exactly saving us any money. Found a local brick and mortar and bought a My7's hybrid. This was an improvement and what led us to the web to explore. Fast forward a month and I had a Provari and a Zen-atty-pro and the wife is rocking an Kanger on a eGo. (She doesn't like the heft of the Provari.)

We are now on the search for juice Nirvana. But one thing is for sure - we are NEVER going back to analogs.


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Jun 4, 2011
Northern California
I started with a Riva 1100, then bought a backup set. Then I discovered vv and bought a vv box from Madvapes, and then a backup. Then I discovered tanks and tried a few. After a rather nasty leakage incident in a shirt pocket at a party, I bought my first bottom feed rig, then a backup. Then I built a couple of simple bottom feeders. Then I bought a vv Reo Grand.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 12, 2012
Lawrence KS
Well, back in 2010 my vape was a tiny, single celled organism. You needed a microscope to see him.

Around 2011, he became a multi-celled organism. He eventually spread into a colony, and I believe from that point he went aquatic. It was around the beginning of 2012 that my little vapes first grew legs, and developed lungs.

Mid-2012 my vaporites became mammals.

Beginning of 2013, my vaporites had already established city-states. They developed language, agriculture, symbolism, and even religion! (They view me as their God, ironically!)

the most recent breakthrough, is my vaporites have finally established a relationship with Me. They are now fully conscious of being One with me........and as we all know, the only logical next step from there, is for them to return to Me.

I must say, the evolution of my vapes has been been both a remarkable, and wondrous journey. should seek help.


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May 24, 2013
Overland Park, Kansas, USA
I started out with Smokeless Image Volts and X2's, but quickly moved on to mods in order to use replaceable batteries and more options in juice delivery devices. My first mods were AltSmoke's BB and Silver Bullet and pyrex cartotanks. Moved on to variable voltage with a Provari.

View attachment 215832

I had a phase where I wanted something more lightweight, pocket-friendly, yet still had variable voltage. I purchased some inexpensive gripper-style mods to use for out-and-about and continued to use the Provari mostly at home.

View attachment 215833

I found over time that I was still grabbing for the Provari when I left home...I just preferred its vape quality over the others. I'd always wanted a Mini Provari, so for my 1 year anniversary being smoke-free I awarded myself with one. Now the Mini sees almost all the action out of the house and the two Provari's together get most of my attention at home.

Recently I've been enjoying the vape of a couple of AGA T2 rebuildable atty tanks for home, and continue using my IBTanks (up to a dozen now) for home and away.

View attachment 215839 View attachment 215842 View attachment 215847

I've gravitated to those vendors that use all-organic, all-natural flavorings; and generally use a 50/50 pg/vg mix. I've cut my nicotine strength from 24mg to 12mg. Just starting to experiement with DIY.

First "all day vapes" were Copper Creek's House Blend and Virgin Vapor's Kona Velvet Milkshake. Then I got away from that and would use 3 - 4 flavors in any given day from up to a dozen flavors at my disposal. Currently my favorite flavor is a Golden Apple from Dripeez, either alone or with some Cinnamon or Rum added.
Hey I love those drip tips and tanks. Are those ibtanked ones... you say they are pyrex? I just bought some protanks I love the clean flavor from a pyrex tank.


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May 24, 2013
Overland Park, Kansas, USA
Not juice, but we have talked about maybe starting to stock up on some high strength nic to freeze. VG, PG, and flavor are not going to be bannable - it's used for too many other things. Worse comes to worse we will learn to DIY. It'll be like bathtub gin during prohibition - we'll all be making bathtub juice. ECF will get renamed the Blind Tiger Speakeasy when the revenuers show up. :D
I could so own a speak easy... let's just hope they don't turn into opium dens like in the prohibition


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
Hey I love those drip tips and tanks. Are those ibtanked ones... you say they are pyrex? I just bought some protanks I love the clean flavor from a pyrex tank.
The tanks pictured are a variety of cartotanks and RBA (rebuildable atomizer) tanks. The top pictures are of pyrex or polypropylene plastic cartotanks, the bottom pics are of AGA T2 RBA tanks (also pyrex).

Here are some pics of some IBTanked pyrex cartotanks.

IBTanked-1.jpg IBTanked-2.jpg IBTanked-MiniProvari.jpg IBTanked25mmsb.jpg
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Vaping Master
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Sep 30, 2010
I ordered my first Joye 510 ecig kit planning to use it when vaping would be more convenient then smoking. I had no intention to quit smoking. The day my kit arrived I decided to give quitting a try. I had nothing to loose if it didnt happen. :) Its been almost 3 years since I last enjoyed a cigarette :D

The best advise I was given when I started by a veteran vapor was to make vaping its own experience and not try to duplicate smoking. They are not the same and never would be. There were the occasional moments in my first 5 months that I REALLY wanted a cigarette but I vaped my way through them. There were moments in my first year and a half that I REALLY missed not smoking but never enough to actually smoke a cigarette. It feels like forever now since I last wanted a cigarette. To say smoking holds no interest for me is a understatement at this point. I lost my addiction to nicotine two years ago. I vape because I enjoy it, not because I need to. I now treat nicotine the same way I treat caffeine. Most often drink decafe coffee or pop and zero mg juice but occasionally I do use some nic in my juice because some juices just taste better with a little nic like I sometimes enjoy a cup or two of regular coffee :)

For my first two and a half years I pretty much bought whatever I wanted in vaping toys. I enjoyed trying new things. I finally lost that desire and its been months now since I bought any new toys. I find myself using my Ego Twist often these days although I still love my Zenesis Mini and my Precise + 18350 and my Hogmod bottom feeder, and my Buzz Pro :) Sometimes I use my RA attys or my Vivi Nova's but most often you will find me dripping with my 510 attys using a Trippy Tip.

There are still a couple of vendor juices I enjoy sometimes but most often I DIY my own juice which I've done for a long time now.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 24, 2013
Overland Park, Kansas, USA
I ordered my first Joye 510 ecig kit planning to use it when vaping would be more convenient then smoking. I had no intention to quit smoking. The day my kit arrived I decided to give quitting a try. I had nothing to loose if it didnt happen. :) Its been almost 3 years since I last enjoyed a cigarette :D

The best advise I was given when I started by a veteran vapor was to make vaping its own experience and not try to duplicate smoking. They are not the same and never would be. There were the occasional moments in my first 5 months that I REALLY wanted a cigarette but I vaped my way through them. There were moments in my first year and a half that I REALLY missed not smoking but never enough to actually smoke a cigarette. It feels like forever now since I last wanted a cigarette. To say smoking holds no interest for me is a understatement at this point. I lost my addiction to nicotine two years ago. I vape because I enjoy it, not because I need to. I now treat nicotine the same way I treat caffeine. Most often drink decafe coffee or pop and zero mg juice but occasionally I do use some nic in my juice because some juices just taste better with a little nic like I sometimes enjoy a cup or two of regular coffee :)

For my first two and a half years I pretty much bought whatever I wanted in vaping toys. I enjoyed trying new things. I finally lost that desire and its been months now since I bought any new toys. I find myself using my Ego Twist often these days although I still love my Zenesis Mini and my Precise + 18350 and my Hogmod bottom feeder, and my Buzz Pro :) Sometimes I use my RA attys or my Vivi Nova's but most often you will find me dripping with my 510 attys using a Trippy Tip.

There are still a couple of vendor juices I enjoy sometimes but most often I DIY my own juice which I've done for a long time now.

Did it take you long to get a juice with your DIY?


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 30, 2013
Portland, OR
I ordered my first Joye 510 ecig kit planning to use it when vaping would be more convenient then smoking. I had no intention to quit smoking. The day my kit arrived I decided to give quitting a try. I had nothing to loose if it didnt happen. :) Its been almost 3 years since I last enjoyed a cigarette :D

The best advise I was given when I started by a veteran vapor was to make vaping its own experience and not try to duplicate smoking. They are not the same and never would be. There were the occasional moments in my first 5 months that I REALLY wanted a cigarette but I vaped my way through them. There were moments in my first year and a half that I REALLY missed not smoking but never enough to actually smoke a cigarette. It feels like forever now since I last wanted a cigarette. To say smoking holds no interest for me is a understatement at this point. I lost my addiction to nicotine two years ago. I vape because I enjoy it, not because I need to. I now treat nicotine the same way I treat caffeine. Most often drink decafe coffee or pop and zero mg juice but occasionally I do use some nic in my juice because some juices just taste better with a little nic like I sometimes enjoy a cup or two of regular coffee :)

For my first two and a half years I pretty much bought whatever I wanted in vaping toys. I enjoyed trying new things. I finally lost that desire and its been months now since I bought any new toys. I find myself using my Ego Twist often these days although I still love my Zenesis Mini and my Precise + 18350 and my Hogmod bottom feeder, and my Buzz Pro :) Sometimes I use my RA attys or my Vivi Nova's but most often you will find me dripping with my 510 attys using a Trippy Tip.

There are still a couple of vendor juices I enjoy sometimes but most often I DIY my own juice which I've done for a long time now.

It always gets me that I see these kinds of posts from -- get this-- a grandma. :rickroll::rickroll:

I hope that I can be where you are now, in a few years. It's truly an inspiring post.


Full Member
Jan 4, 2013
Portage, MI
I started with a Blu disposable, purchased a Blu kit then quickly became discouraged with it. Before going back to Camels I did a little research, found a local vapor shop and bought an eGo-T kit.
Bought my first clearomizer and never used another tank. Bought a Twist then a eGo-T Mod. About three months in I started DIY and made a lot of vapable juice but never mastered an ADV.
Got my first Vivi Nova and never used another clearomizer. Got my first Protank and haven't vaped a Nova since. Finally got a Vamo not long ago though I still use my eGo's daily at work just for the stealth and convenience of it fitting in my shirt pocket and looking like a pen.
I still dabble in the DIY on occasion but have been on MBV's Hawk Sauce as an ADV for a few months now. Three weeks from my one year anniversary and happily vaping away.

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Feb 12, 2013
I started out on all TW products - a Titan Tank and their pre-made juices. 36mg strength... and most of their juices are 70/30 ratios.

Then it was the first model of the Torpedo when they went on clearance to make room for the Chrome models.

Now days I vape with yet another TW product: the Vape-Pro. I'm still a pretty hardcore fan of TW when it comes to devices, mainly because of their GREAT customer service and troubleshooting/tech support, along with decent warranties on all their devices, and it doesn't hurt that their devices are very well made and sturdy to boot. And the forums are friendly and awesome sources of info as well. My juice on the other hand has changed drastically. I vape 50/50 right now because I found the high PG ratio fluids were giving me headaches among other things. Because of that, I had to quit the TW juices but I'm actually quite glad I did. Don't get me wrong... a lot of their flavors taste good... but also there's a lot of bad apples as well, and most importantly not much of a selection. I have pretty much tried all of their flavors I want to try. I also realized there was much cheaper juice to be found. And then I discovered MBV. Not only do they let me select the proper ratio at no charge, but they also have TONS of every flavor imaginable, and I also discovered with them that I really prefer natural flavoring to artificial. For me, the natural flavoring does a much better job at mimicking whatever flavor it's supposed to taste like. It also helps that I spend about half as much on their juices as I would TW juices (actually more than that if the TW juice isn't being YoYoed). Now I'm starting to play around with flavor shots, but I think I will give those a rest as I find they tend to make the juice harder to vape. Or maybe it's the extra VG. I'm not really sure. But they DO burn very easily, so I might try going without the extra flavor shot this month.

I'm dying to try a good natural mango flavor of juice now as well.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 24, 2013
Overland Park, Kansas, USA
I started with a Blu disposable, purchased a Blu kit then quickly became discouraged with it. Before going back to Camels I did a little research, found a local vapor shop and bought an eGo-T kit.
Bought my first clearomizer and never used another tank. Bought a Twist then a eGo-T Mod. About three months in I started DIY and made a lot of vapable juice but never mastered an ADV.
Got my first Vivi Nova and never used another clearomizer. Got my first Protank and haven't vaped a Nova since. Finally got a Vamo not long ago though I still use my eGo's daily at work just for the stealth and convenience of it fitting in my shirt pocket and looking like a pen.
I still dabble in the DIY on occasion but have been on MBV's Hawk Sauce as an ADV for a few months now. Three weeks from my one year anniversary and happily vaping away.

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Congrats on the anniversary :)
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